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认知表达 cognition and expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-31 08:20:55


认知表达 cognition and expression英语短句 例句大全

认知表达,cognition and expression

1)cognition and expression认知表达

1.This paper analyzes subjective and objective reason for producing multi-geospatial data from five aspects: uncertainty of geographic entity and phenomenon,limitations of people\"scognition and expression,observation error of geographic entity,limitations for computer expressing geographic entity,data manipulate error.从空间实体或现象本身不确定性、人类认知表达能力的局限性、空间实体或现象观测的误差、计算机表达地理对象的局限性和空间数据操作产生的误差等方面详细分析了多源地理空间数据产生的客观和主观原因,这对GIS部门之间的数据共享和数据集成来说,具有重要应用价值。


1.Cognitive Expressions of Concepts--Comparisons among Frame,Cognitive Domain and Idealized Cognitive Model概念的认知表达——框架、认知域及理想化的认知模式之比较

2.Structure and Boundary: A Cognitive Basis for Linguistic Expressions;结构和边界:语言表达式的认知基础

3.A Comparison of Emotion Metaphors in English and Chinese Idioms;英汉语表达情感习语的隐喻认知对比

4.Cognitive Studies of Expression Failures in College Students English-Chinese Translation;学生翻译中表达障碍问题的认知分析

5.Conceptualization and Expression of qian and hou in Chinese Temporal System;汉语时间系统中的“前”、“后”认知和表达

6.Accessibility:A Cognitive Approach to English Referring Expressions可及性:英语指称词语表达的认知阐释

7.Emotion Regulation Strategies:Cognitive Reappraisal Is More Effective than Expressive Suppression情绪调节策略:认知重评优于表达抑制

8.A Review on children"s Cognitive Abilities of Emotional Display Rules儿童情绪表达规则认知能力研究述评

9.Cognitive Context and Text Understanding--On the Appropriate Expressing of Word Meaning in Translation from English to Chinese认知语境与语篇理解——谈英译汉词义的准确表达

10.Analysis of relationship between cattell-16PF emotional personality characters and cognition performance in pilots飞行人员情绪表达特征对认知绩效的影响

11.The Effect of the Expression and Phosphoration of STAT1 in Vascular Cognitive Impairment;STAT1表达和磷酸化在血管性认知障碍中的作用

12.Expressive Function of Chinese Demonstratives: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach;认知语言学观照下的汉语指示词表达功能研究

13.The Study of the Relation between Animal Cognitive Ability and IL1RAPL1 Gene Expressional Level;动物认知行为与IL1RAPL1基因表达水平的关系研究

14.Take the Fable as the Metaphor: A Study on the Cognition Way and Expression Way of "Liezi";以寓言为隐喻:《列子》认知方式和表达方式研究

15.The Cognition of Conventional Metaphorical Expressions by Chinese L2 Learners;中国二语学习者对俗约型隐喻表达式的认知

16.The Relationship between the Cognitive Handicap after Seizure and the Changes of NR2B Expression;癫痫引起认知功能障碍与海马NR2B表达的变化

17.A Cognitive Explanation of Spatial Relations and Their Linguistic Expressions;空间关系及其语言表达的认知语言学阐释

18.Dynamics of Expression Substance and Content Substance in Cognitive Contexts;“表达实体”与“内容实体”在认知语境中的动态关系


the cognitive and expressive function认知表达功能

3)epistemic modal expression认知型情态表达

1.This thesis carries on the research of epistemic modal meaning(EMM), the meaning of probability, and its realization-epistemic modal expression(EME).接着阐述了认知型情态意义的特征以及取向和量值的变化,根据这些变化总结出十二类认知型情态表达。

4)Views of Cognitive Quantitativeness and Analyses of Speech Expression表达的认知量度观

5)identity saying认同表达

1.Based on stylizedidentity saying, this artical has discussed about the characteristics of Bao Sgrung s oral tradition in epic King Gesar.对于以流浪乞讨维生的说唱艺人的研究 ,学界至今仍偏重于“史诗传承者或社会文化背景等人文学科方面”的考察 ,以致对口头艺术特有的思维、创编与表达的特殊性还重视不够 ,或有一些偏离 ;而《格萨尔》神授艺人们的一些众所公认的说法———大多数艺人关于其自身、关于他们所说唱的史诗的一些程式化的认同表达———故事范型 ,体现了《格萨尔》神授艺人说唱传统的本质所在。

6)cognitive representation认知表征

1.The Cognitive Representation Schema of the “Ba”-Construction;汉语把字句认知表征图式的实验研究



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