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承受力 Endurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-30 13:14:56


承受力 Endurance英语短句 例句大全




1.school failure tolerance学业失败承受力 学业失败承受力

2.School Failure Tolerance Scale学业失败承受力量表

3.Conduct a survey on the holding(/ Bearing capacity of the market)对市场承受力进行调研

4.Patient have holding capacity to pressure setback.有耐心,对压力和挫折有承受力。

5.A device or the resistance of a device to which power is delivered.载体承受力量的装置或装置的抗力

6.Stress on obtaining employment of college students and psychological capability of adapting themselves to it;浅谈大学生的就业压力与心理承受力

7.Force Analysis of Multi-serial Thrust Bearing Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的多排推力轴承受力分析

8.All humans experience stress.所有人都会承受压力。

9.A fluid cannot withstand a shear.流体不能承受切应力。

10.I was prepared to take that heat.我准备承受这个压力。

11.The Study on Bearing Mechanism and Mechanics Analysis of the Load-Bearing and Anti-slide Pile;承重阻滑桩承载机理及受力分析研究

12.To subject to excessive physical or emotional stress.压力过重使体力或精神承受过重压力

13.On Calculation Method of Shear Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Biaxial Bending;双向受弯梁受剪承载力计算方法探析

14.The linear members are subject only to compression or tension.其线形成员只承受压力或拉力。

15.air at a pressure greater than that of the atmosphere.承受的压力比大气压力大的空气。

16.To cause or subject to overpressure.对…压力过大或使承受过大压力

17.Study of The influence of Current-receiving Quality Between Pantograph and OCS from Tensile Force Acting on Catenary Wire承力索张力对弓网受流质量影响研究

18.The Analysis of Bearing Force and the Study of Carrying Capacity on the Bridge Deck Pavement;桥面铺装层的受力分析及承载力研究


bearing capacity承受力

1.The paper studies the causes of the phenomenon,holding that the population in pasture areas is beyond thebearing capacity of the grassland and herdsmen are losing their living and production base——grassland,and that to recover the grassland requires engaging in ecological emigration.我国牧区人口已超出了生态环境的承受力,许多牧民已经丧失了基本生产生活资料———草原。

3)bearing capacity承受能力

1.Analysis ofbearing capacity of water tariff of city and township residents in Hebei Province;河北省城镇居民水价承受能力分析

2.Case study on elastic water price andbearing capacity of water users;弹性水价的确定与用户承受能力联动实证分析

3.But an important problem that must be considered is thebearing capacity for adjusting prices.理顺天然气价格是发展天然气工业的关键已逐渐为天然气生产、消费和政府管理部门所共识,但必须考虑的重要问题是对调价的承受能力。


1.Agricultural water price reform and farmer saffordability;农业水价改革与农民承受能力研究

2.Feasibility of Staged Water Price and Analysis about the Affordability of the Residents郑州市阶梯式水价可行性及居民承受能力分析

3.Through an investigation of UMT price and the prices of other transportation means, including the prices in Shanghai UMT and other provinces as well as cities, this paper attempts to analyze Shanghai passengers satisfaction based on their actualaffordability of the price and their disposable income.通过上海轨道交通产品价格与其他交通产品价格及其他城市轨道交通产品价格的比较,结合上海轨道交通乘客满意度的调研,来研究乘客的实际价格承受能力,为轨道交通的价格制定提供依据,同时为轨道交通运营单位的价格调整提供建议。

5)bearing capability承受能力

1.Analysis of water pricebearing capability for rural drinking water safety engineering consumer in Ningxia arid areas;宁夏干旱带农村饮水安全工程用户水价承受能力分析

2.And the local people sbearing capability to the new policy was also analysed.北京市的经济管理体制在由以计划为主转变为以市场为主的过程中,原来所实施的环境经济政策出现了一系列问题,本文针对这些问题,提出了一些建议,即使用者付费政策、环境税、超标罚款政策、环保奖励政策,并对居民的承受能力进行了分析。

3.Based on the former work,thebearing capability of farmers on agricultural irrigation water price is a.在此基础上对灌区农户灌溉水价的承受能力进行了分析,给出了该灌区农户水费承受能力指标及该灌区农户可承受的平均终端灌溉水价为0。

6)Frustration tolerance挫折承受力

1.According to relevant scales at home and abroad and experts suggestions, we compile the frustration tolerance questionnaire of college students and the reliability and validity were tested out.本研究在文献分析、访谈和开放式问卷调查的基础上,分析了大学生日常生活中常出现的挫折以及大学生应对这些挫折的特点,在借鉴相关领域量表和专家意见的基础上,编制了大学生挫折承受力量表,并对其信效度进行了检验。

2.But there are some misunderstandings in carrying out frustration tolerance education because of lacking of instructions of psychological theory.挫折承受力教育作为一种教育形式,在实际的操作中一直缺乏心理理论的基础,造成了挫折承受力教育的很多误区,影响了挫折承受力教育的效果,引起作为第一受益人——学生的反感。

3.In recent years, the frustration tolerance of college students became a hot issue, because of more and more prominent psychological problems among college students.挫折承受力是指个体在遭遇挫折时,能够理智的认识挫折,客观的分析挫折产生的原因,努力找出摆脱困境的方法,避免产生不良的心理和行为的能力,即个体适应、防御、应对挫折的能力。


社会心理承受力社会群体及个体对社会政治、经济、文化生活中的重大变动在心理上的可接受性、适应性及耐受性。人们具有不断调整其认知、情绪、态度及行为的能力,以适应社会变化。社会心理承受力是在个体社会化的过程中发展的,随着个体社会化程度的提高,社会心理承受力加大。社会变动与人们原有的心理状态发生矛盾,产生明显的心理压力。使个体表现为认知、情绪、态度与行为的不适与失调。社会心理承受力有一定的限度,可分解为若干个操作性指标。多数人的社会心理承受力超出此限,则社会可能出现不安定局面。影响社会心理承受力因素很多,如:①群体的利益与机会的获取是否公平;②个体需要满足的程度与方式;③群体的文化背景、历史形成的国民性格以及群体心理气氛等。改革与社会心理承受力 人们的社会心理承受力可以通过民意测验、社会测量与评估、问卷调查、个案分析等多种途径来了解。为使经济、政治体制改革得以顺利进行,必须对人们的社会心理承受力作出预测,估计到在多长时间和什么范围内,各项改革措施能为多数人所接受,并据此妥善安排每项改革的时间程序,逐步地、分阶段地进行,使人们对于新事物、新措施有一定的心理准备与适应过程;要注意人们社会心理承受能力的差异性,作为舆论准备,逐步提高心理适应的承受力。创造一个民主和谐的心理气氛和心理环境,是实现改革的群众心理基础。若操之过急,骤然打破人们的正常秩序与心理平衡,引起过强的反感心理,就会在心理上对改革形成一种阻抗。

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