糖尿病康复 > 农机行业 agricultural machinery industry英语短句 例句大全

农机行业 agricultural machinery industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-07 03:25:25


农机行业 agricultural machinery industry英语短句 例句大全

农机行业,agricultural machinery industry

1)agricultural machinery industry农机行业

1.On the basis of analyzing its social and economic efforts, we discuss the economy of social resources, enhancement of agriculture machinery industry competition, renovation of products and reformation of industry structure for currentagricultural machinery industry if the Remanufacturing Engineering has been introduced.为此,在分析再制造工程的社会效益和经济效益的基础上,结合当前我国农机行业的现状,从节约社会资源、提升产业竞争力、产品更新换代和产业结构整合等方面入手,分析了引入再制造工程对我国农机行业的现实意义,并对推行再制造工程的主导因素做了前瞻性探讨。

2.It s necessary for theagricultural machinery industry in Jilin province to improve independent creativity.吉林省农机行业提高自主创新能力迫在眉睫。


1.The Developed Opportunity of the Agricultural Machinery Industry Base on the Transitional Period about Agricultural Subsidy;基于农业补贴后过渡期的农机行业发展机遇

2.Research about Evaluation of the Agricultural Machinery Industry s Performance Based on DEA;基于DEA的农机行业规模效益评价

3.On Agricultural Risk Evasion and Agricultural Insurance in the New Period农业风险的规避与农业保险运行机制

4.The Structure & Mechanism of Agricultural Industry;浅析农业产业化组织模式与运行机制

5.Safe technical requirements for agricultural machinery operating--Agricultural trailerGB16151.5-1996农业机械运行安全技术条件农用挂车

6.Study on the Run Mechanism of Agricultural Universities Developing Agriculture Through Science and Technology;高等农业院校科技兴农工作运行机制研究

7.The Study of the Governance to Peasants Opportunistic Behaviors in Contract Farming;合同农业中农户机会主义行为的治理研究

8.Incentive Mechanism Discussion of Peasant Household Behavior in the Development of Agriculture Circulation Economy;农业循环经济发展中农户行为的激励机制探讨

9.A Probe into Operational Mechanism of Agricultural Universities Participating in Combination of Agriculture,Science & Technology and Education;农业高校参与农科教结合的运行机制探索

10.Inter-Agency Action Programme on Water and Sustainable Agriculture水和可持续农业发展机构间行动纲领

11.Such planes are doing agricultural flying on a growing scale.这样的飞机越来越多地用于农业飞行。

12.Agricultural Credit Market in China: Mechanism and Efficiency;中国农业信贷市场的运行机制与绩效

13.Problem Study to Reform the Business Mechanism of Agricultural Development Bank;中国农业发展银行经营机制问题研究

14.On Innovation Discussion of Agriculture Management System and Operating Mechanism;农业经营体制和运行机制的创新探讨

15.Analysis on the Operation Mechanism and Performance of Contract-Based Agriculture in Henan Province;河南合同农业的运行机制及绩效分析

16.Thinking about the running mechanism of Journals of Agricultural Popular Science of 21th Century;21世纪农业科普期刊运行机制的思考

17.Research and Design on Incentive Mechanism of Shenyang Agricultural Bank;中国农业银行沈阳市分行激励机制研究与设计

18.To improve the operating mechanism of agricultural development banks from Foreign experience;借鉴国外经验完善农业发展银行的运行机制


agricultural bank农业银行

1.Research on the Management Innovation for Intra-County Organizations of Agricultural Bank of China;中国农业银行县域机构组织管理创新研究

2.Case Study of Compensation Reform in the Agricultural Bank of China Panjin Branch;中国农业银行盘锦市分行薪酬分配改革案例分析报告

3.Study on Effect and Countermeasure of Inner Mongolia Agricultural Bank after Entering WTO;加入WTO对内蒙古农业银行的影响及对策的研究

3)Agricultural Bank of China农业银行

1.Discussion on the operation mechanism ofAgricultural Bank of China;中国农业银行运行机制的探讨

2.On the Enterprise Culture inAgricultural Bank of China;论农业银行的企业文化建设

3.Agricultural Bank of China Customer Information File System;中国农业银行客户信息系统的设计与开发

4)pesticide industry农药行业

1.In this article,not only the status quo ofpesticide industry at home and abroad was analyzed,but also the deveopment and strategies of ourpesticide industry after China join in WTO were discussed.通过对我国及国外农药发展现状的分析 ,探讨了我国在加入世界贸易组织后农药行业的发展及应对策

2.Started with analysis of characteristic and connotation ofpesticide industry,the thesis emphasizes that thepesticide industry is a synthesis system which includes production and distribution ,information and sciencific research and envirment of pesticide.结合山东省农药行业具体情况,全面客观的分析了山东农药存在的实际问题,其主要表现为:农药行业的散小乱和重复生产;产品结构不合理;使用中高毒农药的惯性使用较普遍,使用技术和环境问题突出;销售中的误导问题;信息与技术研发与市场和企业的脱离以及农药管理中“政出多门”的问题。

5)Agriculture Bank of China农业银行

1.TakingAgriculture Bank of China, Xi Xia branch as an example, the practical problems in shareholder structure reform process are analyzed through studying the measures in shareholder structure reform, and the mechanism and its institutional problems are investigated.目前,农业银行的股改准备工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行。

2.Marketing theory has been employed in the managementAgriculture Bank of China (ABC) for no more than two years though it began be to used in industry and business nearly a hundred years ago.市场营销理论应用于工商业至今已有近百年的历史,但它被农业银行所重视只是近两年的事。

6)provincial agriculture行省农业

1.The agriculture developments in early Roman Empire include the following significant aspects: rapid increasing in large estates, development in the functions ofprovincial agriculture and adjustment of the ancient Italian agriculture.农业是罗马帝国的基础 ,大土地所有制的迅速崛起、行省农业作用的增大以及意大利农业的调整是早期罗马帝国农业变革的重要内容。



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