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正向情感 positive affectivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-04 12:47:51


正向情感 positive affectivity英语短句 例句大全

正向情感,positive affectivity

1)positive affectivity正向情感

1.This study investigated how organizational citizenship behavior affected by personal motives, perceived organizational support, job satisfaction andpositive affectivity, selected the modern access employees of two branches of T company in Chengdu and GuangZhou as the study sample.本研究以T公司在成都和广州两地分公司的现代化通路业务人员为研究样本探讨个人动机以及组织支持认知、工作满意度、正向情感等因素对员工组织公民行为的影响。

2)positive affects正、负向情感

1.There are no gender differences inpositive affects and happiness.采用量表法以 1 70名大学生为被试研究了情绪向性 (分正、负向情感变量 )、情绪表达性和心理健康的关系。

3)Positive affect正性情感

1.The major purpose of the study is to describe the positive affect and negative affect for college students.主要测量工具为Bradburn的《正性情感量表和负性情感量表》。

2.The study of subjective well-being which concentrates on positive affection offers people a new perspective to understand psychology.得出以下结论:1、长春高校教师整体幸福感水平较高;2、在性别、专业、婚姻变量上,没发现显著差异;3、年龄变量上,长春地区不同年龄的高校教师在正性情感、自述幸福感方面差异显著,50岁以上的教师得分最高。


1.Creating Positive Emotion Experience & Gaining Customer Loyalty;创造正性情感体验 赢得宾客忠诚

2.Personal feelings coloured judgement.个人感情影响了他判断的正确性。

3.Positive and negative emotion responses induced by international affective pictures systems;国际情感图片系统在中国诱发正性和负性情绪反应的研究

4.You must be aware that personal feelings may colour judgement.你该知道个人感情会影响你判断的正确性。

5.The New Woman must become truly self-sufficient, spiritually, emotionally.新女性在精神上、情感上都必须真正有自信。

6.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性

7.Sentiment and romance were coming into fashion.感情用事与浪漫情调正开始流行。

8.True forgiveness is not a one-off act, it"s a constant emotional confrontation.真正意义的宽恕不是一次性的行为,而是不断的情感斗争。

9.Normally these white blood cells called neutrophils help the body fight infection.这种白细胞称为中性白细胞,正常情况下它们帮助人体战胜感染。

10.He was in the midst of a great and mingled emotional experience.他百感交集,正经历着巨大的感情冲击。

11.A handsome and muscular boy. Envying freedom and challenges. Awaiting the right feeling to ignite my fire of desire.性感男孩.向往自由.崇尚对位的感觉.性喜冒险和挑战.体内蓄锐待发的热情,正待你的引发.

12.than as sex-objects or attractive properties.或许男性习惯性的礼貌正慢慢地变成对妇女需要和情感的真正关心,

13.secondary affective insanity继发性情感性精神病

14.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症

15.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病

16.emotional nature or quality.富有情感的天性或品质。

17.negative empathy【生理】负性感情移入

18.a feeling of protective affection.保护性的友爱的感情。


positive affects正、负向情感

1.There are no gender differences inpositive affects and happiness.采用量表法以 1 70名大学生为被试研究了情绪向性 (分正、负向情感变量 )、情绪表达性和心理健康的关系。

3)Positive affect正性情感

1.The major purpose of the study is to describe the positive affect and negative affect for college students.主要测量工具为Bradburn的《正性情感量表和负性情感量表》。

2.The study of subjective well-being which concentrates on positive affection offers people a new perspective to understand psychology.得出以下结论:1、长春高校教师整体幸福感水平较高;2、在性别、专业、婚姻变量上,没发现显著差异;3、年龄变量上,长春地区不同年龄的高校教师在正性情感、自述幸福感方面差异显著,50岁以上的教师得分最高。

4)emotional inclination情感倾向

1.This paper interprets their works from a microscopic perspective,analyzes theiremotional inclinations so as to make case analysis on the study of diversification of writer s writing styles.从一个微观的角度对她们的作品进行解读,剖析他们的情感倾向,从而对作家风格多样化研究做一个例分析。

5)emotional orientation情感取向

1.Luzhen Town in Lunxun\"s novel,Biancheng Town in Shen Congwen\"s novel, they are both the most representative environments in modern local novels but show different cultural and value orientation and meanwhile imply the contradiction inemotional orientations.鲁迅笔下的"鲁镇"和沈从文笔下的"边城",足以构成现代乡土小说中最具代表性、最突出的典型环境,传达出对乡土不同的文化价值判断,隐含着作者对乡土在情感取向上的矛盾。

6)feeling tendency感情倾向


Kinematicchain(正向链接运动)kinematic chain (正向链接运动)kinematic chain正向链接运动是定义一个单一层级分支,使其分支下的子物体沿父物体的链接点运动。

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