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沪人 Shanghai people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-10 01:59:31


沪人 Shanghai people英语短句 例句大全

沪人,Shanghai people

1)Shanghai people沪人

1.Therefore, as the subsystem of Shanghai culture, Shanghai image is an important audio-visual characterization, and it directly or indirectly reflects the reform of Chinese society, the spirit of the specific historical time, the changes of social life and the social and contemporary“deep collective psyche”ofShanghai people.纵观中国电影艺术在上海这一特定时空的发展史,正见得由沪片、沪地、沪人、沪事及其沪风等基本文化元素和成分所构成的上海影像,其美学内涵视听化实现为上海的都市影像、女性影像、政治影像、类型化影像、明星影像等,都充分体现出上海电影与海派文化随社会历史的变迁,不断实现有机的审美“耦合”。


1.Halbwachs, Maurice. On Collective Memory. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1992.莫里斯.哈布瓦赫的《论集体记忆》,沪人版。

2.An Empirical Study on Cross-border Migration and Population Flow in Shanghai--A Case Study on Japanese Living in Shanghai and Chinese Returned from Japan;上海跨国迁移与流动人口的实证研究——以在沪日本人和赴日返沪人员为例

3.Considerations on Perfecting the Management and Service Mechanism of the People Coming into Shanghai;完善来沪人员管理服务机制的若干思考

4.To Strengthen the Management Work of the People Coming into Shanghai in Changxing Area Guided by the Scientific Concept of Development;以科学发展观为指导 切实加强长兴地区来沪人员管理工作

5.Recent years see a sharp increase in the number of visitors to Shanghai近年来,来沪游客人数呈激增趋势

6.The Visits of International Scientific and Cultural Celebrities to Shanghai and Their Impacts (1919~1937)国际科学文化名人访沪及其影响(1919~1937)

7.The Unattended Switching House of Toll Station in Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway沪宁高速公路收费站无人值守配电房

8.Odyssey -A Painting Show沪申画廊推出“奥德赛—旅法华人艺术家联展”

9.The Influence of Income Levels to the Health Status Among Elderly Population in Beijing,Tianjin and Shanghai京津沪老年人经济收入对健康状况的影响

10.Consideration about Establishing the Residence Centre of Floating Workers;关于建立来沪务工人员居住中心的理性思考

11.Research on the Satisfaction of Shanghai Foreign User in China Mobile Communication Services Market;在沪外国人对上海移动通讯服务满意度研究

12.The Double Capacities of Tianjin Businessmen in the Period of Shong-hu Anti-Japanese War:Civilian and Businessman;亦“民”亦“商”:淞沪抗战时期天津商人的双重面相

13.The Features and Causes of the Merchants Strikes in Tianjin and Shanghai in the Nanjing Decade;南京十年时期津沪商人罢市之特征与成因

14.Study on the Entrepreneur Patterns and Its Influencing Factors of the Overseas Chinese Invest in Shanghai华侨华人来沪创业的模式及影响因素研究

15.Analysis on Influence of Floating Population Between Urban and Rural Areason Age Structure of Population in Big Cities;乡城流动人口对大城市人口年龄结构影响分析——以京、津、沪为例

16.The one way ticket between Beijing and Shanghai is about $850-900, sometimes is even cheaper.京沪间单程机票售价为850-900元人民币,有时还会更低。

17.The fighting at Wusung on August 13, 1937, occurred soon afterwards and Fang Hung-chien"s prank was mentioned no more.紧跟着八月十三日淞沪战事的消息,方鸿渐闹的笑话没人再提起。

18.Xinjiangers witnessed the tremendous potential of exchange of assets and equity in Shanghai and Xinjiang.新疆人看到了沪新在产权交易方面蕴涵的巨大潜能。


People Coming into Shanghai来沪人员

1.Considerations on Perfecting the Management and Service Mechanism of thePeople Coming into Shanghai;完善来沪人员管理服务机制的若干思考

2.To Strengthen the Management Work of thePeople Coming into Shanghai in Changxing Area Guided by the Scientific Concept of Development;以科学发展观为指导 切实加强长兴地区来沪人员管理工作

3)Japanese living in Shanghai在沪日本人

4)Shanghai Hongkongese在沪香港人

1.Based on 18Shanghai Hongkongese cases interviewed by empirical study,the article analyzes their social integration in Shanghai mainly from the economic,social,psychological and cultural aspects.本文通过对18名在沪香港人的个案访谈实证研究,探讨了香港人在上海的社会融合情况,主要从经济、生活、心理和文化几方面展开,同时对香港人在上海发展面临的机遇和挑战以及上海存在的优点和不足等进行了分析和思考。

5)Floating Workers来沪务工人员

1.Consideration about Establishing the Residence Centre ofFloating Workers;关于建立来沪务工人员居住中心的理性思考

6)Chinese returned from Japan赴日返沪人员



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