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WTO环境规则 WTO environmental rules英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-12 21:56:30


WTO环境规则 WTO environmental rules英语短句 例句大全

WTO环境规则,WTO environmental rules

1)WTO environmental rulesWTO环境规则


1.Probing into the WTO Environmental Regulations and Improving the Harmonization of Laws between Domestic Trade and Environment;深刻理解WTO环境规则 促进我国贸易与环境的法律协调

2.WTO Environmental Rules and the Improvement of China s Environmental Legal System;WTO环境规则与我国环境法律制度的完善及创新思考

3.WTO Environmental Rules Affect on China s Foreign Trade and China s Legal Countermeasures;WTO环境规则对我国对外贸易的影响及我国的法律对策

4.The Ways of Harmonizing Issues on Trade and Environment in WTO and MEAs;WTO规则与MEAs环境贸易措施之协调途径

5.The Influence of the Environment Trade Measures on WTO Rules;论环境贸易措施对WTO规则的影响

6.WTO s Environmental Regulations and China s Foreign Trade Policies;WTO的环境规则与我国的外贸发展对策

7.The Research on Trade Barrier by WTO Rules;基于WTO规则的环境贸易壁垒研究

8.Analysis of the WTO Rights-Obligations Regulations Concerning the Environment;WTO涉及环境权利义务规则之分析

9.The Legal Conflict and Harmonization between GATT/WTO Rules and Environmental Trade Measures;论环境贸易措施与GATT/WTO规则的法律冲突及协调

10.The Absurdity Analysis of Bringing into the Environmental Indication System into the WTO Regulation System;对环境标志制度纳入WTO规则体系的悖论分析

11.On Contradiction and Coordination between WTO Rules and Multilateral Environmental Agreement(MEAs);论WTO规则与多边环境协议的冲突与协调

12.Analysis on Coordination of WTO Green Rule and MEAs(Multilateral Environmental Treaty);WTO绿色规则与MEAs(多边环境条约)协调之分析

13.Environmental Exceptions Under the WTO Framework and the Rules of Application;WTO框架下的“环境例外”措施及其适用规则

14.On the perfection of the Foreign Investment Legal Environment of Nanjing Municipality Under the WTO Regulations;论WTO规则下南京涉外投资法律环境的完善

15.The Challenge of Environmental Protection To WTO s Rules AndThe Countermeasures To Be Taken;论环境保护对WTO规则的挑战及其应对措施

16.The Effect of Environment Rules of WTO on Sustained Development of Chinese Foreign Trade;WTO的环境规则对我国外经贸可持续发展的影响

17.On the Improvement of Environment Label in China from the Standpoint of WTO Rules从WTO规则角度探讨我国环境标志制度的完善

18.The Relationship between PPM-based Environmental Trade Measures and WTO RulesPPM环境贸易措施与WTO规则的关系问题分析


laws and regulations of WTOWTO环境政策法规

3)environmental rules环境规则

1.Then, it further analyses theenvironmental rules of NAFTA and MAI.这里首先阐述了投资和环境问题的内在联系,继而 对北美自由贸易协定和多边投资协定中的环境规则进行分析,最后为未来的投资协定的环境规则提出了若干建议。

4)WTO rulesWTO规则

1.China′s Anti-monopoly Legislation Idea——Concurrent discussion about the anti-monopoly legislation idea andWTO rules conjunction;我国反垄断立法的理念——兼论反垄断立法的理念与WTO规则的契合

2.Coordination between theWTO rules and market regulations in the context of economic globalisation;经济全球化背景下WTO规则与市场规制法的协调

3.The Promotion Policies of China s Local Governments on Independent Innovation in the Field of Foreign Trade under the Restriction of WTO Rules;论WTO规则约束下地方政府在外贸领域的自主创新促进政策

5)WTO ruleWTO规则

1.WTO rule and our country economic rules and regulations development;WTO规则与我国经济法的发展

2.Enterprises Reform under WTO Rules:Opportunities,Challenges and Selection;WTO规则下的企业改革

3.Impacts on theWTO rules from internalization of environmental protection are analyzed,and some useful countermeasures are pointed out also.对环境保护国际化给WTO规则的冲击进行了分析,并提出相关的对策。

6)rules of WTOWTO规则

1.Administrative monopoly as the biggest hindrance of forming unified markets,China faces unprecedented embarrassment and challenges under therules of WTO.行政垄断作为统一市场形成的最大障碍,面对WTO规则的要求,出现了前所未有的尴尬和挑战。

2.However, the problem on how therules of WTO should be applied and put into effect is still controversial in academic circles.但WTO规则究竟应怎样在我国国内予以适用与实施的问题,至今为止,理论界尚无定谳,立法上更无统一、明确的规定,最近通过的宪法修正案亦未提及。


WTO协商一致规则协商一致规则(Principle of Consultation and Consensus),是GATT和WTO及其法律制度运作的一项基本准则。即只要出席会议的成员方对拟通过的决议不正式提出反对就视为同意,包括保持沉默、弃权或进行一般的评论等均不能构成反对意见。下列事项的决策一般应实行协商一致规则通过才有法律效力,除非有特殊规定:第一,对《世界贸易组织协定》和多边贸易协定的修改,有特殊规定的除外;第二,下列豁免成员方的义务:(1)豁免决定所涉及的是某一成员方琳在有关期限内履行过渡期或分阶段实施期的任期任何义务;(2)某项有关WTO章程的豁免请示且在提交部长会议90天内;第三,对WTO协定附件4诸边贸易协议的增加;第四,争端解决机构按照《关于争端处理规则和程序的谅解》作出决定时,需一致同意。

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