糖尿病康复 > 滋肾补脾 tonifying spleen and invigorate kidney英语短句 例句大全

滋肾补脾 tonifying spleen and invigorate kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-10 19:49:52


滋肾补脾 tonifying spleen and invigorate kidney英语短句 例句大全

滋肾补脾,tonifying spleen and invigorate kidney

1)tonifying spleen and invigorate kidney滋肾补脾

2)nourishing spleen and kidney健脾滋肾

1.To observe the therapeutic effects of fire draining and blood cooling therapy in the treatment of idiopathic thrombopenic purpura(ITP),45 cases were differentiated into two syndromes and then treated by draining fire and cooling blood,as well asnourishing spleen and kidney.将 4 5例患者经分型后应用泻火凉血为主 ,配合健脾滋肾法 ,治疗 3个月。


1.The Clinical Study on "the Method of Jianpi Zishen Huoxue" for Intervention of Impaired Glucose Tolerance;健脾滋肾活血法干预糖耐量低减患者的临床研究

2.Clinical Observation on the Treatment of 60 Cases of Uterine Bleeding with Spleen and Kidney Asthenia by Nourishing Kidney and Invigorating Spleen滋肾健脾法治疗脾肾虚型崩漏60例临床观察

3.A Study on the effect of intergration of the ZiShenJianPiHuaYu Decoction for the treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy;滋肾健脾化瘀方防治糖尿病视网膜病变研究

4.Quantitative determination of catalpol and emodin in Zishenjianpi liquid by HPLCHPLC法测定滋肾健脾液中梓醇和大黄素含量

5.Clinical Effect of self-studying Zishen Jianpi Decoction on Chronic Renal Failure Associated with Sexual Dysfunction in Patients滋肾健脾汤对慢性肾功能衰竭伴性功能障碍患者的临床疗效

6.The treatment principal of CSA is to health spleen, catharsis liver and invigorate kidney.治疗上应遵循脾以健运为用,肝以疏泄为补,肾以滋补为本的原则。

7.The Clinic and Experimental Research about the Treatment of Early Diabetic Retinopathy with Zishenjianpihuayufang滋肾健脾化瘀方治疗早期糖尿病视网膜病变的临床与实验研究

8.The Clinic and Experimental Research about the Treatment of Diabetic Optic Neuropathy with Zishenjianpihuayufang Pill;滋肾健脾化瘀片治疗糖尿病视神经病变的临床与实验研究

9.Research on Clinical Therapeutic Effect & the Mechanism of Antagonize Apoptosis of Zishenjianpihuayufang to DR;滋肾健脾化瘀方对糖尿病视网膜病变的临床疗效及抗细胞凋亡的机理研究

10.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis of Asthenia of the Spleen and Kindney with Jian Pi Yi Shen Decoction and Ignition;健脾益肾方配合灸法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎脾肾两虚型的临床研究

11.The Clinic Research of the Chronic Nephritis Albuminuria Treated by the Tablet to Strengthen the Function of Spleen and Tonify Kidney;健脾益肾片治疗脾肾气虚型慢性肾炎蛋白尿的临床观察

12.Investigation into Therapy of Anemia by Invigorating Kidney,Reinforcing Spleen and Generating Blood补肾健脾生血法治疗贫血的疗效研究

13.Clinical Study on Jianpiwenshen Soup in Treating Spleen Yang-deficiency and Kidney Yang-deficiency Syndrome (SYKYS) of Ulcerative Colitis;健脾温肾方治疗溃疡性结肠炎慢性复发型脾肾阳虚证的临床研究

14.The Clinical Resrarch of the Strength Spleen Nourishing Kidney and Activing Circulation Method to Treat Early Diabetic Nephropathy;健脾补肾活血法治疗早期糖尿病肾病临床研究

15.Clinical Observation on Bone Wilting Due to Kidney Taxation with the Methods of Invigorating Spleen and Tonifying Kidney Dissipating Dampness and Resolving Blood Stasis;健脾益肾祛湿化瘀法治疗肾劳骨痿的临床观察

16.Effect of Anti-Stain Chinese Mediciers in Athletic Renal Damose and Exercise Capability;补肾健脾中药对极限运动后肾脏功能的影响

17.Bushen Jianpi Treatment Clinical Study of Diabetic Nephropathy健脾补肾法治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究

18.Clinical study on the treatment of chronic pharyngitis by unblocking collateral,disintoxicating and enriching the spleen and yin therapy通络解毒健脾滋阴法治疗慢喉痹的临床研究


nourishing spleen and kidney健脾滋肾

1.To observe the therapeutic effects of fire draining and blood cooling therapy in the treatment of idiopathic thrombopenic purpura(ITP),45 cases were differentiated into two syndromes and then treated by draining fire and cooling blood,as well asnourishing spleen and kidney.将 4 5例患者经分型后应用泻火凉血为主 ,配合健脾滋肾法 ,治疗 3个月。

3)Tonifying spleen and stomach滋补脾胃

1.She considered that irregular menses were caused by combination of exterior and interior pathogenic factors;the basic method for regulating menstruation was " to Treat Excess Syndrome with Reducing Method,Deficiency Syndrome with Tonifying Method ",Tonifying spleen and stomach were also a principle for protecting the source of vital function.通过对《陈素庵妇科补解》一书调经门内容的研究,总结陈沂对妇科调经的成就,认为月经不调乃内外因合至而致病,调经根本大法乃“实者通之,虚者补之”,滋补脾胃亦为颐护生化之源的基本法则。

4)Zibu Piyin (ZBPY) Decoction滋补脾阴

1.Objective:In order to correspond to disease with syndrome in clinic more effectively,it is our aim to establish a rat model with both Alzheimer s disease(AD) and spleen deficiency syndrome,then to study the effect of Zibu Piyin (ZBPY) Decoction on it.目的:为有效模拟临床,建立脾阴虚痴呆证病结合大鼠模型,并观察滋补脾阴(Zibu-Piyin,ZBPY)方药对其影响。

5)reinforcing the kidney and reinforcing the spleen补脾、补肾

6)Zishenjianpi liquid滋肾健脾液

1.Quantitative determination of catalpol and emodin inZishenjianpi liquid by HPLCHPLC法测定滋肾健脾液中梓醇和大黄素含量


滋肾zishen滋肾replenishing Kidney治疗肾阴虚证的方法。肾阴是人体阴液的根本,对各脏腑组织起着濡润滋养的作用。滋肾能滋补肾阴,增强肾的功能,恢复肾阴阳之间的动态平衡,治疗肾阴虚所致的各种病证。凡房室不节,欲念妄动,劳倦过度,失血耗液,久病热病之后皆能耗伤肾阴,导致肾阴虚。由肾阴虚所致的眩晕耳鸣,视力减退,健忘少寐,腰膝酸软,形体消瘦,咽干舌燥等病证,可用滋肾法治疗。代表方剂是六味地黄丸。肾阴虚可出现阴不制阳的阴虚火旺证,临床上除可见肾阴虚的一般症状外,还表现出五心烦热,午后潮热,盗□颧红,梦遗失精,女子崩漏,舌红少苔,脉细数等病证。治疗宜滋阴降火,代表方剂为知柏地黄丸。同是肾阴虚证,不同的患者所表现的主要症状可不同,治法也有差异。如肾阴虚,肾不纳气,证见气喘者,宜滋肾纳气,用都气丸治疗;耳窍失养,证见耳聋耳鸣者,宜滋肾通窍,用耳聋佐慈丸治疗;阴虚火旺,筋骨失养,证见膝腰酸软,足痿无力,宜滋阴清热、强壮筋骨,用虎潜丸治疗。肾与其他脏腑的关系非常密切。肾阴虚可累及其他脏腑而发生病变。如肾阴虚,致肝阴不足,肝阳上亢;致肺阴不足,虚火灼肺;致心火独亢,心肾不交等。滋肾法与其他相应的治法配合即可治疗上述诸证,如与平肝潜阳法配合治疗肝阳上亢;与润肺清热法配合治疗肺肾阴虚,虚火灼肺;与降火法配合治疗心肾不交等。分别用天麻钩藤饮,百合固金汤,黄连阿胶汤治疗。临床使用时应注意:①凡痰湿壅盛所致的水肿、喘咳、眩晕、腰痛、腹泻等,无肾阴虚表现者不宜使用滋肾法。②肾阴虚证慎用温燥药物,以免温燥药物伤阴助火。(冯兴华)

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