糖尿病康复 > 可控损失 controllable loss英语短句 例句大全

可控损失 controllable loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-07-13 13:53:36


可控损失 controllable loss英语短句 例句大全

可控损失,controllable loss

1)controllable loss可控损失

2)Potential loss可能损失

1.Dynamic inundation risk identification and estimation of the potential loss in Honghu flood diversion area,China;洪湖分蓄洪区洪水淹没风险动态识别与可能损失评估


1.The Transit Authority stands to lose $ 221 million in funding.捷运局可能损失2亿2100万的财源。

2.Africa and Latin America could lose twenty percent or more.非洲和拉丁美洲可能损失百分之二十或者更多。

3.expose to a chance of loss or damage.使有可能遭受损失或损害。

4.Our failure is likely to spell heavy losses.我们的失败可能招致重大的损失。

5.So, this loss may be inevitable.因此,这种损失可能是不可避免的。

6.a mistake that threatens to be costly可能造成重大损失的错误.

7.a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury.不考虑可能的损失和伤害的活动。

8.Investments are subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested.投资带有风险,亦可能导致本金的损失。

9.You might lose money to invest in the project .你在这项工程上投资,可能要损失钱。

10.a likely result; he foresaw a probable loss.一个可能的结果;他预见到一种可能的损失。

11.To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.以套期保值避免损失采取补偿性措施以平衡可能的损失

12.irremediable faults不可补救的过失[损失]

13.Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss.火险可能是通过唤起对损失的恐惧而售出的。

14.Your action fully justify otherwise more damage possible.贵公司行动完全正确,否则损失可能更大。

15.How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss我们怎么才能使她不再想她那可悲的损失?

16.It was impossible to state with accumulative our loss.我们不可能精确地说出我们的损失到底有多少.

17.Now I genuinely believe that we could suffer irreparable damage.现在我认为,我们可能遭受无法弥补的损失。

18.A past-due receivable is a candidate for write-off as a credit loss.一笔逾期的应收款可能被作为信用损失核销。


Potential loss可能损失

1.Dynamic inundation risk identification and estimation of the potential loss in Honghu flood diversion area,China;洪湖分蓄洪区洪水淹没风险动态识别与可能损失评估

3)The losses are considerable.损失可观。

4)loss control损失控制

1.Engineering guarantee is aloss control measure, rather than a risk transfer measure.工程担保不是风险转移措施,而是一种损失控制措施。

5)loss control控制损失


1.A new concept called entropy generation effectiveness(EGE) which is same as heat transfer effectiveness is advanced,and theirreversibility of heat exchanger is evaluated by using EGE.以热力学第二定律为基础讨论了理想的逆流、并流和错流型换热器的不可逆损失,并且提出采用熵产效率评价换热器的不可逆程度。



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