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脾胃病 spleen and stomach disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 22:16:20


脾胃病 spleen and stomach disease英语短句 例句大全

脾胃病,spleen and stomach disease

1)spleen and stomach disease脾胃病

1.The guide of "harmonious ideology" in differential treatment of thespleen and stomach disease;脾胃病辨证论治中的和谐观

2.A Brief Strategy Account on the Spleen and Stomach Disease on Treatment of Chinese Traditional Medicine by Professor Zhou Mingxin;周铭心教授治疗脾胃病临证策略述要

3.There are three stages in researches onspleen and stomach disease in TCM:1)learning follow teacher,the important approach to inherit;2)combining traditional Chinese medicine with westrern medicine,the important approach for reference;3)presiding tackle the key problem,the main approach to investigate independently.从事中医脾胃病研究 ,大致经过 3个阶段 :1)跟师学习 ,继承的重要途径 ;2 )中西医合作 ,借鉴的重要途径 ;3)主持攻关 ,自主研究的主要途径。


1.A Brief Strategy Account on the Spleen and Stomach Disease on Treatment of Chinese Traditional Medicine by Professor Zhou Mingxin;周铭心教授治疗脾胃病临证策略述要


3.Xu Jinkang"s Experience in Treating Diseases of Spleen and Stomach with Soft Extract of Chinese Medicine徐进康教授应用膏方治疗脾胃病经验

4.The relativities of Yuan and diseases of spleen and stomach浅述性理疗病法之“怨”与脾胃病的相关性

5.Research on BIAO and BEN Functioning of QI Theory in Zhongjing Determination of Treatment Based on Pathogenesis Obtained Through Differentiation of Sympotoms and Signs of the Spleen and Stomach Disease;标本气化理论在仲景脾胃病辨治中的研究

6.Metrological Study on Prescription Regularity of the Spleen-stomach Disease of Li Dongyuan;李东垣脾胃病用药组方规律计量学研究

7.Study on the Expression of IL-8 and HSP70 in Hp-related Gastropathy with Splenogastric Hygropyrexia SyndromeHp相关胃病脾胃湿热证IL-8与HSP70表达的研究

8.Development and Evaluation of the Spleen and Stomach Disease PRO Scale (SSD-PRO);中医脾胃系疾病PRO量表的研制和考核

9.Treatment of 31 Cases of Diabetic Gastroparesis by"Shugan Jianpi Decoction"疏肝健脾汤治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫31例

10.Clinical Research on the Curative Effects of Treating the Fullness and Oppression of Splenic Asthenia and Qi Stagnation Group with the Decoction of Invigorating Spleen and Regulating Qi;健脾理气方治疗脾虚气滞型痞满病及其对胃动力影响的临床研究

11.Clinical Study on Changtai Oral Liguid Treating Pi Xu Syndrome of Gastrointestinopathy in the Elderly肠泰口服液治疗老年脾虚证胃肠病的临床研究

12.Clinical Application of the Chinese Medicine Diagnosis System for Pediatric Digestive Disease儿科脾胃疾病智能诊疗系统的临床应用

13.Study on the Characteristics of Treating Spleen and Gastroenteropathy Syndrom in Sun Wenyuan s Medical Record;《孙文垣医案》辨治脾胃肠病证的特色研究

14.Clinical Study on Treating Stable Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease from the Spleen and Stomach;从脾胃论治冠心病稳定型心绞痛的临床研究

15.The Method of Disperse the Depressed Liver-energy and Invigorate the Spleen to Treat the Diabetic Gastroparesis on Clinical Observation;疏肝健脾法治疗糖尿病胃轻瘫的临床观察

16.Application of Systemic Teaching in Disease of Spleen and Stomach in Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine;中医内科脾胃系病证系统教学法的应用

17.Damp-heat in Spleen and Stomach Diseases in the Digestive System Governing the Law of Evidence脾胃湿热在消化系统中多种疾病的诊治规律

18.The development and item selection of the Spleen-Stomach patients report outcomes scale for Chinese medicine中医脾胃系疾病PRO量表的研制与条目筛选


spleen and stomach diseases脾胃病

1.This thesis summarised the experiences of Professor Shan Zhaowei in treating chronic atrophic gastritis and otherspleen and stomach diseases.本文深入系统总结了单兆伟教授诊治慢性萎缩性胃炎和脾胃病治法运用两方面的经验。

3)splenic-gastric disease脾胃病

1.The routine methods forsplenic-gastric disease are to reinforce spleen motivation, nourish the essential Qi, warm the stomach to strengthen the spleen and regulate stomach to nourish Yin.脾胃病常规的治疗有健脾助运、补中益气、温中健脾、和胃养阴等,然而临床上由于脾胃的生理病理特点,脾阴虚、寒热错杂、升降失调、脾虚而胃实之证也非常多见,因此治疗上除了常规的方法以外,应关注补益脾阴、寒热并用、升降平调、脾胃分治,守常法而不拘泥,灵活而不离制。

4)spleen-stomach disease脾胃病

1.Thespleen-stomach disease is closely related with the liver,the spleen and the stomach.脾胃病与肝、脾、胃密切相关,脾虚、肝郁、胃实且虚实寒热常偏于某一脏器,这是脾胃病常见之病理,健脾、疏肝、和胃是治疗脾胃病总的指导思想和原则,应视其偏向而随证治之。

5)diseases of the spleen and stomach脾胃病证

6)Spleen Stomach Dis Ther Method脾胃病治法



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