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耐久跑 endurance running英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 00:41:59


耐久跑 endurance running英语短句 例句大全

耐久跑,endurance running

1)endurance running耐久跑

1.Facing current situation that contemporary vocational school students abilities ofendurance running are declining,we analyze the causes and take some positive strategies and methods to improve theirendurance running capacity effectively.针对当代职校学生耐久跑素质不断下降的现状,应采取一些积极的策略和方法提高学生的耐久跑能力。

2.there are 3 ways to improve college female studentsendurance running-to do it like a game to motivate the students,correct guidance and training in accordance to female students ability and to improve the test metho提高高校女生耐久跑素质的方法有三 :一是寓教于乐 ,激发学生学习动机 ;二是正确引导 ,培养学生锻炼自觉性 ;三是根据高校女生的身心特点组织教育 ;四是更新测试意识 ,改进测试方法。


1.The Tentation of Heart Determination in the Education of Durable Running;谈“心理测定”对耐久跑的激励作用

2.Apply Interesting Training Methods,Improve Long-distance Running Performance;运用趣味练习方法 提高耐久跑成绩

3.Research into Teaching Methods of Rural Middle School Girls" Endurance Running农村中学女生耐久跑教学方法的探究

4.The basic unit junior middle school durably runs the teaching present situation analysis;吉安市基层初级中学耐久跑教学现状分析

parative Study on Physical and Mental Reaction of College Student After Two Endurance Runnings;大学生两种耐久跑后身心反应比较研究

6.Initial Exploration For The Uses Of Sijnaled;信号刺激教学法在耐久跑教学中的应用初探

7.A Research on How Pain-free Jogging Can Enhance the Durability of Junior High Students and Their Cognition on Jogging;无痛苦跑步法对增强初中学生耐久力与改善跑步认知实验研究

8.This material wears well [won"t wear.]这种材料耐久[不耐久]

9.Study on Endurance Declination and Shortage of Jogging Training of Our Student;我国学生耐久力下降与跑步教育缺失及对策研究

10.aheavy-duty battery, tyre耐久的电池、 轮胎.

11.Improved Evasion renamed to Endurance, and will add a Sprint cooldown reduction.强化闪避更名为耐久力,在原有效果的基础上增加了降低疾跑冷却时间的功能。

12.Soon he fell behind in the race.不久他就跑在后头了。

13.It takes stamina to run a marathon.跑马拉松要有耐力.

14.Long-distance runners need staying-power.长跑运动员耐力要强.

15.These products can stand wear and tear.这些产品能经久耐用。

16.This material stands up to years.这种料子经久耐穿。

17.We make our shoes to last for a whole week.我们做的鞋子经久耐穿。

18.Knives and scissors made By Zhang Xiaoquan stand wear and tear.张小泉刀剪经久耐用。


Long distance running耐久跑

1.Through experiment teaching,this essay studies long distance running teaching and analyses the statistics date,the results show that interesting training methods are very effective in improving long distance running performance.文章对耐久跑的教学进行了教学研究 ,通过对实验组和对照组采用两组不同的练习方法练习后 ,经考核得到有关数据 ,并进行统计分析 ,结果表明运用趣味练习方法 ,对提高耐久跑的成绩有显著效果。

3)durable running耐久跑

1.For many years, in order to solve the difficult problem, we exert the factor of heart determination in education, stimulating students activity as well as initiative to the study ofdurable running from as pect of heart.耐久跑在教学中是一项枯燥、单调、运动负荷较大的运动项目,多年来为了解决这个难题,在教学中施加“心理测定”因素,刺激学生从心理方面对耐久跑学习的积极性和主动性,取得良好效果。

4)instruction of long distance running course耐久跑教学

5)On the Teaching of Endurance Running耐久跑教学初探


1.The flexible pavement has fine evenness and comfortable vehicle running, but poordurability, poor water-stability and the short service life.柔性路面平整度高、汽车行驶舒适,但其耐久性、水稳定性能差、使用寿命短;刚性路面在汽车行驶舒适度方面较柔性路面差,但其路面能经受各种严酷条件的侵蚀、路面耐久性好、使用寿命长,特别是高性能水泥混凝土路面具备高强、高耐久性特点,因此常应用于易腐蚀、易遭受撞击、易磨损的环境。

2.The paint shows good fire retardance, anti-corrosion, weatherability,durability and et al.选用丙烯酸改性环氧树脂为甲组分,以天然腰果壳油合成的固化剂为乙组分,以腰果油改性的不挥发非活性环氧树脂稀释剂调节体系黏度,共同组成成膜物质;膨胀发泡阻燃体系由APP、MEL、PER、CP-42、可膨胀石墨组成;颜填料由钛白粉、水合碱式硫酸镁晶须组成,在助剂的配合下,制备的膨胀型防火涂料,具有防火、防腐蚀、耐候耐久性等综合性能。



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