糖尿病康复 > 工业反哺农业 industry nurturing agriculture英语短句 例句大全

工业反哺农业 industry nurturing agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-11 18:57:24


工业反哺农业 industry nurturing agriculture英语短句 例句大全

工业反哺农业,industry nurturing agriculture

1)industry nurturing agriculture工业反哺农业

1.This paper is on the basis of analyzing the necessity ofindustry nurturing agriculture.本文在分析新时期工业反哺农业的必要性基础上,从工业化的阶段理论、典型国家和地区的实践及我国当前经济发展阶段,指出了新时期工业反哺农业时间点的选择;并从原则、战略目标、机制途径,阐述了工业反哺农业的框架和机制;从资金、手段、制度、组织化和产业化、科技、法制等,提出了新时期工业反哺农业的政策建议。


1.A Study on Tax Policies towards “Farmers, Agriculture and Rural areas”during the period of Industry refunding Agriculture;工业反哺农业时期“三农”税收政策研究

2.The Sequence of "Industry Re-feeding Agriculture and City Supporting Country";“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”的次序

3.Research on the Current Situations and Countermeasures in Agriculture Backfeded by Industry of China;我国工业反哺农业的现状及对策研究

4.Analyses of Industry Financing Agriculture in Terms of Economics;从经济学的视角解读“工业反哺农业”

5.Pushing and Drawing Effects of Industry Anti-feeding Agriculture in China;中国工业反哺农业的“推拉效应”分析

6.Analyzing the Relationship of Industry Fostering Agriculture;正确理解和把握工业反哺农业的关系

7.Empirical Analysis of the Input of Fund into Agriculture;工业反哺农业中资金投入的实证分析

8.An Economics Analysis on Industry Nurturing Agriculture in Return;工业反哺农业的经济学分析:生产角度

9.The Rationality of Industry-financed Agriculture Strategy;浅析“工业反哺农业”政策的合理性

10.A regurgitation feeding from industry to agriculture of Shanghai City based on synthetical evaluating theory of urban agricultural development;基于都市农业评估理论谈上海工业反哺农业

11.Industry-financed Agriculture: System Innovation under the Background of New Industrialization;新型工业化背景下工业反哺农业的制度创新

12.Preliminary Exploration on the Necessity of the Strategies of "Industry Rewards Agriculture and City Supports Countryside";工业反哺农业、城市支持农村必要性探析

13.The Rural Economy Development Order and the Choice of the Route of Industry-Back-Feeding-Agriculture;工业反哺农业应遵循农村经济发展次序

14.Aim and Ways of Industry-nurturing-agriculture;工业反哺农业的目的与方式——以河南畜牧业为例

15.China s Industry Repaying Agriculture Its Mechanisms Construction and Policy Analysis;中国工业反哺农业实现机制的构建及政策分析

16.Research on Compensatory Mechanism of Industry to Agriculture in the Dual Economy;二元经济结构下工业反哺农业机制的研究

17.The Fundamental Research and Policy Analysis on "Industry Nurturing Agriculture" of China;我国工业反哺农业的理论研究及政策分析

18.Study on Construction of Industry-Financed-Agriculture Mechanism in Shandong Province;山东工业反哺农业:机制构建与路径选择


industry re-feeding agriculture工业反哺农业

1.Theindustry re-feeding agriculture is an effective way of the integrative development of countryside and city and equitable social development.工业反哺农业是实现城乡一体化发展,寻求社会公平发展的有效途径。

2.Generally speaking,China is now in the stage ofindustry re-feeding agriculture and cities supporting rural areas.工业反哺农业、城市支持农村,实现工业与农业、城市与农村协调发展,是带有普遍性的趋向。

3.The substance ofindustry re-feeding agriculture is to transform the disadvantageous stance of agriculture and rural economics in the resource installment and the national income repartition,to increase the agriculture-supporting strength of public finance,to enable public service to go deeper into villages,and to realize the integrative development of the countryside and city.工业反哺农业的实质就是要改变农业和农村经济在资源配置和国民收入分配中所处的不利地位,加大公共财政支农力度,让公共服务更多地深入农村、惠及农民,实现城乡一体化发展。

3)getting industry to support agriculture工业反哺农业

1.To implement the policy of "getting industry to support agriculture and cities to support the countryside" proposed by the Central Committee of our Party in ,the two villages of Yunnan Province have adopted the form of " joint establishment by the mine and village " in building the new socialist countryside.10月党中央提出了“工业反哺农业”的方针,各地对此进行了各种探索。

4)industry returns nurturing to agriculture工业反哺农业

1.Anhui Province is a large agriculture province,is building the socialist new countryside under the Macroscopic background ofindustry returns nurturing to agriculture.安徽省是农业大省,在工业反哺农业宏观背景下,建设社会主义新农村,相关农业政策的制定不能脱离农业、农村实际,也要充分尊重农民需求意愿。

5)industry repaying agriculture工业反哺农业

1.China s Industry Repaying Agriculture Its Mechanisms Construction and Policy Analysis;中国工业反哺农业实现机制的构建及政策分析

6)returning nurturing to agriculture反哺农业



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