糖尿病康复 > 农业产业化经营 Agricultural industrialization英语短句 例句大全

农业产业化经营 Agricultural industrialization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-26 09:49:50


农业产业化经营 Agricultural industrialization英语短句 例句大全

农业产业化经营,Agricultural industrialization

1)Agricultural industrialization农业产业化经营

1.Several Typical Models And Its Effect Comparison And Analysis of Agricultural Industrialization Management in Jianghan Plain;江汉平原农业产业化经营的几种典型模式及其效应的比较分析

2.The train of thoughts of the third-generation central government in developing the agricultural industrialization;论第三代中央领导集体的农业产业化经营思想

3.Constructing the Rural Capital Market, Promoting the Agricultural Industrialization;培育农村资本市场 推进农业产业化经营


1.Solution to 21 Century Agriculture--Agricultural Industrialization;21世纪农业的出路——农业产业化经营

2.An Approach to the Tactics of operation and Sale in the Course of Agricultural Commercialization;农业产业化经营中市场营销策略探讨

3.On the Construction of the Leading Enterprises in Industrialization of Agricultural Management;论农业产业化经营中的龙头企业建设

4.Operation of Agricultural Industrialization & County Economy Development;农业产业化经营与县域经济发展研究

5.Economic and Theoretical Cognition of the System of Agricultural Industrialization Managing;农业产业化经营的制度经济理论认识

6.Sutdy on agricultural industrialization through the evolution of the institution and economic performamce;制度变迁、经济绩效与农业产业化经营

7.Developing Agricultural Cooperative Economy and Promoting Agricultural Industrialization;发展农业合作经济 推进农业产业化经营

8.Studies on Improving External Environment in Operation of Agriculture Industrialization;优化农业产业化经营的外部环境研究

9.The Study of China s Agricultural Industrialization and the Development of International Agriculture;农业产业化经营与农业国际化发展趋势研究

10.Speeding up the Agriculture Industrialization Management to Accomplish the Oasis Ecological Agriculture Modernization加快农业产业化经营 实现绿洲生态农业现代化

11.Guiding Non-state-owned S&T Enterprises to Participate in the Agricultural Industrialization Management;应引导民营科技企业参与农业产业化经营

12.(5) Actively promoting industrialized operation of agriculture.(5)积极推进农业产业化经营。

13.-- Promoting the industrialized operation of agriculture.——积极推进农业产业化经营。

14.Research on Brand Strategy of Agricultural Industrialization Management in China;中国农业产业化经营的品牌战略研究

15.Study on the Development of Agricultural Industrialization Management in Anyang City;安阳市农业产业化经营发展对策研究

16.A Study on Jiuquan Agricultural Integration Organizational Models;酒泉市农业产业化经营组织模式研究

17.On Financial Support of Agricultural Industrialization;论农业产业化经营及其金融支持对策

18.The Studies on Innovation of Chinese Agricultural Industrialization Operational Organization;我国农业产业化经营组织的创新研究


Agricultural industrialization management农业产业化经营

1.Development type,organization mode and operationsystem of agricultural industrialization management;农业产业化经营的发展类型、组织模式及其运行机制

2.Agricultural Industrialization Management is a kind of choice and innovation of Institution, which need a certain of cost .农业产业化经营是一种制度选择和制度创新,制度变迁有收益,也必然耗费一定成本。

3.First,The article discusses the impact of the innovation of technology in agricultural industrialization management;second,the article explicates the system of the innovation of technology in agricultural industrialization;lastly,the article expounds the countermeasures how to promote the innovation of technology.论述了技术创新在农业产业化经营中的作用 ,详细介绍了农业产业化经营中技术创新体系的内容 ,对农业产业化经营中如何促进技术创新的对策进行了探

3)operation of agricultural industrialization农业产业化经营

1.The Study on Organizational Mechanism and Organizational Operative Model of Dragon-headed Enterprise in Operation of Agricultural Industrialization;农业产业化经营龙头企业组织机理和运营模式研究

2.Theoperation of agricultural industrialization is the necessary access to realize agricultural modernization and the effective measure to resolve the questions of "Agriculture,Peasant,Rural" in China.农业产业化经营是我国农业现代化的必由之路,也是解决"三农"问题的有效措施。

4)agriculture integration农业产业化经营

1.Research on Rule of Agriculture Integration Contract;农业产业化经营契约法制研究

2.The author researched the advancing mechanism of theagriculture integration in the area of Shouguang City,erecting market system,cultivating leading industries and innovating upon the organize model supplement each other to promote the development of theagriculture integration.农业产业化经营是解决困扰我国社会经济发展的"三农"问题的有效途径,而推动区域农业产业化经营快速、健康发展是我国农村许多地区面临的共同课题。

5)agriculture industrialization management农业产业化经营

1.Asymmetric information andagriculture industrialization management;非对称信息与农业产业化经营

2.Discuss the important role ofagriculture industrialization management on production, exchange, distribution, consumption etc.论述了农业产业化经营对生产、交换、分配、消费等环节的重要作用 ,提出了实行农业产业化经营的 3个关键环节 ,探讨了加入WTO后财政支持农业产业化经营的方式和领域。

3.This paper analyzes the significance and pressure ofagriculture industrialization management, points out the problems existed and the countermeasures of them accordingly.分析了农业产业化经营的重要性及紧迫性,指出了当前存在的问题,并提出相应的解决的方法。

6)industrialization of agriculture农业产业化经营

1.Theindustrialization of agriculture to promote the implementation of agricultural management in the division of responsibilities between the central,but also increase transaction costs.农业产业化经营的实施促进农业经营中各环节之间的分工,同时也带来交易费用的增加。


农业产业化花卉基地 农业产业化花卉基地位于固安县牛驼镇,目前此场年生产花卉种苗100万株,花卉240万支(盆)。基地由三部分组成:东部为办公及生活场所,占地10亩;中部为地热日光温室,占地60亩,已建成26栋;西部为荷兰进口的自动化温室。

图片列表门票价格交通提示相临景点天下第一城 新世纪步行街 东方大学城 文明中华园 南小街清真寺 大围河清真寺 北坞清真寺 中华戏曲城 农业产业化花卉基地 儿童乐园 固安地热 文安洼 世纪广场 自然公园 廊坊市时代广场 和安花园 文化艺术中心 后两间清真寺 北钊清真寺 大韩寨清真寺 信安清真寺 安育清真寺 北曹家务清真寺 开发区桐柏清真寺 南营清真寺 大厂县芦庄清真寺 香椿营清真寺 南寺头清真寺 伊指挥营清真寺 华堂国际高尔夫球场

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