糖尿病康复 > 补益脾肾 invigorating spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

补益脾肾 invigorating spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-24 18:58:09


补益脾肾 invigorating spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

补益脾肾,invigorating spleen and kidney

1)invigorating spleen and kidney补益脾肾


1.The Study of the Complementary Law of Spleen and Kidney Intervening in the Trend of Expression and Implication of CTGF in Sprague-Dawley Rats Renal;补益脾肾法干预阿霉素肾病大鼠肾组织CTGF表达趋势的研究

2.On "tonifying the kidney better than tonifying the spleen,and the oppsite applicable";浅谈“补脾不如补肾”与“补肾不如补脾”

3.The Therapeutic Evaluation about the Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney Theory Used in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis;补脾益肾法治疗重症肌无力的疗效评价

4.Clinical Study of Yiqi Yangyin, JianpiBushen on the Treatment of Refractory Renal Disease (Deficiency of Both Vital Energy and Yin)益气养阴、健脾补肾治疗难治性肾病(气阴两虚证)的临床研究

5.Chinese herbal liquor with nourishing qi to invigorate spleen and invigorating the kidney and promoting blood circulation for diabetic nephropathy益气健脾、补肾活血汤治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究

6.The Intervention Effect of Bupiyiqishengyang Principle on Inelammation of Diabetic Nephropathy;补脾益气升阳对糖尿病肾病炎症反应的干预作用

7.Research on the Doctrine of the Correlation of Five Viscera and Effect on Rat"s Multiplication and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Invigorating the Spleen and Tonifying Kidney;中医五脏相关理论探讨及补脾益肾法对大鼠MSCs增殖和分化的影响

8.Studies on the Effects of Strengthening the Spleen, Supplementing the Kidney, Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Yin Prescription Diabetes for Decreasing Blood Glucose and Its Mechanisms;健脾补肾益气养阴法对糖尿病模型大鼠降糖作用与机制的研究

9.The Effect of Bu Pi Yi Qi Sheng Yang Fang on CRP and MIF in Urine of Rats of Diabetic Nephropathy;补脾益气升阳方对糖尿病肾病大鼠尿CRP和MIF的影响

10.The Effect of Bu Pi Yi Qi Sheng Yang Fang on PCX and VEGF in Urine of Patients of Diabetes Nephropathy补脾益气升阳方对糖尿病肾病患者尿PCX、VEGF的影响

11.The Clinical Observation of the Application of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method Treating Tumor Anemia of Xuexu Type for Advanced-Stage Nsclc Patients健脾益肾补气养血法治疗晚期NSCLC患者血虚型癌性贫血的临床观察

12.Effect of Bupl Yishen Prescription on ET-1 and NO in Children with Bronchial Asthma补脾益肾方对支气管哮喘患儿ET-1、NO影响的临床研究

13.The Experimental Study on Influence of the Method of Invigorating the Spleen and Kidney, Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Yin on the Pertention Abillty of the Kidney of 2DM Rats;健脾补肾、益气养阴法对2型糖尿病大鼠肾脏的保护作用及其机制探讨

14.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis of Asthenia of the Spleen and Kindney with Jian Pi Yi Shen Decoction and Ignition;健脾益肾方配合灸法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎脾肾两虚型的临床研究

15.Experimental Study of Invigorating the Spleen and Kidney Benefiting Qi and Nourshing Yin Prescription Diabeticrats for Blood Lipid Metabolism and β Isletcell;健脾补肾益气养阴法对糖尿病大鼠血脂代谢及胰岛β细胞影响的实验研究

16.The Experimental and Clinical Study on Influence of Correlated Factors Curing T2DM Following the Fundamental Principle of Tonifying Qi and Spleen, Nourishing Kidney and Activating Blood;益气健脾补肾活血法对2型糖尿病相关因素影响的实验和临床研究

17.The Experimental Study on Influence of the Method of Invigorating the Spleen and Kidney Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Yin on the Antioxidative Ability of the Pancreatic Tissues of DM Rats;健脾补肾益气养阴法对糖尿病大鼠胰腺组织抗氧化能力影响的实验研究

18.Clinical Study of Strengthen the Spleen to Reinforcing Qi, Tonify Kidney to Nourishing Essence Prescription with L-OHP+CF/5-FU Chemotherapy in the Treatment of Patients with Colorectal Tumor健脾益气,补肾填精方联合奥沙利铂+CF/5-FU方案治疗大肠癌的临床研究


Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney补脾益肾

1.The Therapeutic Evaluation about theReinforcing Spleen and Kidney Theory Used in the Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis;补脾益肾法治疗重症肌无力的疗效评价

2.Objective:To observe the effect of "Reinforcing Spleen and Kidney" curing adriamycin-induced nephroti.目的:研究补脾益肾中药复方对阿霉素肾病大鼠的干预机制及对蛋白尿的治疗效果。

3)Nourish qi to invigorate spleen and kidney益气健脾补肾

4)Chinese medicinal therapy补脾益肾方中药

5)The Spleen-Transporting Kidney-Boosting Lung-Supplementing Method健脾补肾益肺法

6)Bufei Jianpi Yishen补肺健脾益肾法


补肾健脾益气种子煎方补肾健脾益气种子煎方方名。出明·岳甫嘉《妙一斋医学正印种子编·上卷·男科》。功效:补肾强精,健脾养血,延年种子。主治:男子肾阳亏虚,脾气不足,精血俱损所致婚久不育,阴器无力,中道痿,精清精少,阳具早衰者。药物组成:白茯苓3钱,甘枸杞子1两,怀生地 (酒洗)2钱,麦门冬(去心)2钱,人参2钱,陈皮3钱,白术(土焙)3钱。用法:河水2碗煎8分,空腹或饥时任服,渣再煎服。

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