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持久力 endurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-05 20:56:46


持久力 endurance英语短句 例句大全




1.endurance strength耐久限度,持久力, 疲劳强度

2.The long race tested the swimmer"s endurance.长距离比赛考验了游泳者们的持久力。

3.a lasting effect, interest, relationship持久的效力、 兴趣、 关系

4.was engaged in a protracted struggle with a determined enemy.致力于与死敌的持久战

5.Values are most sustainable &powerful motivation.价值观是人最持久,有力的驱动力!

6.They are by far the most lasting products on human effort.它们是人力迄今最为持久的结晶。

7.Positive pressure and negative pressure combines together, making veneer more stable and durable.正负压力结合,使贴面更牢固持久。

8.The long climb tested our powers of endurance.那次持久的攀登考验了我们的耐力。

9.It is the strongest assurance that the recovery will endure.这是复兴得以持久的最有力的保证。

10.Strengthening Basic Management of Marketing for Modeling Persistent Competitive Ability;加强营销基础管理 塑造持久竞争能力

11.Expanding Consumption-the Perpetual Drive of Chinese Economic Growth;扩大消费——中国经济增长的持久动力

12.A Brief Research into Everlasting Motivation for Ideological and Political Work;思想政治工作持久精神动力问题初探

13.Capacity Development of Technical Innovation of Seed Enterprise;种子企业持久技术创新能力的构建与保持

14.Sustainable Competition Advantage: Study on the Organization Study and Innovation;持久竞争优势:基于组织学习力和创新力的分析

15.Multiple differentiation potential is conserved longer than self-renewal capacity.而多向分化能力的保持较之自我更新能力更为持久。

16.They are by far the most lasting products of human effort.它们是人类努力生产的产物中最能持久的产物。

17.We should strengthen the forces engaged in the fight against smuggling and extensively and persistently combat smuggling.强化缉私力量,深入持久地开展打击走私斗争。

18.In the past, bacteria batteries have been expensive and not long-lasting.过去,微生物电池十分昂贵,电力也不够持久。


lasting power持久动力

3)permanent load-bearing capacity持久承载力

1.It has become to pass that thepermanent load-bearing capacity of the large-span PC(prestressed concrete)continuous rigid frame bridge constructed with the cantilever site cast construction method keeps cutting down in service.采用悬臂浇筑施工法施工的大跨PC连续刚构桥,在使用中其持久承载力不断地降低已成为事实。

4)lasting competitiveness持久竞争力

1.Contingency:building the enterprise slasting competitiveness;权变:构筑企业的持久竞争力




动力机械:内燃机动力学研究内燃机运转中的力学现象的科学。其主要任务是研究分析内燃机运转时各主要零件的运动规律及其受力情况﹐用以作为内燃机零件设计﹑计算的依据。它还研究这些力对内燃机动力装置的影响及其消减方法。内燃机动力学的主要内容为曲柄连杆机构运动学﹑曲柄连杆机构动力学和内燃机平衡分析等。曲柄连杆机构运动学 研究曲柄﹑连杆﹐尤其是活塞的运动规律。活塞作周期性往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度可用下述各式近似求算式中为曲轴转角﹔ 为曲轴旋转角速度﹔为曲柄半径﹔为曲柄半径 与连杆长度之比﹐即 = / 曲柄作回转运动﹐连杆作复杂的平面运动。连杆的运动往往被简化分解为随活塞组的往复运动和随同曲柄的旋转运动。曲柄连杆机构动力学 研究分析曲柄连杆机构(见曲柄滑块机构)在运动中力的生成﹑传递和输出。作用在曲柄连杆机构上的力有曲柄连杆机构运动时产生的往复惯性力和离心惯性力﹐以及内燃机气缸内的气体压力。

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