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烹调 cooking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-08 02:52:20


烹调 cooking英语短句 例句大全



1.Effect of variouscooking methods on the contents of major flavonoids in vegetables;烹调对蔬菜中类黄酮物质含量的影响

2.The structure and properties of vitamin c and changes duringcooking;维生素C的结构、性质及在烹调中的变化

3.Based on the function and role of compound seasoning, it can be divided into two groups: common compound seasoning and special compound seasoning forcooking.该文详细论述了复合调味料的发展历史与现状,根据复合调味料的功能及作用划分为2大类,一类是通用型的复合调味料,另一类是烹调专用型复合调味料。


1.The woman bought a cookbook to learn how to cook.那个妇女买了一本烹调书来学烹调.

2."Gastronomy: Art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food."烹调法:烹调法是对食物选择、烹饪、供应和享受的艺术。

3.cook outdoors on a barbecue grill.在野外烤肉架子上烹调。

4.world-famous gourmet cuisine世界有名的美食烹调

5.He is fussy about the way his food"s cooked.他过分计较食物的烹调。

6.Pull a chicken, ie remove its innards before cooking it掏出鸡的内脏(以备烹调)

7.His wife is very good at cooking.他的妻子擅长烹调。

8.Cook in a very hot oven.放在炽热的烤箱里烹调.

9.The meat was cooked to perfection.这肉烹调得好极了。

10.To cook on a flat metal surface.用平底锅(或圆盘)来烹调

11.His cooking is without equal.他的烹调手艺无与伦比。

12.cook in boiling liquid.在沸腾的液体中烹调。

13.But I already knew how to do all that.洗,做,烹调,编织,我都会;

14.To cook until brown.烹调直至呈现棕(褐)色

15.Cooking in a microwave oven takes less time and energy.用微波炉烹调,省时省力。

16.a professional cook.做烹调工作的专业人员。

17.supreme oil, a wonderful suBstance in cooking.油中至尊,烹调妙品。

18.The food was well cooked.菜肴烹调得非常精致。


Cooking oil fumes烹调油烟

position,harm and control method of cooking oil fumes;烹调油烟的组成与危害及防治措施

2.Effect of cooking oil fumes on cell cycle and apoptosis in lung cells of spraque dawley rats;烹调油烟对大鼠肺组织细胞周期和凋亡的影响

3.Objective To observe the liver tissue lesion and its mechanism in SD rats inhaled cooking oil fumes (COF).目的通过观察肝组织脂质过氧化和元素含量的变化 ,探讨烹调油烟致肝损伤的毒作用机理。

3)cooking teaching烹调教学

4)traditional cookery传统烹调

1."Qi He" not only evolved to the basic law of Chinesetraditional cookery , but also displayed the pattern and character of Chinese traditional culture to some extent.它的个性发展走向,决定了它必然地从本质上使中西方烹饪文化大有区别,这种个性就是“齐和”,其理论本源于华夏古国人们对农业生产的认识,后来不仅演变成了中国传统烹调的基本发展规律,还在某种程度上表现出中国传统文化的基本模式和特征。


1.The conserving rate of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 ofcooking samples were studied.对盛产于云南的4种红菇类野生食用菌,采用国内外公认的标准方法进行蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、水分、无机元素、维生素等全营养成分分析及评价,并对传统烹调加工方法对VB1、VB2的影响进行深入研究,为科学合理地开发利用云南丰富的野生食用菌资源提供科学依据。

6)Cooking oil fume烹调油烟

1.Effect of cooking oil fume on immune function and genetics of occupationally exposed staffs;烹调油烟对职业接触人群免疫功能及遗传学指标的影响

2.Oxidative stress of cooking oil fume on rat type Ⅱ lung cells;烹调油烟对大鼠肺细胞的氧化损伤作用

3.A Preliminary Study on the Affect of Cooking Oil Fume to Occupational Contact Population;烹调油烟对职业接触人群健康影响的初步研究



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