糖尿病康复 > 元认知能力 Metacognitive ability英语短句 例句大全

元认知能力 Metacognitive ability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 05:07:14


元认知能力 Metacognitive ability英语短句 例句大全

元认知能力,Metacognitive ability

1)Metacognitive ability元认知能力

1.Foster medical students metacognitive ability in the clinical practice;论元认知能力在医学生临床实习中的培养

2.Study on metacognitive ability of college students in college english learning;大学生外语学习元认知能力研究

3.Teachers teaching-metacognitive ability and it s training;教师课堂教学的元认知能力及其培养与训练


1.A Study on the Relationship between Metacognition and Self-access Listening;元认知能力和听力自主学习关系研究

2.Cultivating Senior 3 Students Meta-cognitive Abilities in Reviewing Chinese Course;高三语文复习中学生元认知能力培养

3.The Research on the Training for the First Cognition in Mathematics Teaching in Middle School;高中数学教学中元认知能力培养研究

4.The Research of the Trian of High School Students Meta-cognigation Ability;高中物理学习中元认知能力培养探究

5.Teacher s Effective Questioning and Their Metocognitive Abilities;教师的有效课堂提问及其元认知能力

6.Training of the College English Learners Metacognitive Ability;论大学英语学习者元认知能力的培养

7.A New Topic of Metacognition–Study on Metacognition in Aerobics;健美操教学中学生元认知能力的培养

8.Cultivating the Ability of the Students Metacognition in the Instruction of Class;课堂教学中对学生元认知能力的培养

9.On the Structure, Function and Development of Metacognition;元认知能力的构成、作用与培养概述

10.Cultivating Metacognition Ability in Research Learning;研究性学习中学生元认知能力的培养

11.Training Student s Metacognition Ability in Scientific Inquiry;在科学探究中培养学生的元认知能力

12.Metacognitive Ability under Multimedia English Teaching Model英语多媒体教学模式下的元认知能力

13.An Investigation on English Major s Metacognition and Listening Competence;英语专业学生元认知能力与听力理解水平调查

14.Study on the Effects of the Meta-cognition Ability on Motor Skill Learning;元认知能力对运动技能学习影响的研究

15.A metacognitive study of the adult learning-A correlational study over the metacognitive competence of the adults;成人学习研究——成人元认知能力的研究及成人元认知能力相关因素的研究报告

16.Effective Way of Improving Students Cognitive Ability in English Learning--Fostering of the Students Meta-cognitive Ability;英语学习提高认知能力的有效方式——元认知培训

17.Characteristics of On-Line Metacognitive Regulating Ability under Cognitive Context;认知操作背景下在线元认知调节能力的特征

18.Metacognition included metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive monitoring skills.元认知包括元认知知识和元认知监控技能。


meta-cognition ability元认知能力

1.Based on meta-cognition and autonomous learning theory this thesis studies how several factors of meta-cognition influence college students self-regulated English learning with internet assisted,and explores how to cultivate studentsmeta-cognition ability in the new language learning and teaching pattern.探讨了新的教学模式中,学生自主学习元认知能力的培养。

2.<Abstrcat>With the methods of documentation,experts interview,questionnaire investigation,experiment and so on,this article studies the effects of themeta-cognition ability on motor skill learning.运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、实验法等,对元认知能力对运动技能的影响作了初步研究,结果表明:元认知能力高的大学生运动成绩也高,元认知能力低的大学生运动成绩相对要低,高元认知水平对运动成绩的影响比低元认知水平要大。

3)metacognition ability元认知能力

1.Themetacognition ability is established on the foundation of metacognition knowledge and experience.元认知能力就是建立在一定的元认知知识和体验的基础上,对自身的认知活动进行调节和控制的能力,它对于大学生提高学习能力和保持心理健康等具有重大意义。

4)English writing metacognition写作元认知能力

1.This research aims at exploring the relationship between theEnglish writing metacognition and English writing competence of non-English majors at medical colleges through questionnaire analysis,non-restricted composition,interview,thinking-aloud and individual cases.在此基础上,研究者对医学院校非英语专业本科生进行英语写作元认知能力的介入性研究,并通过前测、后测等有效数据分析其切实可行性。

5)learning Meta-cognigatin knowledge元认知能力培养

6)mathematics meta-cognitive capability数学元认知能力

1.Themathematics meta-cognitive capability is the capability of one s self-awareness and self-monitoring relying on his knowledge of meta-cognitive and experience of meta-cognitive during h.所谓数学元认知能力,指的是个体依赖于自己的元认知知识和元认知体验在自己的数学认知过程中进行自我意识、自我监控的能力。



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