糖尿病康复 > 金樱叶 leaf of Rosa laevigata Michx英语短句 例句大全

金樱叶 leaf of Rosa laevigata Michx英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-09 04:01:52


金樱叶 leaf of Rosa laevigata Michx英语短句 例句大全

金樱叶,leaf of Rosa laevigata Michx

1)leaf of Rosa laevigata Michx金樱叶

1.is theleaf of Rosa laevigata Michx.中药金樱叶为蔷薇科蔷薇属植物金樱子(Rosa laevigata Michx。

2)sakura"s leaf樱叶


1.Effect of soil drought stress on leaf coloration-emerging of Prunus cistenena cv. Pissardii土壤干旱胁迫对紫叶矮樱叶片呈色的影响

2.Effects of Cerasus leaf aqueous extracts on the photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of Cerasus sachalinensis.樱桃属植物叶片浸提液对东北山樱光合及叶绿素荧光参数的影响

3.The primrose is set off by its nest of green.一窝绿叶衬托着一朵樱草花。

4.Studies on the Ways of Regeneration from Leaf Pieces in vitro of Prunus cerasus;酸樱桃(Prunus cerasus)叶片离体再生方法的研究

5.Structural Identification of New Flavones from Leaves of Prunus Pseudocerasus Lindl;樱桃叶中新黄酮类化合物的结构鉴定

6.A Study on Extraction and Characterization of Red Pigment from Verbena Tenera;细叶美女樱红色素的提取及性质研究

7.Study on the Progenitive Technology and Salt Resistance Characteristics of Prunus Zippeliana Miq大叶桂樱的繁殖技术及抗盐特性研究

8.Study on Chemical Components of Essential Oil in Leaf of Lycopersicon esculentum Var.cerasiforme by GC-MS樱桃番茄叶挥发油成分GC-MS分析

9.Extraction of flavonoids from cherry leaves with supercritical CO_2超临界CO_2萃取樱桃叶中总黄酮的研究

10.Double cherry red star. Medium green, plain, pointed. Miniature.重瓣樱桃红色星型花。中绿色叶,叶面平坦,尖型叶。迷你型。

11.Double fuchsia large star. Medium green, ovate. Standard.重瓣樱红色大朵星形花。中绿色圆形叶。标准型。

12.Lovely double blossoms of bright rose to fuchsia. Dark symmetrical foliage. Miniature.明亮的玫瑰色到樱红色重瓣花。深绿色叶。迷你型。

13.Double pink and fuchsia. Variegated, plain. Standard.重瓣的粉红色和樱红色花。一般型斑叶。标准型。

14.The leaves of the huge cherry trees threw off a certain pungent aroma.那两棵高大的樱桃树叶发出一种扑鼻的香味。

15.Shoot regeneration from leaves of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) in vitro甜樱桃品种吉列玛叶片再生不定梢的研究

16.Embryo Culture and Plant Regeneration from Cotyledons in Interspecies Hybrids of Cherry樱桃种间杂交种胚培养及子叶植株再生

17.Effect of Weak Light on the Peroxidation of Membrane_Lipid of Cherry Leaves弱光对樱桃叶片膜脂过氧化的影响(英文)

18.Rooting Experiment of Hardwood Cuttings of Prunus zippeliana外源激素对大叶桂樱硬枝扦插生根研究


sakura"s leaf樱叶

3)Prunus cistena紫叶矮樱

1.Research on Rapid in Vitro Propagation ofPrunus cistena;紫叶矮樱组培快繁技术研究

4)Tender leaves of primula obconica樱草幼叶

5)Laurocerasus undulata尖叶桂樱

1.Wu and it s Paratype (Dulongjian Expediton 3099) also was treated as a other synonym newly of theLaurocerasus undulata (D.Wu)的异名;同时也把该新种的另一号同举模式(Paratype)独龙江考察队3099号处理为尖叶桂樱(Laurocerasusundulata(D。

6)Viburnum prunifolium樱叶荚迷


金樱叶【通用名称】金樱叶【其他名称】金樱叶 (《纲目》) 【异名】塘莺薳(《生草药性备要》)。 【来源】为蔷薇科植物金樱子的嫩叶。植物形态详"金樱子"条。 【性味】《生草药性备要》:"味辣,性平。" 【功用主治】治痈肿,溃疡,金疮,汤火伤。 《生草药性备要》:"去热消毒。洗疳疮。" 【用法与用量】外用:捣敷、调敷或研末撒。 【选方】①治痈肿:金樱嫩叶研烂,入盐少许涂之,留头泄气。(《纲目》) ②治溃疡久不愈合:鲜金樱叶适量捣烂,敷于患处,日换一、二次。(《江西民间草药验方》) ③治疔、鱼口:金樱叶、野花椒叶,共捣烂,敷患处。(江西《草药手册》) ④治金疮:金樱叶三两,桑叶一两,嫩苧叶一两。上捣烂敷。若欲致远,阴干作末,敷上帛缚,止血口合。(《永类钤方》军中一捻金散) ⑤治汤火伤:金樱叶焙干为末,调麻油涂患处,欲愈时加入鳖甲末。(《闽东本草》)

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