糖尿病康复 > 烹调方式 cook manner英语短句 例句大全

烹调方式 cook manner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-23 08:47:02


烹调方式 cook manner英语短句 例句大全

烹调方式,cook manner

1)cook manner烹调方式

pound flavoring has a prosper market potential,which relates not only to economy level and life style,but also to dietetic custom andcook manner.复合调味料的市场潜力极大,不仅与经济发展水平及社会生活节奏有关,而且与饮食消费习惯及烹调方式也有很大关系。


1.as for cooking, frying with a small amount of oil, deep-frying, and baking seem to be used more while boiling and steaming used less.此外,在烹调方式方面,煎,炸, 烤的比例上升,煮,蒸的比例下降。

2.To be more specific, most of them have three problems in food structure and cooking style that show up.具体地说,他们中的大部分人在食物结构和烹调方式上有三方面的问题突出.

3.cooked and eaten in scores of ways.烹调和食用有不同的方式。

4.Must speak fluent English and be skilled in Western cooking.必须说流利的英语,熟悉西式烹调。

5.Meat Cookery Tender cuts of meat are best cooked with dry heat, as by broiling, roasting, or pan broiling.肉的烹调较嫩的牛肉块最好以干热的方法烹调,像火烤,烘烤或烙。

6.Saute-stir is an important dish preparation method in the Chinese cookery.滑炒是我国烹调技法中的一个重要的菜肴烹调方法.

7.As a cook, my wife is in a class of her own.在烹调方面,我妻子是没人比得上的。

8.This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-Eastern provinces.这种烹调方法是东南几省的特色。

9.Modern ways of cooking have outmoded the hearth.现低的烹饪方式已经使这种生活方式过时了。

10.a portable charcoal-burning brazier with a grill for cooking.带有一个烹调用烤架的轻便式燃烧木炭的火盆。

11.Chinese Professional Qualification Certificate and Grading System of Chinese Cooking Technicians;中国职业资格证书与中式烹调师等级制度

12.This style of cooking is peculiar to the South-West of the country.这种烹调方法是那个国家西南部的特色。

13.grown for its succulent edible leaves used in Oriental cooking.东方人烹调用的菊科植物,其叶多汁、可食。

14.The Influence of Different Cooking Methods on Pesticide Residue in Vegetables烹调方法对蔬菜中农药残留水平的影响

15.The Effects of Different Cooking Methods on the Antioxidant Activity of Vegetables不同烹调方法对蔬菜抗氧化活性的影响

16.Eggplant alone can be prepared in at least forty different ways.单个茄子至少可有四十种不同的烹制方式。

17.The woman bought a cookbook to learn how to cook.那个妇女买了一本烹调书来学烹调.

18.A portable charcoal - burning brazier with a grill, used chiefly for cooking.火盆一种带烤架,便携式烧木炭的金属火盆,主要用于烹调


a style of gastronomy烹调的一种方式

3)cooking methods烹调方法

1.Effect of differentcooking methods on nutrition of wild vegetable.;不同烹调方法对野生蔬菜营养成分的影响

2.Study the effect of differentcooking methods on quality of wild vegetable.研究了漂烫、微波和油炒三种烹调方法对野生蔬菜蒲公英、荠菜一些品质的影响。

4)Chinese-style Cuisine中式烹调

5)technicians of Chinese style cooking中式烹调师

1.While we develop the state storage center of technical ability appraisal test questions for thetechnicians of Chinese style cooking, the scopes and levels of the cooking techniques for the cooks of all grades should be based on the state professional standards.开发中式烹调师操作技能鉴定国家题库 ,应以国家职业标准为依据来确定各等级操作技能的范围和水平 ,制定全国统一的考核内容结构 ,设计相应的测量模块、考核项目和考评标准。

6)display cooking展示式烹调


油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)油气田开发方式(见油气田生产方式)development pattern of oil and gas field:see recovery pattern of oil and gas fielda垃d gas月e卫d)、‘。尸卫Jlent见油气田小冰、*pa士teroof ojl

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