糖尿病康复 > 健脾益肾法 strengthening spleen and nourishing kidney英语短句 例句大全

健脾益肾法 strengthening spleen and nourishing kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-01 16:52:47


健脾益肾法 strengthening spleen and nourishing kidney英语短句 例句大全

健脾益肾法,strengthening spleen and nourishing kidney

1)strengthening spleen and nourishing kidney健脾益肾法

1.Objective 1 To investigate the clinical therapeutid effect of the method ofstrengthening spleen and nourishing kidney in femoral head necrosis, which is the sequela of SARS, by using "Bo s abdominal acupuncture" .目的 1、探讨“薄氏腹针”健脾益肾法治疗SARS引起的股骨头坏死的临床效果,观察其对激素性股骨头坏死镇痛作用的临床疗效。


1.The 40 Cases of Curative Effect Observation about Treating CRF with the Method of Releasing Excessive Turbid and Invigorate the Spleen、Tonifying the Kidney;通腑泻浊合健脾益肾法治疗慢性肾功能衰竭40例疗效观察

2.The Effect That the Measure of Strengthening Spleen and Nursing Kidney Treat to Malnutrition Caused by COPD Disease;健脾益肾法对慢性阻塞性肺疾病营养不良的影响

3.Clinical Study of the Therapeutic Method of Strengthening the Spleen and Nourishing the Kidney of Cure on Medium or Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer;健脾益肾法治疗中晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床观察

4.The Retrospective Analysis of Spleen Invigorating and Kidney Nourishing Therapy for Secondary Osteoporosis Correlative to SLE健脾益肾法治疗SLE继发性骨质疏松症的回顾性分析

5.Clinical Study of the New Governing Law in the Treatment of Recurrent Gout泄浊祛瘀健脾益肾法治疗痛风反复发作的临床观察

6.The Effects of Serum Drug Concentration of Clinical Research with Yishen Jianpi after Renal Transplantation on Tacrolimus (FK506)健脾益肾法对肾移植术后他克莫司(FK506)血清药物浓度影响的临床研究

7.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis of Asthenia of the Spleen and Kindney with Jian Pi Yi Shen Decoction and Ignition;健脾益肾方配合灸法治疗慢性肾盂肾炎脾肾两虚型的临床研究

8.Clinical Observation on Bone Wilting Due to Kidney Taxation with the Methods of Invigorating Spleen and Tonifying Kidney Dissipating Dampness and Resolving Blood Stasis;健脾益肾祛湿化瘀法治疗肾劳骨痿的临床观察

9.A clinical study of traditional Chinese massage combined with music therapy in treatment of cerebral palsy通督益肾健脾按摩结合音乐疗法治疗脑性瘫痪

10.Clinical Study on Treating the Diabetic Nephropath and the Dyslipidemia;健脾益肾,祛痰化湿法调节脂代谢紊乱治疗糖尿病肾病的临床研究

11.Clinical Study on Treating the Diabetic Nephropath Associated with Hypercoagulabale States with the Method of Invigorating the Spleen, Tonifying Kidney, Eliminating Phlegm and Dissipating Blood Stasis;健脾益肾、祛痰化瘀法治疗糖尿病肾病合并高凝状态的临床观察

12.Clinical Study on Effect of Therapeutics of Invigorating Spleen and Kidney,Removing Dampness and Clearing Away Turbidness in Treating Gouty Nephropathy健脾益肾、利湿泄浊法治疗痛风性肾病的临床研究

13.The Theory and Clinic Research on Jianpi Yishen Xiezhuo Method Treat Chronic Renal Failure健脾益肾泄浊法治疗慢性肾衰竭脾肾两虚挟浊型的理论与临床研究

14.The Clinic Research of the Chronic Nephritis Albuminuria Treated by the Tablet to Strengthen the Function of Spleen and Tonify Kidney;健脾益肾片治疗脾肾气虚型慢性肾炎蛋白尿的临床观察

15.Clinical Observation on Stabilizing Coronary Atherosclerosis Plaque by the Method of Boosting the Kidney and Fortifing the Spleen and Quickening the Blood and Transforming the Phlegm;益肾健脾活血化痰法稳定冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块的临床研究

16.Studies on the Effects of Strengthening the Spleen, Supplementing the Kidney, Benefiting Qi and Nourishing Yin Prescription Diabetes for Decreasing Blood Glucose and Its Mechanisms;健脾补肾益气养阴法对糖尿病模型大鼠降糖作用与机制的研究

17.Clinical Study of Early Diabetic Nephropathy Treated by "Ascending the Clear and Descending the Turbid, Invigorating Spleen to Nourish Qi" of TCM;健脾益气、升清泻浊法治疗早期糖尿病性肾病的临床研究

18.The Clinical Observation of the Application of Jianpi Yishen Buqi Yangxue Method Treating Tumor Anemia of Xuexu Type for Advanced-Stage Nsclc Patients健脾益肾补气养血法治疗晚期NSCLC患者血虚型癌性贫血的临床观察


invigorate the spleen and tonifying kidney and promoting blood flow健脾益肾活血法

3)Jianpi Yishen Decoction(Method)健脾益肾方(法)

4)The Spleen-Transporting Kidney-Boosting Lung-Supplementing Method健脾补肾益肺法

5)Jianpi yishen xiezhuo method健脾益肾泄浊法

6)Bufei Jianpi Yishen补肺健脾益肾法


补肾健脾益气种子煎方补肾健脾益气种子煎方方名。出明·岳甫嘉《妙一斋医学正印种子编·上卷·男科》。功效:补肾强精,健脾养血,延年种子。主治:男子肾阳亏虚,脾气不足,精血俱损所致婚久不育,阴器无力,中道痿,精清精少,阳具早衰者。药物组成:白茯苓3钱,甘枸杞子1两,怀生地 (酒洗)2钱,麦门冬(去心)2钱,人参2钱,陈皮3钱,白术(土焙)3钱。用法:河水2碗煎8分,空腹或饥时任服,渣再煎服。

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