糖尿病康复 > 脾 spleen英语短句 例句大全

脾 spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-14 11:28:32


脾 spleen英语短句 例句大全



1.Toxic effect of nitrobenzene onspleen in mice;硝基苯对小鼠脾的毒性作用

2.Modern scientific foundation of "spleen governs thinking";“脾主思”的现代科学基础

3.Relationship between Spleen in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Corresponding Viscera in Modern Medicine;中医脾与西医学对应脏腑的关系探讨


1.wreak one"s bad temper [ angry ] on对...发脾气[怒]

2."What! Furious, is he?"“什么——发脾气?”

3.blow one"s stack; fly off the handle, flip one"s wig; lose one"s temper; blow a fuse.大发脾气;脱离控制,大发脾气;大发脾气;大怒。

4.Spleen Traumatic Rupture Treated by Ligature of Splenic Artery Combined with Partial Splenectomy脾动脉结扎加脾部分切除治疗外伤性脾破裂

5.He is in his tantrums.他在发脾气 [发怒] 。

6.All right, don"t lose your temper.好了!别发脾气了!

7.Good temper is an estate for life.脾气好,终身受益。

8.He is hot-tempered and equally hot-tempered is his wife.他的脾气暴躁,他的妻子的脾气也暴躁.

9.The spleen of certain vertebrate animals, such as cows or pigs.脾脏某些脊椎动物的脾脏,如牛或猪的

10.You"ll never get rid of a Bad temper by losing it用发脾气的办法永远改不掉坏脾气

11.A fit of ill temper. Often used with the.脾气的发作,生气一阵坏脾气。常与the连用

12.On "tonifying the kidney better than tonifying the spleen,and the oppsite applicable";浅谈“补脾不如补肾”与“补肾不如补脾”

13.Research Progress of splenic autotransplantation after splenectomy脾切除后自体脾组织移植的研究进展

plications of hypersplenism treated with partial splenic arterial embolization部分性脾动脉栓塞治疗脾亢的并发症

15.The operational application of spleen traumatic rupture reserving spleen operation外伤性脾破裂保脾性手术的选择应用

16.Experimental and Primary Clinical Study of Quantitative Microwave Ablation for Secondary Splenomagely and Hypersplenism;微波定量消融脾组织治疗脾大、脾亢的实验和初步临床研究

17.Partial Splenic Embolization Combining with Invigorating Spleen and Removing Blood Stasis for Hypersplenism in Portal Hypertension: A Preliminary Clinical Observation;部分性脾栓塞合健脾化瘀法治疗门静脉高压性脾亢的临床研究

18.Influence on Immune Function of Quantitative Microwave Ablation for Secondary Splenomagely and Hypersplenism;微波定量消融脾组织对脾大脾亢患者免疫功能的影响



1.Changes in high mobility group box 1 protein levels after scald injury and its effect onsplenic lymphocyte immunity in rats;烫伤大鼠高迁移率族蛋白B1的变化及其对脾淋巴细胞免疫反应的影响

2.CT manifestations ofsplenic tuberculosis;脾脏结核的CT影像表现

3)Sheep spleen羊脾


1.Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura:A Pathologic and Immunohistochemical Study of the Spleen;慢性ITP时脾脏的形态学及免疫组化研究

2.Maturation of Dendritic Cells and Activation of B-lymphocytes in Spleens of ICR Mice Infected with Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium berghei;伯氏疟原虫氯喹抗性株感染ICR小鼠脾脏树突状细胞成熟和B细胞活化

3.The progress and prospect of fundamental research of thespleen;脾脏的基础研究进展与展望

5)Porcine spleen猪脾

1.The comparison of TF isolated from three porcine spleens which had been immunized by ND vaccine, the physical and chemical properties and their concentration of polypeptide were made.对ND疫苗3只高免猪脾脏进行了转移因子(TF)分离 ,对分离出的转移因子做理化性质检验及含量测定 ,并与正常猪脾转移因子作了比较研究。

6)strengthening spleen健脾

1.Objective:Adopting methods of cell culture to explore the effects and mechanisms of Jianpi Bushen Huoxue Prescription(JPBSHXP),a traditional Chinese compound herbal medicine forstrengthening spleen,reinforcing kidney and activating blood circulation,in inhibiting hematopoietic cells apoptosis in a mouse model of aplas- tic anemia(AA).目的:采用细胞培养方法,从细胞凋亡角度探讨健脾补肾活血方对再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)模型小鼠的疗效及其促进骨髓造血的作用机制。

2.According to the diseased locations, the therapeutic principle of releasing lung - qi,strengthening spleen and invigorating kidney should be adopted accordingly so as to promote diuresis and relieve edema.根据肾炎以水肿为主要表现的特点,从水肿进行辨治,据其病位不同,采取宣肺、健脾、补肾等方法,达到利水消肿之目的。

3.We give the patients in the treatment group traditional Chinese medicine aboutstrengthening spleen,take orally,2 times everyday.方法:选择80例符合纳入标准的临床病例,随机分为两组,对照组40例采用盐酸氟桂利嗪加尼莫地平为主的常规治疗方法;治疗组40例在对照组的基础上,加服健脾为主中药辨证治疗,每日1剂,分早晚2次服;两组均以14天为1个疗程。



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