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烹调技艺 cooking technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-18 04:35:20


烹调技艺 cooking technique英语短句 例句大全

烹调技艺,cooking technique

1)cooking technique烹调技艺

1.Dietary ideas andcooking techniques advocated in Lushi Chunqiu《吕氏春秋》的饮食主张与烹调技艺


1.She’s such a good cook she beats anyone else into a cocked hat.她烹调技艺高超,远远胜过别的人。

2.Dietary ideas and cooking techniques advocated in Lushi Chunqiu《吕氏春秋》的饮食主张与烹调技艺

3.Without culinary art exhibitions the rising generation would not be in a position to see what can be done.如果没有烹饪艺术大展,新一代的厨师们就无法得知烹调技艺所达到的境界。

4.His cooking is without equal.他的烹调手艺无与伦比。

5."Gastronomy: Art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food."烹调法:烹调法是对食物选择、烹饪、供应和享受的艺术。

6.Her cooking made up for everything.她的烹调手艺弥补了一切。

7.Her guests complimented her on her cooking.她的客人们称赞她的烹调手艺。

8.Mary flushed up when Jim praised her cooking.吉姆赞扬玛丽的烹调手艺时, 她脸红了。

9.Teacher Cook--Talking classroom teaching artistry from the angel of cooking;教师·厨师——从烹饪角度谈课堂教学技艺

10.Saute-stir is an important dish preparation method in the Chinese cookery.滑炒是我国烹调技法中的一个重要的菜肴烹调方法.

11.Her bad cooking has become the neighbourhood joke.她那糟糕的烹调技术成了邻居的笑料。

12.a chef famous for his great skill.一位因非凡的烹调技术而扬名的厨师。

13.Frisee became one of the chic staples of 1980s cookery.菊苣成了八十年代烹调艺术流行主要材料之一。

14.This village has its own traditional dress,cuisine,folklore and handicrafts.这个村子有自己传统的服饰、烹调、民俗和手工艺。

15.F. Lucy was proud of her wonderful cooking skill, and it was pardonable.露西以她高超的烹调手艺为傲,这是情有可原的。

16.Research into the Optimized Cooking Process of Mashed Fish Gelatin烹饪中鱼肉茸胶制品的优化调配工艺研究

17.Effect of Different Cooking Craft on Nutrition of Several Kinds of Vegetable Dish不同烹调工艺对几种叶菜菜肴营养成分的影响

18.I don"t want to be uncharitable, but she"s not a terribly good cook.我并不想苛求别人, 但她烹调的手艺也实在不敢恭维.


cooking craft烹调工艺

1.Finally, the optimumcooking craft was: the density of vinegar 0.结果表明,番茄的水煮介质为食醋,最佳烹调工艺为在食醋浓度0。

2.Some common leaf vegetables were taken as examples to analyzes the influence of differentcooking craft on the nutrition and ingredient of vegetable dish.以常见的几种叶类蔬菜为例,分析不同烹调工艺下菜品的营养成分,并与原料中的成分相比较,进而研究烹调工艺对菜品营养成分的影响。

3)culinary skills烹调技术


1.Effect of variouscooking methods on the contents of major flavonoids in vegetables;烹调对蔬菜中类黄酮物质含量的影响

2.The structure and properties of vitamin c and changes duringcooking;维生素C的结构、性质及在烹调中的变化

3.Based on the function and role of compound seasoning, it can be divided into two groups: common compound seasoning and special compound seasoning forcooking.该文详细论述了复合调味料的发展历史与现状,根据复合调味料的功能及作用划分为2大类,一类是通用型的复合调味料,另一类是烹调专用型复合调味料。

5)mediation craft调解技艺

6)Cooking technology烹饪工艺

1.The basic principles in cooking technology teaching are fundamental requirements that cuisine teaching program drafting and the teaching task implementing should abide by.烹饪工艺教学的基本原则是制定烹饪教学计划和落实教学任务所必须遵守的基本要求。

2.The present cooking technology curriculum pattern fails to make theory and practice interconnected.在现有的烹饪工艺专业教学课程模式中,课程内容未能将理论与实践很好地联系起来,导致理论与实践的脱节,从而不能适应新形势下社会对烹饪专业人才的需求。

3.Culinary technological experimental curriculum is of great importance for such an applied special ty as cooking technology.烹饪工艺实验课对烹饪工艺这个应用型专业来说非常重要,学校、教师、学生均需重视烹饪工艺实验课。



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