糖尿病康复 > 健脾 strengthening spleen英语短句 例句大全

健脾 strengthening spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-18 19:50:53


健脾 strengthening spleen英语短句 例句大全

健脾,strengthening spleen

1)strengthening spleen健脾

1.Objective:Adopting methods of cell culture to explore the effects and mechanisms of Jianpi Bushen Huoxue Prescription(JPBSHXP),a traditional Chinese compound herbal medicine forstrengthening spleen,reinforcing kidney and activating blood circulation,in inhibiting hematopoietic cells apoptosis in a mouse model of aplas- tic anemia(AA).目的:采用细胞培养方法,从细胞凋亡角度探讨健脾补肾活血方对再生障碍性贫血(aplastic anemia,AA)模型小鼠的疗效及其促进骨髓造血的作用机制。

2.According to the diseased locations, the therapeutic principle of releasing lung - qi,strengthening spleen and invigorating kidney should be adopted accordingly so as to promote diuresis and relieve edema.根据肾炎以水肿为主要表现的特点,从水肿进行辨治,据其病位不同,采取宣肺、健脾、补肾等方法,达到利水消肿之目的。

3.We give the patients in the treatment group traditional Chinese medicine aboutstrengthening spleen,take orally,2 times everyday.方法:选择80例符合纳入标准的临床病例,随机分为两组,对照组40例采用盐酸氟桂利嗪加尼莫地平为主的常规治疗方法;治疗组40例在对照组的基础上,加服健脾为主中药辨证治疗,每日1剂,分早晚2次服;两组均以14天为1个疗程。


1.Pharmacological Action of Piweikang Peroral Liqid(PPL) on Serengthening the Spleen and Antidiarrhoea脾胃康口服液健脾止泻作用的药理研究

2.A Clinical Research of the Chronic B Hepatitis about Using Jianpishugan Method Treatment in Ganyupixu Type Hepatitis.;健脾疏肝法治疗慢乙肝脾虚肝郁型的临床研究

3.The Clinical Research on the Children with Cerebral Palsy of Pi Xu Type Treatment with the Jian Pi Yi Qi Fa Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine;健脾益气法治疗脾虚型脑瘫患儿的临床研究

4.Clinical Studies on the Treatment for Eczema (the Type of Damp Abundance Due to Deficiency of Spleen) with Jianpichushiyin;健脾除湿饮治疗脾虚湿盛型湿疹的临床研究

5.Clinic Study of Shu Gan Jian Pi Method on Obesity of Splenic Deficiency Syndrome;疏肝健脾法针灸治疗脾虚型肥胖的临床研究

6.The Research of Treating Insomnia That Caused by of the Spleen and Heart Organ by Strengthening the Spleen-organ and Nourishing the Heart-organ健脾养心法治疗心脾两虚型失眠的临床研究

7.Clinical Observation of Curing the Child Spleen Deficiency Diarrhea of Jianpizhixie Powder健脾止泻散治疗小儿脾虚泄泻的临床研究

8.Clinical Study on Treating Pixushisheng-type Dyslipidemia with Jianpiyishengfa健脾益生法治疗血脂异常脾虚湿盛型临床研究

9.Clinical Study on Hua Tan Pi Gan Tang Threat the Vertigo Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm健脾平肝汤治疗肝郁脾虚证眩晕临床疗效观察

10.Curative Effect Observation of Method of Invigorating Spleen to Warm Middle Warmer on Chronic Gastritis Belonging to Type of Deficiency-cold of Spleen健脾温中法治疗脾胃虚寒型慢性胃炎疗效观察

11.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 60 Cases of Uterine Bleeding with Spleen and Kidney Asthenia by Nourishing Kidney and Invigorating Spleen滋肾健脾法治疗脾肾虚型崩漏60例临床观察

12.Partial Splenic Embolization Combining with Invigorating Spleen and Removing Blood Stasis for Hypersplenism in Portal Hypertension: A Preliminary Clinical Observation;部分性脾栓塞合健脾化瘀法治疗门静脉高压性脾亢的临床研究

13.The fruit-acid drinks our factory makes are helpful in strengthening the spleen, regulating qi and aiding digestion.本厂的果酸饮料,有利健脾、理气、消食。

14.Treatment of 189 Cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) by Invigorating the Spleen and Regulating the Liver健脾调肝法治疗肠易激综合征189例

15.The Clinical Research on Invigorating Spleen to Remove Phlem Therapy to Treat Hyperlipidemia;健脾化痰法治疗高脂血症的临床研究

16.Clinical Research on Child Anorexia with Jian Pi Zhu Xiao Pulvis健脾助消散治疗小儿厌食症疗效观察

17.Jianpi Prescription for children anorexia:an observation of 50 cases健脾剂治疗小儿厌食症50例临床观察

18.Investigation into Therapy of Anemia by Invigorating Kidney,Reinforcing Spleen and Generating Blood补肾健脾生血法治疗贫血的疗效研究


Strengthening the spleen健脾

1.M WCA-P strengthening the spleen mainly by clinical and experimental researches.目的从临床与实验的角度研究健脾为主中药“WCA-P”抗胰腺肿瘤的作用。

3)Strengthen spleen健脾

1.Sixty four cases of type 2 diabetes with secondary inefficiency of sulfonylureas drugs were continuously treated with oral sulfonylureas drugs combined with Chinese herbs of strengthen spleen.对 64例 2型糖尿病继发磺脲类降糖药失效患者 ,在继续口服磺脲类药的基础上加用健脾中药 ,结果显效 1 5例 ,有效 3 6例 ,无效 1 3例 ,总有效率 85 。

4)invigorating spleen健脾

1.It also demonstrates clinical application and significance ofinvigorating spleen to resist senility in detail.从阳明脉衰、气血乏源 ,脾虚不健、气化失常 ,现代研究的佐证 3个方面探讨了脾虚致衰老的机理 ,并对健脾抗衰老的临床应用和意义进行了详尽论

2.So Professor Yu usually uses the method ofinvigorating spleen and "Si Junzi Decoction" as the basic prescription to treat childhood diseases.虞坚尔教授根据沪上地域特点和小儿脾常不足的生理特征,认为小儿急性发病后多有"脾虚综合征"的表现,常异病同治,擅用健脾法,习用四君子汤化裁治疗儿科疾病。

5)invigorate the spleen健脾

1.According to the theory of Chinese medicine and results of clinical treatment,the author thinks that when the eight treatments is used to treat diseases,Chinese herbs that caninvigorate the spleen,the stomach, the vital energy,and running the vital energy should be used to protect the function of the spleen and the stomach.根据中医理论和临床治疗结果,认为在运用“中医八法”治疗各种疾病时,均应适当佐以健脾、和胃、补气、行气的中药来保护脾胃功能,这些佐使药的作用在于从病因上进行控制;防止单一治法变生他症;根据病情阴阳兼顾,攻补兼施;提高机体的抗病御邪能力;增加药物有效成分的吸收利用;制约他药的副作用;对八法起协同作用;治疗兼证等,使药物配伍更加科学合理,缩短病程,提高疗效。

6)Nourishing the stomach and spleen养胃健脾


健脾健脾 健脾 补法之一。亦称补脾、益脾。治疗脾虚、运化功能减弱的方法。用于面色萎黄、疲倦乏力、少气懒言、食欲不振、食后腹胀、大便溏薄,舌淡苔白,脉缓弱等脾气虚弱证候。常用药如党参、莲子、白术、茯苓、山药、薏苡仁等。方如参苓白术散。

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