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数学元认知 mathematical metacognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-21 14:12:16


数学元认知 mathematical metacognition英语短句 例句大全

数学元认知,mathematical metacognition

1)mathematical metacognition数学元认知

1.It elaborates on concrete incarnation ofmathematical metacognition.详细论述了数学元认知作用的具体体现。

2.It also analyses the characteristics of the structure ofmathematical metacognition.讨论了数学元认知结构的组成和各要素间的相互关系,分析了数学元认知结构的特

3.Mathematical metacognition helps students develop mathematical thinking skills, develop their initiative and self-consciousness so that students can form good learning habits, and master scientific learning methods to improve self-learning ability.数学元认知有助于开发学生的数学思维能力,发挥学生的主动性和自觉性,使学生形成良好的学习习惯,掌握科学的学习方法,提高自主学习能力。


1.The Role of Mathematical Metacognition in the Construction of Mathermatical Cognitive Structure and Its Teaching Study数学元认知在数学认知结构建构过程中的作用及其教学研究

2.Study on the Development of 4-6 Year-old Children s Mathematical Metacognition;4-6岁儿童数学元认知的发展研究

3.Researches on High School Students Mathematical Cognition Training in Classroom Environments;高中数学元认知的课堂干预实验研究

4.The Study of the Relationship between Mathematical Meta-cognition and Mathematical Understanding of High School Students高中生的数学元认知与数学理解的关系研究

5.Understanding the Education about the Mathematical Quality in Junior Middle School Judged by the Fundamental Cognition;从元认知角度认识中学数学素质教育

6.Investigation and Analyses about Differences of Meta-cognition in Learning Mathematics of High School Students between the Han and the Tibetan;藏、汉学生数学学习元认知差异的研究

7.The Research on the Training for the First Cognition in Mathematics Teaching in Middle School;高中数学教学中元认知能力培养研究

8.Features of the Metacognition of the Students with Math Learning Disabilities and the Teaching Strategy;数学学习困难学生的元认知特点及教学策略

9.A Research on the Development of Meta Cognition in the Mathematic Learning of the High School Students;高中学生数学学习中元认知能力培养研究

10.The Research on the Developing of the Students Ability of Metacongnition in Mathematics Teaching at Senior Schools;高中数学教学中发展学生元认知水平的研究

11.The Research of Improving the Students Ability of Metacognition in Mathematics Teaching;数学教学中提高学生元认知能力的研究

12.Using yuan cognition theory to guide the teaching of solving mathematics problem of middle school;运用元认知理论指导中学数学解题教学

13.Metacognitve Skill Training by Reflection on Lower Achievers in High Schools;中学数学学困生题后反思的元认知技能培训

parative Investigation and Analyses about Meta-cognition of Junior 1 High School Students between the Yao and the Han in Guangxi;广西瑶汉初一学生数学学习元认知比较分析

15.An Investigation and Analyses About Metacognition Level of Middle School Students in Learning Mathematics;中学生数学学习元认知水平的调查分析

16.A Tentative Analysis of Cognitive,Metacognitive Strategies and Correspondent Trainings in Mathematical Problem Solving of Primary School Students;小学生数学应用题解决的认知与元认知策略及其训练研究

17.An Intervetion Study of the Metacognition to the Primary School Pupils Towards Mathematical Computational Estimation;小学生数学估算能力的元认知干预研究

18.An Experimental Study of the Teaching of Mathematics on the Basis of Metacognition in Teacher s Colleges;基于元认知指导的高师数学教学实验研究


knowledge of mathematics meta-cognitive数学元认知知识

3)mathematical information primary-cognition数学信息元认知

1.As primary-cognitions is regarded as the core of all cognitions,mathematical information primary-cognition is the basis of mathematical information cognitions.数学信息元认知是数学信息认知的基础。

4)mathematics meta-cognitive monitoring数学元认知体验

5)experience of mathematics meta-cognitive数学元认知监控

6)mathematics meta-cognitive capability数学元认知能力

1.Themathematics meta-cognitive capability is the capability of one s self-awareness and self-monitoring relying on his knowledge of meta-cognitive and experience of meta-cognitive during h.所谓数学元认知能力,指的是个体依赖于自己的元认知知识和元认知体验在自己的数学认知过程中进行自我意识、自我监控的能力。


元认知指对个人认知活动的认知。例如在教学心理学中常提到"学习如何学习",指的就是这种次认知。但作为一个明确的概念,还是近年来才出现在认知心理学中。认知同元认知的区别,正如学习同"学习如何学习"的区别一样。一个人的脑子里装有某些知识是一回事,这些知识在需要的时候是否能得到利用是另一回事;具有某种技能和应用该技能也是两回事;改进作业和对作业改进的了解也是两回事。随着对元认知作用的认识和研究的发展,元认知技能的训练开始被列为教学的明确目标之一。元认知的作用大体包括3方面 ①元认知知识。包括有关人类思维过程的知识,其中有3种相互起作用的因素:人(认知的主体)、任务(特点和难易)和策略(多种认知方法的相对优劣)。②元认知体验。对自己认知作业中某些方的自觉体验,如"知的感觉"和"不知的感觉"等体验。③元认知技能。如核对、计划、提问、自我测试和监控自己的操作;在解决问题前向自己和别人提问以确定是否认识了问题;把答案和现实加以对照,不管是否"答对",只看是否"合理";检查解决问题的企图是否有效,是否应继续努力。元认知技能还包括怎样选择一种适宜的策略去解决特定的问题,怎样评定一个人对有关作业的知识水平,怎样检查作业的成绩,获得更多的知识等等。有证据说明,这些技能是可以教给学生的,学生也是可以学会的。元认知作用体现为对认知活动的监控,它是在儿童发展过程中逐步形成的,在心理发展和教育心理方面有重要的意义。

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