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肌肉耐力 muscle endurance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-10 09:41:33


肌肉耐力 muscle endurance英语短句 例句大全

肌肉耐力,muscle endurance

1)muscle endurance肌肉耐力

1.The result shows that the training method of experiment group can effectively improve the level of cardiorespiratory function andmuscle endurance.结果表明 ,实验组的训练方案能够更有效地提高和发展战士的心肺功能和肌肉耐力水


1.The Impact of Static Muscle Endurance Training on Student Pilots静力性肌肉耐力训练对飞行学员耐力影响

2.We evaluate five things: muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and balance, and body composition.我们会评估五项指标:肌肉强度、肌肉耐力、心血管耐力、灵活与平衡性,以及体态。

3.The Experimental Fest on the Stamina Muscle Forces of Lower Extremity and the Struction on Biomechanical Model of Charactersitic Factor For Sprinters;短跑运动员下肢肌肉耐力的实验测试及特征参数力学模型的构建

4.muscular effort, contraction肌肉的力量、 收缩

5.His correctly proportioned, compact and powerful build leads to the conclusion of great strength, agility and endurance.比例匀称,肌肉结实紧凑,力量充沛,行动轻快敏捷,有很好的耐力。

pactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed.身体结构紧凑,肌肉发达而有力,具有极大的耐力和速度。

7.Lack of muscle tone.肌弛缓肌肉张力不足

8.Influences of aerobic endurance exercise on injuries of free radicals in mouse musculature;有氧耐力运动对小鼠肌肉组织自由基损伤的影响

9.Study on the Mechanisms of Multidrug Resistance in Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma;眼眶横纹肌肉瘤多药耐药机制的研究

10.The wrestler"s muscles bulged (out).角力手的肌肉隆起着。

11.hypertonic muscle tissue.张力亢进的肌肉组织。

12.mental summit of muscular strength肌肉力量的心理极限

13.The time on phase of feet contact ground of vertical jump in succession is shorter than that. It may be endurance target and may be target of good trainning on jump and muscular contraction.连续跳跃支撑阶段时间较短可作为肌肉发力好和弹跳训练好的指标也是耐力指标.

14.Abnormal muscular weakness or fatigue.肌无力不正常的肌肉衰弱或者疲劳

15.Treatments that regenerate muscle, increase its strength, and protect it from degradation will soon be entering human clinical trials for muscle-wasting disorders.这种疗法能让肌肉组织再生、加肌肉力量、肌肉免于衰退,将很快在临床试验上医治肌肉耗损症。

16.Mechanomyographic Study on Age-related Sarcopenia and Muscular Fatigue;老年人肌力流失与肌肉疲劳的肌动图研究

17.The Influence of Different Muscle Trainings on the Muscle Strength and Its Electromyography Characteristic;不同肌肉收缩训练方式对肌肉力量及其肌电图特征的影响

18.A Hybrid Method Including Optimization and Force-EMG Relationship for Predicting Muscle Force基于优化和力—肌电关系的肌肉力混合计算方法


motor activity肌肉运动耐力

1.Effects of PSP in low level from shellfish on ability of learning and memory andmotor activity;麻痹性贝毒对学习记忆及肌肉运动耐力影响

3)muscle strength肌肉力量

1.In order to conduct a research into the effect of sports prescription on the quality ofmuscle strength,a trial ofmuscle strength was given to 78 students in our university,aged from 18 to 20.为探讨运动处方对肌肉力量素质的影响,对我校78名18~20岁受试者进行肌肉力量测试,把肌肉力量相同的受试者分成实验组和对照组。

2.The impact of PNF stretch time on the joint ROM and themuscle strength was studied.考察不同时间的PNF牵拉对关节ROM和肌肉力量的影响作用。

3.According tomuscle strength, GDF8 and CNTF might be candidate genes.结果发现 ,与有氧能力有关的基因主要包括ACE、CKMM、ADRA2 A及 mt DNA的 D- loop和 MTND5 ,此外 ,家系研究提示 1p、2 p、4 q、6p、8q、11p、14 q染色体区域可能有与运动能力有关的基因 ;与肌肉力量有关的基因主要涉及 GDF8、 CNTF。

4)muscle forces肌肉力

1.The load cases included combinations of upper body weight(260N),erector spinaemuscle forces and local dorsal muscle force.T12-L1-L2节段屈曲0°、5°、10°、15°、20°过程中,模拟上身重力(260N)、竖脊肌力和节段间局部肌肉力作用,观察竖脊肌力及椎间盘压力的变化。

5)muscular strength肌肉力量

1.In order to study the influence of different eccentric speed training on the extensormuscular strength of atheletes′ shoulder joint,the author has made experimentation upon eccentric training on the extensormuscular strength of 24 atheletes′ shoulder joint under different speed,and has found the training has influenced the atheletes′muscular strength significantly.为了研究不同离心速度训练对上肢肌肉力量的影响,通过对24名运动员肩关节伸肌群进行不同离心速度的力量训练,结果发现离心收缩训练对改善运动员的肌肉力量有明显效果。

6)muscle force肌肉力量



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