糖尿病康复 > 脾病 spleen disease英语短句 例句大全

脾病 spleen disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-03 09:05:50


脾病 spleen disease英语短句 例句大全

脾病,spleen disease

1)spleen disease脾病

1.This article presents that the pathology effects between liver and spleen should be divided into hepatic excess transmitting into the spleen,hepatic asthenia implicating injure to spleen andspleen disease influence the liver.文章对肝脾间的病理影响提出当分为肝实传脾、肝虚累脾、脾病及肝的观点来认识。

2.This research measured hues of Bight Hall of normal people and variousspleen disease patients with MPV Ⅱ micro spectrophotometer, and observed all groups changes of wavelength reflectivity graph.本研究运用测色仪器MPV Ⅱ显微分光光度计选择明堂部测定正常人和脾病不同证型的色相 ,观察各组的波长反射率光谱曲线图的形态改变 ,结果显示各组在 580nm左右反射率最高 ,其反射率大小排列顺序为湿热蕴脾组 >正常人组 >脾不统血组 >脾气虚组 ,面色明堂位明度为湿热蕴脾组 >正常组 >脾气虚组 >脾不统血组 ,面色彩色为正常人组 >脾不统血组 >湿热蕴脾组 >脾气虚组。

2)spleen-stomach disease脾胃病

1.Thespleen-stomach disease is closely related with the liver,the spleen and the stomach.脾胃病与肝、脾、胃密切相关,脾虚、肝郁、胃实且虚实寒热常偏于某一脏器,这是脾胃病常见之病理,健脾、疏肝、和胃是治疗脾胃病总的指导思想和原则,应视其偏向而随证治之。


1.A Brief Strategy Account on the Spleen and Stomach Disease on Treatment of Chinese Traditional Medicine by Professor Zhou Mingxin;周铭心教授治疗脾胃病临证策略述要


3.Xu Jinkang"s Experience in Treating Diseases of Spleen and Stomach with Soft Extract of Chinese Medicine徐进康教授应用膏方治疗脾胃病经验

4.The relativities of Yuan and diseases of spleen and stomach浅述性理疗病法之“怨”与脾胃病的相关性

5.Research on BIAO and BEN Functioning of QI Theory in Zhongjing Determination of Treatment Based on Pathogenesis Obtained Through Differentiation of Sympotoms and Signs of the Spleen and Stomach Disease;标本气化理论在仲景脾胃病辨治中的研究

6.Metrological Study on Prescription Regularity of the Spleen-stomach Disease of Li Dongyuan;李东垣脾胃病用药组方规律计量学研究

7.Study on the Expression of IL-8 and HSP70 in Hp-related Gastropathy with Splenogastric Hygropyrexia SyndromeHp相关胃病脾胃湿热证IL-8与HSP70表达的研究

8.Development and Evaluation of the Spleen and Stomach Disease PRO Scale (SSD-PRO);中医脾胃系疾病PRO量表的研制和考核

9.Treatment of 31 Cases of Diabetic Gastroparesis by"Shugan Jianpi Decoction"疏肝健脾汤治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫31例

10.Clinical Research on the Curative Effects of Treating the Fullness and Oppression of Splenic Asthenia and Qi Stagnation Group with the Decoction of Invigorating Spleen and Regulating Qi;健脾理气方治疗脾虚气滞型痞满病及其对胃动力影响的临床研究

11.Clinical Study on Changtai Oral Liguid Treating Pi Xu Syndrome of Gastrointestinopathy in the Elderly肠泰口服液治疗老年脾虚证胃肠病的临床研究

12.Clinical Application of the Chinese Medicine Diagnosis System for Pediatric Digestive Disease儿科脾胃疾病智能诊疗系统的临床应用

13.Study on the Characteristics of Treating Spleen and Gastroenteropathy Syndrom in Sun Wenyuan s Medical Record;《孙文垣医案》辨治脾胃肠病证的特色研究

14.Clinical Study on Treating Stable Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease from the Spleen and Stomach;从脾胃论治冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床研究

15.The Method of Disperse the Depressed Liver-energy and Invigorate the Spleen to Treat the Diabetic Gastroparesis on Clinical Observation;疏肝健脾法治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的临床观察

16.Application of Systemic Teaching in Disease of Spleen and Stomach in Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine;中医内科脾胃系病证系统教学法的应用

17.Damp-heat in Spleen and Stomach Diseases in the Digestive System Governing the Law of Evidence脾胃湿热在消化系统中多种疾病的诊治规律

18.The development and item selection of the Spleen-Stomach patients report outcomes scale for Chinese medicine中医脾胃系疾病PRO量表的研制与条目筛选


spleen-stomach disease脾胃病

1.Thespleen-stomach disease is closely related with the liver,the spleen and the stomach.脾胃病与肝、脾、胃密切相关,脾虚、肝郁、胃实且虚实寒热常偏于某一脏器,这是脾胃病常见之病理,健脾、疏肝、和胃是治疗脾胃病总的指导思想和原则,应视其偏向而随证治之。

3)Splenic diseases脾疾病

4)treating liver by nourishing spleen肝病实脾

1.Analyzed the TCM theory of "liver and spleen correlation", raising the new studying clues on the mechanism oftreating liver by nourishing spleen and nourishing spleen and enriching Qi herbs on the treatment of cirrhosis ascites.对中医"肝脾相关"理论进行了分析探讨,对肝病实脾、健脾益气方药治疗肝硬化腹水的作用机制提出了新的研究思路。

2.This paper discusses the mechanism,connotation and clinical application of "Treating liver by nourishing spleen".对“肝病实脾”的机理、涵义、临证运用等予以探讨,以冀为灵活运用实脾之法,真正达到治未病之目的提供思路。

5)pathology of liver and spleen肝脾病理

6)spleen and stomach diseases脾胃病

1.This thesis summarised the experiences of Professor Shan Zhaowei in treating chronic atrophic gastritis and otherspleen and stomach diseases.本文深入系统总结了单兆伟教授诊治慢性萎缩性胃炎和脾胃病治法运用两方面的经验。


脾病脾病 脾病 泛指脾脏各种病证。《内经》曾载述脾风、脾热、脾疟、脾咳、太阴呕吐、泄泻、脾胀、脾疸、脾痹、脾心痛、太阴腰痛、脾疝等多种病证,后世临床文献又有较多的补充。脾为后天之本,职司运化,统血,主肌肉、四肢,开窍于口,受水谷之精气以充养五脏及人体各部,为生化之源。前人有饮食劳倦伤脾或外邪伤脾之说,病机以脾失健运、水湿不化,或脾阳虚衰,中气下陷,或脾失统摄等较为常见。临床上当分虚实寒热以决定治法。《素问·脏气法时论》:“脾病者,身重,善饥,肉痿,足不收,行善瘛,脚下痛,虚则腹满肠鸣,飧泄,食不化。”《难经·十六难》:“假令得脾脉,其外证面黄,善噫、善思、善味;其内证当齐(即“脐”)有动气,按之牢若痛,其病腹胀满,食不消,体重节痛,怠惰嗜卧,四肢不收。”《太平圣惠方·脾脏论》:“夫脾者,……若虚则生寒,寒则阴气盛,阴气盛则心腹胀满,水谷不消,喜噫吞酸,食则呕吐,气逆,霍乱,腹痛肠鸣,时自泄利,四肢沉重,常多思虑,不欲闻人声,多见饮食不足,诊其脉沉细软弱者,是脾虚之候也。”又云:“夫脾实则生热,热则阳气盛,阳气盛则心胸烦闷,唇焦口干,身热颊疼,体重不能转侧,语声沉而心急,咽喉痛而不利,舌本肿强,口内生疮,腹胁胀满,不得安卧,梦多见歌乐,四肢怠惰,诊其脉紧实者,是脾实之候也。”李时珍将脾病本病和标病。他说:“脾藏智属土,为万物之母。……本病,诸湿肿胀,痞满,噫气,大小便闭,黄疸,痰饮,吐泻,霍乱,心腹痛,饮食不化;标病,身体胕肿重困,嗜卧,四肢不举,舌本强痛,足大趾不用,九窍不通,诸痉项强。”(《本草纲目·脏腑虚实标本用药》)沈金鳌提示脾病治法,“务使三焦之气流转和通,则土润而升,不忧其燥。而火气不得病之,土健而运,不忧其湿,而水气亦不得病之矣”(见《杂病源流犀烛·脾病源流》)。故脾病治法虽多,但以健脾利湿、补中益气、温阳运脾、升阳摄血较为常用。选方如四君子汤、六君子汤、参苓白术散、补中益气汤、大建中汤、杨氏还少丸、五苓散、胃苓汤、实脾饮等。参见脾病各条。

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