糖尿病康复 > 可控式 controllable英语短句 例句大全

可控式 controllable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 11:45:25


可控式 controllable英语短句 例句大全



1.To improve methods on crop structure dynamic model, the paper put towardscontrollable structure model on the base of growth function.为了完善作物形态结构动态模型建立的方法,在基于生长方程理论建模的基础上,提出了可控式模型的建立方法。

2.Designs acontrollable anti-skid equipment based former antiskid equipment in order to solve the sliding problem of mining friction hoist.针对矿井摩擦提升机存在的滑动现象,在原有防滑装置的基础上提出了可控式防滑装置。


1.Experimental Studies of ESG-Controlled Passive Damping静电陀螺可控式被动阻尼的实验研究

2.irrevocable control regime不可撤回的控制方式

3.adjustable water spray foam monitor nozzle可调式遥控水-泡沫枪

4.tele-orientation adjustable bent sub遥控定向可调式弯接头

5.Manual control. Control type and access can be specified.手动控制。可指定控制类型和访问方式。

6.Research on Magnetic-valve Controllable Reactor Based on DSP;基于DSP控制的磁阀式可控电抗器研究

7.Research on Control and Simulation of Controlled Passively Anti-rolling Tank;可控被动式减摇水舱控制与仿真研究

8.A Control Equipment of Magnetic Valve Controllable Reactor with MSP430F449;基于MSP430F449的磁阀式可控电抗器的控制研究

9.Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Control Kernel in Open CNC System;开放式数控系统可重构控制内核的设计与实现

10.The Research on the Controllable Work Mode of Semiconductor Laser UMXX00;UMXX00半导体激光器可控工作模式控制研究

11.Controllable Scheduling When Maximum Cost Is Assumed;控制费用为“取最大”形式的可控排序问题

12.Strategic study on stochastic control of passively controlled anti-rolling tank可控被动式减摇水舱随机控制策略研究

13.Application of UHV magnetic-valve controllable reactor based on auto-disturbance rejection floating point DSP特高压磁阀式可控电抗器自抗扰DSP控制系统

14.PLC based electric control system design for a disc type controllable braking device基于PLC的盘式可控制动装置电控系统设计

15.controlled crown rolls system可控凸面式均匀轧辊装置

16.controllable passive tank stabilization system可控被动水舱式减摇装置

17.controlled atmosphere roller-hearth continuous annealing furnace可控气氛辊底式连续退火炉

18.rotating thyristor excitation system旋转式可控硅整流器励磁系统


control manner and non-control manner可控方式与非可控方式

3)passively controlled可控被动式

1.Thepassively controlled anti-rolling tank is one of the most popular stabilization equipments,and the control rule is the key factor of its stabilization effect.可控被动式减摇水舱是世界上成功使用的减摇装置之一,气阀控制规律是决定可控被动式减摇水舱减摇效果的关键因素。

2.The mathematical model ofpassively controlled anti-rolling tank is set up based on theories of U-type passive anti-rolling tank.在查德惠克U型被动式减摇水舱理论的基础上,建立了“船舶-可控被动式减摇水舱”系统的数学模型。

3.Mathematical models ofpassively controlled anti rolling tank are developed by adopting two side valves control and one side valve control respectively.基于查德惠克被动式减摇水舱理论,分别建立了单侧气阀和两侧气阀控制的可控被动式减摇水舱系统数学模型。

4)controllable electric resistance可控电抗式

1.Application ofcontrollable electric resistance high voltage soft start to coal mine;可控电抗式高压软启动在煤矿中的应用

5)Sun-shading device under control可控式遮阳

6)controllable canard fins鸭式可控鳍



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