糖尿病康复 > 烹调加工 cooking英语短句 例句大全

烹调加工 cooking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-27 06:37:34


烹调加工 cooking英语短句 例句大全



1.The conserving rate of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 ofcooking samples were studied.对盛产于云南的4种红菇类野生食用菌,采用国内外公认的标准方法进行蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、水分、无机元素、维生素等全营养成分分析及评价,并对传统烹调加工方法对VB1、VB2的影响进行深入研究,为科学合理地开发利用云南丰富的野生食用菌资源提供科学依据。

2)cuisine processing烹饪加工


1.an uncooked vegetable.未经烹饪加工的蔬菜。

2.Preliminary Study about the Meat Food Processing recorded in Qi Min Yao Shu;《齐民要术》所记载的肉食加工与烹饪方法初探

3.Discussion on Curriculum Criterion of Culinary Raw Material and Processing Technology of Cantonese Food论《粤菜烹饪原料与加工技术》的课程标准

4.cook or heat in a microwave oven.用微波炉烹饪或加热。

5.Thoughts on China s Higher Education in Cuisine After her Access to WTO;加入WTO后中国烹饪高等教育发展思考

6.Probe into the Comprehensive and Designable Experimental Teaching for Culinary Technology;烹饪工艺综合性、设计性实验教学初探

7.Using MES Training Mode to Implement the Training of Senior Culinary Workers;利用MES培训模式实施烹饪高级工培训

8.a cookery course, school, etc烹饪课程、 学校等.

9.Each piece of Calphalon Tri-ply Copper cookware is carefully crafted from three different metals-each with its own special benefit in the kitchen.每款家富乐三铜厨房烹饪器皿都是由三种不同的金属加工而成,每款都有它的优势。

10.long pinkish sour leafstalks usually eaten cooked and sweetened.长的、带粉红色的酸叶柄,通常烹饪、加糖后食用。

11.Excuse me, could you help ne? I would like to enroll in thiss cooking class?对不起, 请你帮忙我好吗? 我想报名参加这烹饪课。

12.Such insert heating device also has the advantages of high efficiency of heating which gives quick cooking and much saving of electric energy.嵌入式加热结构热效高,节能显著,烹饪速度快,

13.Excuse me, could you help ne? I would like to enroll in this cooking class.对不起,请你帮忙我好吗?我想报名参加这烹饪课。

14.Thoughts on the Teaching of How to Strengthen the Foodstuff Sanitation & Safety in Culinary Education;在烹饪教育中应加强食品卫生安全的教学

15.Thai cooking parallels Chinese cooking somewhat with the addition of coconut milk, basil, lemongrass and curries of many varieties.泰式烹饪有些和中式烹饪类似,增加了多种多样的椰奶、罗勒、柠檬香草和咖喱。

16.The sausage would go out in search of twigs instead and the mouse would do all the cooking instead.由香肠去找小树枝,而老鼠做所有的烹饪工作。

17.[C]non-military duty of soldiers,such as cooking,cleaning,etc士兵所承担的非军事性工作(如烹饪、清扫等)

18.Probe on Ways of Enterprise-and-School Joint Running in Cuisine Major;高职院校烹饪工艺专业校企联合办学路子探讨


cuisine processing烹饪加工

3)cooking craft烹调工艺

1.Finally, the optimumcooking craft was: the density of vinegar 0.结果表明,番茄的水煮介质为食醋,最佳烹调工艺为在食醋浓度0。

2.Some common leaf vegetables were taken as examples to analyzes the influence of differentcooking craft on the nutrition and ingredient of vegetable dish.以常见的几种叶类蔬菜为例,分析不同烹调工艺下菜品的营养成分,并与原料中的成分相比较,进而研究烹调工艺对菜品营养成分的影响。

4)precooked product预烹调加工的食品


1.Effect of variouscooking methods on the contents of major flavonoids in vegetables;烹调对蔬菜中类黄酮物质含量的影响

2.The structure and properties of vitamin c and changes duringcooking;维生素C的结构、性质及在烹调中的变化

3.Based on the function and role of compound seasoning, it can be divided into two groups: common compound seasoning and special compound seasoning forcooking.该文详细论述了复合调味料的发展历史与现状,根据复合调味料的功能及作用划分为2大类,一类是通用型的复合调味料,另一类是烹调专用型复合调味料。

6)Cooking oil fumes烹调油烟

position,harm and control method of cooking oil fumes;烹调油烟的组成与危害及防治措施

2.Effect of cooking oil fumes on cell cycle and apoptosis in lung cells of spraque dawley rats;烹调油烟对大鼠肺组织细胞周期和凋亡的影响

3.Objective To observe the liver tissue lesion and its mechanism in SD rats inhaled cooking oil fumes (COF).目的通过观察肝组织脂质过氧化和元素含量的变化 ,探讨烹调油烟致肝损伤的毒作用机理。


CIMATRON E NC加工中加工常用参数设置在表格中单击右键,然后在子菜单中不选Show Prefered Only可以显示所有的加工参数,如落刀点的设置,螺旋下刀的角度等。 1. APPROACH &RETRACT 在XY平面上的进退刀方式 项目 选项 内容 Contour Approach 在被加工轮廓上的进刀方式 Normal 沿法向进刀 Tangent 沿切向进刀 Bisection 在两段直线的相交处进刀时沿角平分线进刀 Approach进刀距离 当Normal时存在 距离被加工轮廓多远进刀 Retract退刀距离 当Normal时存在 距离被加工轮廓多远退刀 Arc Radius圆弧半径 当Tangent 时存在 切向进退刀的圆弧半径 Extension延伸量 在PROFILE加工时存在 延伸加工轮廓以消除接刀痕 Start Check 在PROFILE加工OPEN CONTOUR时存在 使用一个CURVE或POINT作为限制,防止轮廓延伸误碰到零件上的凸台 End Check 2. CLEARANCE PLANE 设定G00的安全平面 Use Clearance ∨ 使用安全平面 Interal Clearance 内部安全高度平面的使用方式 Absolute 抬刀到绝对安全高度Z=10 Incremental 加工完一层后Z=-15抬刀起来ΔZ=5,即抬刀到Z=-10 Absolute Z 10 如上 Incremental 如上 UCS Name UCS=13-1 本步加工使用的坐标系,不应更改 3. Entry & End Point Z方向落刀的方式 Entry Points Z方向落刀的方式 Auto 系统自动选择下刀点 Optimized 系统优化选择下刀点,同样的零件比自动的下刀点数目少 User-defined 用户指定下刀点 Ramp Angle 只在Auto时存在 螺旋下刀的螺旋角,90度为垂直下刀 Max. Ramp Radius 当下刀角小于90度时 螺旋下刀的最大螺旋半径 Min Plunge Size 刀具的盲区大小 Dz. Feed Start 落刀时距离被加工层高度多高的距离开始用进给速度走刀 4. Offset & Tolerance 加工余量和加工精度, Contour(Surface) Offset 加工余量 (Contour) Tolerance 加工精度 5. Tool Trajectory 走刀参数 Z-top 加工的最大高度 Z-bottom 加工的最低高度 Mill Finish Pass 是否精铣轮廓 Down Step 层降步距 Side Step 单层加工上的行距,如果大于刀具直径的一半,则可能留下残料,需要Clean Between Passes Corner Milling 刀轨拐角处的过渡方式 External Round 刀具外切于轮廓时圆角过渡 All Round 刀具内外切于轮廓时都圆角过渡 All Sharp 刀具内外切于轮廓时都尖角过渡 Milling Direction Climb Milling 顺铣 Conventional Milling 逆铣 Mixed 顺逆混合铣 Cut Direction 当Spiral Cut时存在 Inside Out 从内向外环绕

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