糖尿病康复 > 负性情感 Negative affect英语短句 例句大全

负性情感 Negative affect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-23 16:36:14


负性情感 Negative affect英语短句 例句大全

负性情感,Negative affect

1)Negative affect负性情感

1.The major purpose of the study is to describe the positive affect and negative affect for college students.主要测量工具为Bradburn的《正性情感量表和负性情感量表》。


1.Study on the Expression of CCK c-fos and Substance p in IBS and Correlation with the Syndrome in TCM and Negativity Affection;IBS患者中医病证及负性情感与CCK、c-fos、P物质表达相关性研究

2.Through investigation,we found the rate of negative affection was high in college students. Depression and anxiety was 25.2% and 15.8% respectively.通过调查发现大学生负性情感检出率高,抑郁和焦虑分别达到25.2%和15.8%。

3.negative empathy【生理】负性感情移入

4.A Study of Preattentional Bias toward Negative Emotional Cues in Internet Users with Social-Affective Motives;情感性动机网络使用者对负性情绪线索的前注意偏向

5.Positive and negative emotion responses induced by international affective pictures systems;国际情感图片系统在中国诱发正性和负性情绪反应的研究

6.Something that is emotionally difficult to bear.感情负担使人感情上难以承受的东西

7.perceived social support,self-efficacy of general intelligence and family income negatively predict negative affection.觉知的社会支持、一般智力效能感、家庭月收入负性预测消极情感。

8.The Relationships Among Attachment Working Models,the Sense of Stress,Coping Strategies and Negative Moods among College Students;大学生依恋模式与生活压力感、应对方式和负性情绪的关系

9.The Possibility of Disappearing the Negative Effeet of Contemporary Science Technology in the Moral Motion of Pre-confucianist;先秦儒家道德情感消解当代科技负面作用的可能性

10.Most elder people have bad feeling , for example, loneliness, senility and uselessness, all most elder people have bad health consciousness.老年人大部分有负性情绪,主要是孤独感、衰老感、忧郁感。 绝大部分老人健康保健意识差。

11.Sense and Sensibility理智与情感/理性与感性

12.There is no place for sentiment in competition.竞争中不可感情用事 [竞争论胜负不讲] 。

13.The Negative Effect of Internet on the Teenagers Emotional Development;互联网对青少年情感发展的负面影响

14.Do you feel guilty when you have done something you shouldn"t?当你做了不该做的事情时,你会感到有负罪感吗?

15.secondary affective insanity继发性情感性精神病

16.simple affective depression单纯性情感性抑郁症

17.psychotic and mood disorder精神性与情感性疾病

18.How to Overcome the Negative Effects of Anxiety on College English Teaching and Learning;探析焦虑情感对大学英语教学的负面影响


negative emotion负面情感

1.After reading a lot of literatures,this paper defines conflict from three dimensions,which are disagreement,negative emotion and interference.在阅读了大量文献资料的基础上,本文按照不同意见、负面情感、恶意妨碍三个方面对冲突的定义进行分类,共总结出关于冲突的七种定义。

2.The results show that customer\"s evaluation and behavioral response are determined by their cognition(perceived justice) and emotion(negative emotion) affected by the attributes of penalty(severity,flexibility,explanatory).结果表明,罚金特征(严厉性、灵活性和解释性)通过认知因素(感知公平)和情感因素(负面情感)显著地影响顾客对罚金的不满意程度,进而导致顾客的消极行为反应。

3)the negative emotions负向情感

1.In the privata junior high schools boys score higher onthe negative emotions obviously than girls.私立中学男生的负向情感得分显著高于女生;私立中学初中三个年级的学生在生活满意度上存在显著的差异,初一学生的生活满意度最高,初三学生的生活满意度最低;来自农村的学生的主观幸福感显著低于来自城市的学生;私立学校非独生子女的主观幸福感显著低于独生子女。

4)positive affects正、负向情感

1.There are no gender differences inpositive affects and happiness.采用量表法以 1 70名大学生为被试研究了情绪向性 (分正、负向情感变量 )、情绪表达性和心理健康的关系。

5)negative emotion负性情绪

1.A control study of personality characteristics,life events,negative emotion between patients with acute myocardial infarction and health adults;急性心肌梗塞患者与正常人个性特征生活事件和负性情绪对照研究

2.A Study of Related Factors Between Negative Emotion and Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死患者与负性情绪的相关因素探讨

3.Analysis onnegative emotion and influential factors of spouses loss;丧偶人群负性情绪及影响因素分析

6)Negative emotions负性情绪

1.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控

2.Emotional tradeoff difficulties refer that decision makers usually feel it difficult to tradeoff alternatives because of negative emotions experienced when they have to tradeoff valued goals.情绪性权衡困难是指决策者在对与价值目标相关的特性进行权衡时会产生负性情绪,从而在情感上难以对不同的特性进行权衡。

3.From the angle of study pressure,family economic status,loving and so on, the cause of the negative emotions is analysed,and timely,effective psychological nursing is probed into so as to reduce or eliminate deterioration of the negative emotions and further to vavoid causing the possibility of getting into the emotional barrier.从学习压力、家庭经济、恋爱等多方面因素分析大学生负性情绪产生的原因 ,探讨适时有效的心理护理 ,减少或消除大学生负性情绪恶化进而陷入情绪障碍的可能性 。


性情感性情感sexual emotion心理名。是人对性与主体需要之间关系 所产生的态度的体验。它的产生首先来自于生物需要,其次,社会条件、文化背景(尤是性 价值观、性知识水平等)、民族与宗教、年龄等因素亦产生巨大影响。其主要特点:①两极 性:爱慕与思念,或者仇恨与嫉妒;②动力性:良好性情感可催人奋进,不断创新、不良情 感则使人消沉、自戕、凶恶。③复杂性:既可深潜不露或反向形成,亦可过分表露和言过其 实。应注意良好的性情感的培养。

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