糖尿病康复 > 禁水 water deprivation英语短句 例句大全

禁水 water deprivation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-16 01:03:24


禁水 water deprivation英语短句 例句大全

禁水,water deprivation

1)water deprivation禁水

1.Objective To investigate the effects of preoperative fasting andwater deprivation on comfort of patients undergoing percutaneous lumbar discectomy.目的研究腰椎管开窗减压及髓核摘除术前实际禁食禁水时间及其对机体舒适的影响。

2.Aswater deprivation lasted longer the NSGs reduced,but they existed in.用免疫细胞化学PAP法对禁水老年大鼠室旁核加压素样神经元的超微结构进行了观察研究。

2)Fasting for solids and liquids禁食禁水

3)Preoperative fasting water术前禁水

4)diving prohibitions and restrictions潜水禁忌

5)Withholding food and/or water methods禁食、禁水方式

6)non-rice-cropping areas水稻禁产区

1.Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screeningnon-rice-cropping areas普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用


1.Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screening non-rice-cropping areas普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用

2.The Exeperiment of Collecting National Rice District Experiment Late Ahd High-producing Ripe of Middle-seaon Rice of Team国家水稻区试中稻迟熟高产组试验总结

3.Studies on the Technology Integration of Rice Production with High Efficiency in the Doubble-rice-Cropping Region;双季稻区水稻高效生产技术体系集成研究

4.Paddy Rice Production Mechanization Present Situation and Development Countermeasure in East of Hebei Province rice Area冀东稻区水稻生产机械化现状及发展对策

5.Weed communities and distribution characteristics in the paddy fields of main rice growing regions of Hubei Province湖北省水稻主产区稻田杂草种类及群落特点

6.Contract Design of Rice Area Yield Insurance in Hubei Province湖北水稻区域产量保险合同设计研究

7.Studies on ecological traits of super high-yield rice in special eco-site特殊生态区水稻超高产生态特征研究

8.Analysis of Rice Production and Water Resources Use Efficiency in the Zhanghe Reservoir Irrigation District漳河水库灌区水稻生产与水资源利用效率分析

9.Those who violate laws and regulations to protect aquatic products and catch aquatic products in forbidden areas or forbidden periods or use tools and methods in violation of regulations in a serious nature违反保护水产资源法规,在禁渔区、禁渔期或者使用禁用的工具、方法捕捞水产品,情节严重的,

10.Analysis on the High-yield Fertilizer and Water Application Technology of Single Cropping Hybrid Rice in the Riparian Rice Region of Anhui安徽沿江稻区单季杂交水稻高产肥水运筹技术分析

11.Study on GRP Rate of Rice Production Based on Risk Zoning;基于风险区划的水稻区域产量保险费率研究

12.Study on Application of Water-saving and High-yield Irrigation Control Technology for Rice in Yinchuan Irrigated Area银川灌区水稻节水高产控制灌溉技术应用研究

13.Effect of Wheat Residue Retention on Grain Yield and Main Quality Characters of Rice in Rice-wheat Cropping System稻麦轮作区麦秸还田对水稻产量及主要品质性状的影响

14.Dynamic analysis on physiologic paddy race of Magnaporthe grisea of Heilongjiang Province in 黑龙江省水稻主产区稻瘟病生理小种动态分析

15.Impacts of Climate Change and Its Variability on Rice Production in the Middle and Lower Valley of the Yangtze River,China气候及其变率变化对长江中下游稻区水稻生产的影响

16.Studies on the Environmental Evaluation and the Relation of Pests Growth and Decline of the Producing Area in the Rice Main Production Region of Hunan Province;湖南水稻主产区环境评价与害虫消长关系研究

17.Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Rice Yield and Grain Quality in Panxi Region;攀西地区氮肥运筹对水稻产量及品质的影响

18.A Study of Development Direction of Rice Production in Northeastern Region after Join WTO;加入WTO后东北地区水稻生产发展方向研究


Fasting for solids and liquids禁食禁水

3)Preoperative fasting water术前禁水

4)diving prohibitions and restrictions潜水禁忌

5)Withholding food and/or water methods禁食、禁水方式

6)non-rice-cropping areas水稻禁产区

1.Application of ordinary and indicator Kriging methods for screeningnon-rice-cropping areas普通及指示克里格法在水稻禁产区筛选中的应用



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