糖尿病康复 > 农业产业 agricultural industry英语短句 例句大全

农业产业 agricultural industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-11 21:06:42


农业产业 agricultural industry英语短句 例句大全

农业产业,agricultural industry

1)agricultural industry农业产业

1.Reflections on strategic adjustment of Shandongagricultural industry;对山东农业产业战略调整的几点思考

2.The low-temperature freezing rain and snow weather happened in most area of South China in January is a very rare large-scale extreme weather disaster in recent fifty years, which made great impact and losses in the production and operation ofagricultural industry in the disaster areas .1月中下旬发生在我国南方大部分地区的低温雨雪冰冻天气,是我国近50年来极为罕见的一次大范围极端气象灾害,给灾区农业产业的生产经营造成了较大的影响和巨大的损失,值得总结与深思。

3.This paper analyzes systemically the function mechanism between cooperative system and the development ofagricultural industry,and analyzes the current situation of the agricultural industrial development in Xinjiang.该文系统分析了合作制度与农业产业发展的作用机理,针对新疆农业产业发展的现状,指出合作制度发展缓慢是阻碍农业产业发展的一个重要原因,促进农业基础产业发展就必须大力发展农业合作制度,合作制度的创新可以从主体培育、诚信建设、特色农业品牌培育、农村实用人才开发以及相关政策体系建设等方面来推动。


1.To Regulate Industrial Structure and to Develop Environmental Industry in Agriculture;调整农业产业结构 发展农业环保产业

2.Discussion on Agricultural Industrialization and Agro-product Processing;浅论农业产业化与发展农产品加工业

3.Establish Producing Base of Farm Products and Stress Agricultural Industrialization Development;建农产品生产基地 抓农业产业化开发

4.Study on the Advantage and the Industry Structure Adjustment of Hubei Province s Agriculture;湖北省农业产业优势与农业产业结构优化研究

5.The Industrilization of Agriculture and the Choice of Agricultural Mainstay Industry in the Region of Minority Nationalities;民族地区农业产业化与农业支柱产业的选择

6.A Probe into Adjustment of Agricultural Construction and Agricultural Industrialism in Nanchong;南充市农业产业结构调整与农业产业化初探

7.Study on the Agro-industrialization and Modern Agriculture Construction in Henan;河南农业产业化与现代农业建设探究

8.Innovating Agriculture Mechanization,Promoting Agriculture Industrialization;创新农业机械化 推动农业产业化

9.The Only Road to Agriculture Development in Shanxi Province--Agriculture Industrialization;山西农业发展的必由之路——农业产业化

10.A Study on Mechanisms of Interaction between Agriculture Insurance and Agriculture Industrialization;农业保险与农业产业化互动机制探析

11.The development of agricultural mechanization and the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure;农业机械化发展与农业产业结构调整

12.Implementing Agricultural Industrialization, Promoting Development of Agricultural Modernization;实施农业产业化 促进农业现代化发展

13.The Analysis of the Relation Between Agricultural Standardization and Industrialization;论农业标准化在农业产业化中的运用


15.Industrialization of Agriculture:the Only Way to Develop the Agricultural Economy;农业经济发展的必然选择——农业产业化

16.A Research on Agricultural Industrialization and Advances in Science and Technology;农业产业化与农业科技进步问题研究

17.Agro informationalization and Its Effect onAgricultural Industrialization;农业信息化及其对农业产业化的影响

18.Industrialization of Farming--A Rational Choice ofThe Farming in The West of China;农业产业化——西部农业的理性选择


agriculture industry农业产业

3)agriculture industrialization农业产业化

1.A review of the research on the relation between agricultural informatization andagriculture industrialization;农业信息化与农业产业化关系研究综述

2.An analysis on diversity and similarity between biological resource andagriculture industrialization;生物资源产业化与农业产业化开发的异同性分析

3.A method to appariseagriculture industrialization on multivariate statis;基于多元统计的农业产业化评价方法

4)agricultural industrialization农业产业化

1.The discussion on the function and development of hunanagricultural industrialization leading enterprise;论湖南农业产业化龙头企业的作用及发展

2.Discussion about the technology innovation ofagricultural industrialization leading enterprises;论农业产业化龙头企业的技术创新

3.Study on development ofagricultural industrialization in Shouxian county;寿县农业产业化发展研究

5)industrialization of agriculture农业产业化

1.International Comparison & Study on Financial Support of Industrialization of Agriculture;农业产业化金融支持的国际比较与借鉴

2.That restraints theindustrialization of agriculture.但目前,在县域分割下陕西红枣产业的发展却存在生产结构“小而全”、市场上恶性竞争、资源不能优化利用等问题,制约了农业产业化的进程。

3.As the development ofindustrialization of agriculture, the ecological development is come into consideration.随着农业产业化进程的加快,农业产业化生态化发展被提上议事日程。

6)agricultural integration农业产业化

1.A study on the development ofagricultural integration s organization of China;我国农业产业化经营组织发展研究

2.Technological progress and development ofagricultural integration in China;关于依靠科技进步推进中国农业产业化的探讨


农业产业化花卉基地 农业产业化花卉基地位于固安县牛驼镇,目前此场年生产花卉种苗100万株,花卉240万支(盆)。基地由三部分组成:东部为办公及生活场所,占地10亩;中部为地热日光温室,占地60亩,已建成26栋;西部为荷兰进口的自动化温室。

图片列表门票价格交通提示相临景点天下第一城 新世纪步行街 东方大学城 文明中华园 南小街清真寺 大围河清真寺 北坞清真寺 中华戏曲城 农业产业化花卉基地 儿童乐园 固安地热 文安洼 世纪广场 自然公园 廊坊市时代广场 和安花园 文化艺术中心 后两间清真寺 北钊清真寺 大韩寨清真寺 信安清真寺 安育清真寺 北曹家务清真寺 开发区桐柏清真寺 南营清真寺 大厂县芦庄清真寺 香椿营清真寺 南寺头清真寺 伊指挥营清真寺 华堂国际高尔夫球场

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