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积极情感 Positive Affect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-02 03:34:09


积极情感 Positive Affect英语短句 例句大全

积极情感,Positive Affect

1)Positive Affect积极情感

1.(3) Mental health,positive affect,interpersonal tolerance, and anxiety are all predictable over subj.(3)心理健康、积极情感、被他人容纳、人际和焦虑对主观幸福感有一定的预测作用,其中,心理健康对主观幸福感的预测程度最高。

2.This paper generalizes the definition, history and classification of coping, and studies the defense mechanism ,stress and coping, and positive affect of coping in recent years.本文概述了应付的定义、简史和分类 ,探讨了近年来关于应付中的防御机制、压力和应付及压力的积极情感等方面的研

3.In this study,we choose 176 employees in Beijing as a sample to test the relationships among positive affect,negative affect and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior.本文通过对176名员工的实证研究,探讨了气质性情感(积极情感和消极情感)与工作满意度及组织公民行为之间的关系。


1.Positive Affection and Negative Affection of the Elderly and Their Related Factors;老年人积极情感和消极情感及相关因素研究

2.Optimize Junior Middle School English Teaching by Utilizing Positive Emotional Factors;应用积极情感因素优化初中英语教学

3.Cultivating Students′ Positive Emotional Attitude in English Teaching;英语教学中学生积极情感态度的培养

4.Cultivate Positive Emotions in Listening Teaching Courses by Applying Schemata Theory;运用图式理论培养英语听力积极情感

5.Exploration on Learners Negative Affects Elimination and Positive Affects Construction in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching;外语教学中学习者消极情感消除及积极情感建构之探索

6.A Research on the Difference of Positive-Negative Affectivity(PA-NA) on the Job Satisfaction;积极情感特质与消极情感特质在工作满意度上的差异研究

7.Relationships between Explicit Self-Esteem,Implicit Self-Esteem,Personality Traits and Positive Affect,Negative Affect in Undergraduates大学生外显自尊、内隐自尊、人格特质与积极情感、消极情感的关系

8.On the Cultivation of Students Positive Attitudes in the High School English Teaching;论高中英语教学中学生积极情感态度的培养

9.Mere Exposure as a Source of Positive Affect;单纯呈现产生积极情感状态—来自ERP的证据

10.The Study of Cultivating Students Positive Affective Attitude in English Teaching of High School;高中英语教学中培养学生积极情感态度的研究

11.An Empirical Study on the Positive Affective Environment for Foreign Language Learning;一项关于外语学习积极情感背景的实证研究

12.Cultivating Students Positive Emotions in College English Teaching:A Research of the Strategies;大学英语教学中培养学生积极情感的策略研究

13.On Positive Classroom Atmosphere in College English Teaching;论为大学英语课堂创造积极情感环境的必要性

14.Paying Attention to the Students Actively Emotional Attitude in English Teaching;英语教学中应注重积极情感态度的培养

15.A strong feeling having active consequences.强烈的感情具有积极后果的强烈的感情

16.On Positive Role of Affective Factors in English Teaching;论情感因素在英语教学中的积极作用

17.The Influence of Emotions on the Students Enthusiasm in P.E. Education;体育教学中情感对学生积极性的影响

18.Factorial and Construct Validity of the Chinese Positive and Negative Affect Scale for Student积极/消极情感量表中文版的结构和效度


positive emotion积极情感

1.Teachers should develop college studentspositive emotion and arouse their enthusiasm and interest for English study so as to improve their study and get fine teaching results.教师在教学中应培养学生的积极情感,激发他们的学习热情和兴趣,从而促进他们的学习,取得较好的教学效果。

2.Leisure sports activities not only increase people spositive emotion,but also restrict negative emotion.休闲体育活动可以增加积极情感,抑制消极情感的出现,从而维持主观幸福感,获得幸福的体验。

3.The results indicated that there was significant difference on life satisfaction,positive emotion and negative emotion, but not subjective well-being in the areas.差异检验表明 ,在总体SWB水平上 ,三个地区没有表现出显著差异 ,但在生活满意感、积极情感和消极情感维度上差异都显著。

3)positive feeling积极情感

1.Therefore,we have to develop thepositive feelings of the students in English teaching in order to improve the harmonious development between their mental health and other factors,which can guarantee the success of English learning.因此,我们在教学中应该不断培养学生的积极情感,促进其心理品质的健康及和谐发展,这是学好英语的重要保障之一。

4)active emotion积极情感

5)positive emotions积极情感

1.This paper gives an analysis to the causes of the psychological obstacles from the traditional listening teaching approach, clarifies the definition and content of schemata theory, and make a research and exploration of how to cultivate studentspositive emotions in listening teaching courses.本文分析了传统听力教学中心理障碍的产生及其危害,阐述了图式理论的定义与内容,并对英语听力教学中如何运用图式理论培养学生积极情感进行了研究与探索。

2.It has been proved thatpositive emotions facilitate language learning and negative emotions hinder language learning.本文从论述情感与语言学习的关系入手,分析了传统英语写作教学中消极情感的产生及其危害,揭示了过程写作法教学对积极情感因素培养的过程,旨在鼓励教师运用有效教学途径激发学生积极的学习情感,克服英语写作中的心理障碍。

3.The results showed that there was significant correlation betw een SWB andpositive emotions, negative emotions, life satisfaction, self exper i ence and norms.旨在考察主观幸福感的基本状况 ,通过对来自 4 8个国家和地区的 10 0 18名大学生被试施测《国际大学调查》(ICS)问卷 (分A卷和B卷 ) ,对施测结果进行相关分析和回归分析 ,发现积极情感、消极情感、生活满意感、自我体验和外在准则都是主观幸福感的有效预测变量。

6)positive and negative affect积极和消极情感

1.Objective:To examine the characteristics of attributions to discrimination and its effect onpositive and negative affect among Chinese migrant children.目的:以群体成员资格可以改变的流动儿童为对象,探讨其歧视归因倾向及对积极和消极情感的影响。



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