糖尿病康复 > 生态农业产业化 industrialization of eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

生态农业产业化 industrialization of eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-13 08:25:26


生态农业产业化 industrialization of eco-agriculture英语短句 例句大全

生态农业产业化,industrialization of eco-agriculture

1)industrialization of eco-agriculture生态农业产业化

1.Study on modes ofindustrialization of eco-agriculture in Gansu Province;甘肃省生态农业产业化模式研究

2.Theindustrialization of eco-agriculture is the inevitable outcome of the development of modern agriculture and also the practical requirement of the sustainable development of agriculture.生态农业产业化是现代农业发展的必然选择,是我国农业可持续发展的现实要求。


1.Fundamental choice for the development of agriculture in Chinaeco-agricultural industrialization;生态农业产业化是我国农业发展的根本出路

2.Consideration on the Ecological Agriculture Industrialization in Yuxi City;对玉溪市生态农业产业化的一点思考

3.Research on connotation and development mode of the industrialization of eco-agriculture;生态农业产业化内涵与发展模式研究

4.And the foundation of agriculture industrialization provides a good condition.农业产业化基础为生态农业产业化的实施创造了良好的条件。

5.The Research of Industrialization Strategy of Ecological Agriculture in the Suburb of Beijing;京郊农村生态农业产业化发展战略研究

6.Industrialized Management of Ecological Agriculture of Significance for Green Produces;生态农业产业化经营是发展绿色农产品生产的基本手段

7.Study on the Theory and Typical Models of Industrialization of Ecological Agriculture on Countywide;县域生态农业产业化理论与典型模式研究

8.The Strategic Anylisis of Implementing Ecotype-agriculture Industrialization of Henan Lotus Group;河南莲花集团实施生态农业产业化战略分析

9.On the Industrialization of Eco-agriculture--Take Yantai City as Example;生态农业产业化的发展途径选择——以烟台市为例

10.The Modes and Construction of Ecological Agriculture Industrialization in Three Gorges Area;三峡库区生态农业产业化的模式与构建途径

11.Regional differentiation of agriculture and model design of industrialization for ecological agriculture in Gansu;甘肃农业地域分异及其生态农业产业化模式设计

12.On theory and practice of the industrialization of ecological agriculture-- An investigation into the ecological agriculture in Yanzhou county;生态农业产业化发展的理论与实践——山东省兖州市发展生态农业的调查

13.Speeding up the Agriculture Industrialization Management to Accomplish the Oasis Ecological Agriculture Modernization加快农业产业化经营 实现绿洲生态农业现代化

14.Establishment of eco-agriculture and agricultural industrialization in the dryland regions of south Ningxia宁南旱区生态农业建设与农业产业化研究

15.The Industrialization Management of Eco-agricultural Tourism for Water - soil Conservation;水土保持与生态农业旅游产业化研究

16.Agro-industrialization is the Basis for Intensive Agriculture Turning to Eco-agriculture--Taking Shenyang City As Example;农业产业化是集约化农业向生态农业转变的基础——以沈阳市为例


18.Study on Ecological Development about Industrialization of Agriculture in Hunan Province;湖南省农业产业化进程中的生态化发展初探


ecological agricultural industrialization生态农业产业化

1.non-source pollution in agriculture has exceeded industrial and urban pollution on an overall scale,which still remains underestimated and neglected The paper expounds on the major recycling economic pattern ofecological agricultural industrialization and its technical route with a case study of clean production Ningxiang Paddy Rice Chemical Factory.为缓解我国农业面源污染全面超过工业污染和城市污染且仍被轻视的严峻形势,探讨了生态农业工程的实验研究方法:知识、信息系统集成法,以建议项目"宁乡水稻化工总厂"的清洁生产为个案,阐明了生态农业产业化主导型循环经济模式及其技术路线。

3)eco-agricultural industries农业产业生态化

4)industrialized operatio n of ecological agriculture生态农业产业化经营

5)On Eco-agriculture Industrializing论生态农业产业化

6)Ecological agriculture industry生态农业产业


农业产业化花卉基地 农业产业化花卉基地位于固安县牛驼镇,目前此场年生产花卉种苗100万株,花卉240万支(盆)。基地由三部分组成:东部为办公及生活场所,占地10亩;中部为地热日光温室,占地60亩,已建成26栋;西部为荷兰进口的自动化温室。

图片列表门票价格交通提示相临景点天下第一城 新世纪步行街 东方大学城 文明中华园 南小街清真寺 大围河清真寺 北坞清真寺 中华戏曲城 农业产业化花卉基地 儿童乐园 固安地热 文安洼 世纪广场 自然公园 廊坊市时代广场 和安花园 文化艺术中心 后两间清真寺 北钊清真寺 大韩寨清真寺 信安清真寺 安育清真寺 北曹家务清真寺 开发区桐柏清真寺 南营清真寺 大厂县芦庄清真寺 香椿营清真寺 南寺头清真寺 伊指挥营清真寺 华堂国际高尔夫球场

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