糖尿病康复 > 补肾健脾 notifying kidney and spleen英语短句 例句大全

补肾健脾 notifying kidney and spleen英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-08 16:03:03


补肾健脾 notifying kidney and spleen英语短句 例句大全

补肾健脾,notifying kidney and spleen

1)notifying kidney and spleen补肾健脾

1.[Objective] To observe the clinical effect of miscarriage prevention ofnotifying kidney and spleen on threatened abortion.[目的]观察用补肾健脾安胎法治疗先兆流产的临床疗效。


1.Investigation into Therapy of Anemia by Invigorating Kidney,Reinforcing Spleen and Generating Blood补肾健脾生血法治疗贫血的疗效研究

2.Effect of Anti-Stain Chinese Mediciers in Athletic Renal Damose and Exercise Capability;补肾健脾中药对极限运动后肾脏功能的影响

3.Observation on Therapeutic Efficacy of Bushen Jianpi Huoxue Decoction in Treating Occult Glomerulonephritis补肾健脾活血汤治疗隐匿性肾小球肾炎疗效观察

4.Review on Chinese Traditional Medicine with Functions of "Bu Shen"and"Jian Pi"Dispelling Exercise-induced Fatigue;补肾健脾类中药消除运动性疲劳的研究综述

5.Clinical Study on Gouty Arthritis Treated with Bushen Jianpi, Qingre Huoxue Law Following Traditional Chinese Medicine补肾健脾、清热活血法治疗痛风的临床研究

6.Effect of bushen jianpi recipe on threatened abortion of first-trimester pregnancy and mechanism“补肾健脾方”对早孕先兆流产患者内分泌的影响

7.Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis with Decoction of Kidney-and Spleen-strengthening and Blood Circulation-activating:A Report of 33 Cases补肾健脾活血汤治疗绝经后骨质疏松症33例

8.Clinical and Experimental Study of Effect on Gonad of Nephritic Children with Warming Kidney and Invigorating Spleen and CTX;补肾健脾方合用环磷酰胺对肾病患儿性腺影响的临床与实验研究

9.Evaluate curative effect of chronic renal failure by methods of Bushen Jianpi Huoxue Paidu补肾健脾活血排毒法治疗慢性肾功能不全随机对照试验的meta分析

10.The Clinical Resrarch of the Strength Spleen Nourishing Kidney and Activing Circulation Method to Treat Early Diabetic Nephropathy;健脾补肾活血法治疗早期糖尿病肾病临床研究

11.Bushen Jianpi Treatment Clinical Study of Diabetic Nephropathy健脾补肾法治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究

12.On "tonifying the kidney better than tonifying the spleen,and the oppsite applicable";浅谈“补脾不如补肾”与“补肾不如补脾”

13.The Clinical Study of the Therapy of Jianpibushen for Chronic Hepatitis C;健脾补肾方治疗慢性丙型肝炎的临床研究

14.Observing the Clinic Curative Effect of the Principle of Invigorating the Stomach and Tonifying the Kidney According to Chronic Functionality Constipation;健脾补肾法治疗慢性功能性便秘临床疗效观察

15.Clinical Observation of Method of Enforcing Spleen and Nourishing Kidney on Toxic and Side Reaction of Chemotherapy健脾补肾法减轻化疗毒副反应的临床观察

16.Effect of Jianpibushenfang on Ketamine-induced Memory Impairment in Mice健脾补肾方对小鼠记忆障碍模型的影响

17.Effect of Therapy of Strengthening Spleen and Tonifying Kidney on Motor Neuron Disease:An Observation of 21 Cases健脾补肾法治疗运动神经元病21例疗效观察

18.Clinical Research on the Effect of JianPiBuShenJiangZhuoHuaYuJian(JPBSJZHYJ) on Chronic Renal Failure(CRF);健脾补肾降浊化瘀煎治疗慢性肾衰(脾肾亏虚,浊瘀内蕴证)的临床研究


enforcing spleen and nourishing kidney健脾补肾

1.Clinical Observation of the Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophreniaby the TCM Therapy of Enforcing Spleen and Nourishing Kidney;健脾补肾法治疗精神分裂症认知损害的临床观察

3)the invigorating the kidney and the spleen prescription补肾健脾法

1.Objective:To research the clinical curative effect ofthe invigorating the kidney and the spleen prescription for the patients with peri-menopausal syndrome.结论:补肾健脾法治疗妇女围绝经期综合征的疗效可靠,并对尚未完全衰退的卵巢功能有促进和调节作用。

4)Jianpi Bushen decoction健脾补肾汤

1.Objective The effect ofJianpi Bushen decoction on interleukin-2 (IL-2) production in splenic lymphocytes of normal and blood deficiency rats was observed.目的观察健脾补肾汤对正常和血虚大鼠脾条件培养液(SCM)中白细胞介素-2(IL-2)产生的影响。

2.To observe the effect ofJianpi Bushen decoction on the colony stimulating factors (CSFs) produced by splenic lymphocytes in rats with normal and blood deficiency.观察健脾补肾汤对正常和血虚大鼠脾淋巴细胞产生集落刺激因子(CSFS)的影响。

5)Jianpi bushen pill健脾补肾丸

1.Clinical observation on 68 cases of impaired glucose tolerance intervention treated byJianpi bushen pill;健脾补肾丸干预治疗糖耐量减低68例临床观察

6)Invigorating spleen and restoring virility健脾与补肾


补肾健脾益气种子煎方补肾健脾益气种子煎方方名。出明·岳甫嘉《妙一斋医学正印种子编·上卷·男科》。功效:补肾强精,健脾养血,延年种子。主治:男子肾阳亏虚,脾气不足,精血俱损所致婚久不育,阴器无力,中道痿,精清精少,阳具早衰者。药物组成:白茯苓3钱,甘枸杞子1两,怀生地 (酒洗)2钱,麦门冬(去心)2钱,人参2钱,陈皮3钱,白术(土焙)3钱。用法:河水2碗煎8分,空腹或饥时任服,渣再煎服。

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