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情绪与认知的协同 interaction of emotion and cognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-02 17:32:36


情绪与认知的协同 interaction of emotion and cognition英语短句 例句大全

情绪与认知的协同,interaction of emotion and cognition

1)interaction of emotion and cognition情绪与认知的协同

2)children"s emotion understanding儿童的情绪认知


1.Emotion Understanding,Helpful Intention,Helpful Behavior Under Different Cues in 3-to 9-Year-old Children;不同线索下3~9岁儿童的情绪认知、助人意向和助人行为

2.The Influence of Emotional State on Cognitive Set Shifting;情绪状态对儿童认知定势转换的影响

3.Children s Emotion Understanding Development and Effects on Helpful Intention;儿童情绪认知的发展及其对助人意向的影响

4.Children s Early Knowledge About Links Between Prior Experience and the Emotion of Other Persons;儿童对他人情绪与过去经验的关系的认知

5.The Experimental Research on Preschool Children s Cognitive Development in Their Mood Representations;学前儿童情绪表征认知发展的实验研究

6.Cognitive Characteristics of Emotional Display Rule Among Children with Learning Disabilities;学习不良儿童对情绪表达规则的认知特点

7.Second-order False Belief Attribution and Second-order Emotion Understanding in Children;儿童二级错误信念认知与二级情绪理解的发展

8.Preschooler s Understanding of Relations among Reality, Belief, Desire and Emotion;学前儿童对事实、信念、愿望和情绪间关系的认知

9.Children’s Cognitive Development of Emotional Display Rules and Their Relationship with Anxiety;儿童情绪表达规则认知发展及其与焦虑的关系

10.An Introduction of an Integrated Model of Emotion Processes and Cognition in Childrens Social Information Processing;儿童社会信息加工的情绪-认知整合模型

11.Research on the Development of Cognitive Abilities of Emotional Display Rules in Preschoolers学前儿童情绪表达规则认知能力的发展研究

12.A Review on children"s Cognitive Abilities of Emotional Display Rules儿童情绪表达规则认知能力研究述评

13.Young Children s Understanding about the Emotional States and Personal Traits of Painter and His Drawings;学前儿童对图画作者的情绪状态及特质与其作品关系的认知

14.A study on the development of children s response cognitive assessment and emotional;儿童对婚姻冲突的认知加工和情绪反应的发展研究

15.The Experiment Research of Desire and Belief Emotion Understanding of 3-6 Years Old Children;3-6岁儿童愿望、信念情绪理解认知发展的实验研究

16.Cognitive Bias to Emotional Stimuli in Liushou Children with Different Level Perceived Social Support不同领悟社会支持水平留守儿童对情绪刺激的认知偏向

17.Emotional Display Rules Cognition of Hui Minority Children Aged 6-10 Year in QingHai Province6-10岁青海回族儿童情绪表达规则认知研究

18.Second, positive family emotion environment was related to childrens more knowledge and use of EDRs and lower negative affect.家庭情绪环境分别从不同方面对儿童情绪表达规则的认知发展水平有显著影响;


children"s emotion understanding儿童的情绪认知

3)Emotion recognition情绪认知

1.In this article,we examined 50 young children s emotion recognition ability and social adaptive behavior developmental level.研究对50名3~5岁幼儿的情绪认知能力和适应行为的发展水平进行了测查,并分析了二者之间的关系。

2.This paper examined the relationship between young children s emotion recognition and peer relation.幼儿的世界是一个情绪的世界,情绪认知能力是情绪能力的基础,同伴关系是幼儿阶段主要的社会关系。


5)emotion cognition情绪认知

1.This study clarified the following two variables that perhaps influenced preschoolers belief and belief-basedemotion cognition:(1)desire status of the story s protagonist who is typically and i.采用简化的错误信念任务,考察了90名3~5岁幼儿对自己或他人信念证伪引发的惊奇情绪认知及其错误信念理解。

2.Ninety 3~5-year-oldsemotion cognition toward protagonists with positive or negative behavior was examined under four everyday situations having different association with emotions.2)幼儿对相应的消极情绪认知要相对差一些,并在3~4岁之间获得了较显著的发展进而达到基本能全数理解的水平;尤其是在低关联情境中,幼儿对消极情绪的认知更差一些,且显著低于对高关联情境中的消极情绪认知。

3.The experiment 1 and 2 researched theemotion cognition characters of the different age\"s preschoolers in simple and conflict circumstances, separately.本研究采用自行设计的两类故事情境,以天津师范大学幼儿园120名4~6岁幼儿为研究对象,将4~6岁幼儿分成3个年龄组,通过实验一和实验二分别考察不同年龄幼儿对简单情境和冲突情境的情绪认知能力的发展特点。

6)emotion understanding情绪认知

1.This study examined theemotion understanding, helpful intention, helpful behavior under different cues in 600 children aged 3 to 9.本研究通过个别施测 ,考察了 6 0 0名 3~ 9岁儿童在不同线索下的情绪认知、助人意向和助人行为。



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