糖尿病康复 > 海派 Shanghai style英语短句 例句大全

海派 Shanghai style英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-31 20:18:04


海派 Shanghai style英语短句 例句大全

海派,Shanghai style

1)Shanghai style海派

1.Shanghai Style,Tianjin Style and Hong Kong Style Novels of Chinese Popular Fiction in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪中国通俗小说的海派、津派和港派

2.This paper intends to do some textual research on the life of Pu Hua, a famous artist of Zhejiang and a forerunner ofShanghai style in painting.本文意在考订“海派”先驱 ,著名的浙江画家蒲华的生平 ,以及蒲华一生与战乱中的上海及浙江的时代背景关系 ,并论述了蒲华在诗书画艺术方面的成就。

3.During the past 10-odd years, with the rising of the climax of China s modernization and urbanization,Shanghai style literature, as an important aspect of municipal culture and shanghai culture, has come into the vision of researchers.最近十几年来,随着中国现代化、都市化高潮的兴起,海派文学作为都市文化和海派文化的一个重要方面进入研究者的视野。


1.Zhou Xinfang performs in the Shanghai opera style rather than the Beijing opera style.周信芳在京剧流派中是属于海派而不是京派。

2.Shanghai Style,Tianjin Style and Hong Kong Style Novels of Chinese Popular Fiction in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪中国通俗小说的海派、津派和港派

3.The Shanghai style differs a lot from the Lingnan style of painting.海派的画风与岭南派有很大不同。

4.The Different Writing of Modernity in China: Shang Hai School and Beijing School (1930-1937);书写不同的现代性:京派与海派(1930-1937)

5.Relatively Study in Modern s Psychological Perspection of Beijing School and Shanghai School;“京派”、“海派”现代人心理透视比较研究

6."Beijing Faction" and "Shanghai Faction" In Urban Culture During the May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”都市文化关照下的“京派”与“海派”

7.On the Peripheral Status of the Peking and Shanghai School in the 1930s;论“京派”与“海派”创作的话语边缘性

8.show the elegant style of Western suits.一展海派西服雄风。

9.american Lion, the model Western suit in Shanghai style.“美洲狮”——海派西服的典范。

10.On the Relationship between the Phone Card s Design and Shanghai Regional Culture;论海派文化与上海电话卡的平面设计

11.Cultural belts of coastal southeast China and the sea-school poetry;东南沿海经济文化带与海派诗歌简论

12.The relationship between Yuan Hu and Hai Pai fiction is not that of source and current.鸳鸯蝴蝶派文学同海派文学,不是源与流的关系。

13.A Comparative Study on Beijing-sitcom, Shanghai-sitcom and Their Cultural Backgrounds;京派海派情景喜剧及其地域文化背景比较研究

14.Cultural phenomenon as an alternative in the leased territories--A contrastive study of the schools of Beijing and Shanghai;租界文化作为京派的“他者”——从京海派论争来看

15.On the "Beijing School" and the "Shanghai School" under Shen Congwen s View of Serious Literature;沈从文严肃文学观观照下的京派和海派

16.The Communication Analysis of Shanghai Culture;中国当代电影中的上海影像——海派文化传播分析

17.The International Influence of the Shanghai Style Culture and Shanghai’s International Competition;海派文化的国际影响力与上海的国际竞争力

18.Ups and Downs of Contemporary Commerce in Shanghai and Formation and Development of Shanghai Culture;近代上海商业的兴盛与海派文化的形成及发展


Shanghai school海派

1.On the "Beijing School" and the "Shanghai School" under Shen Congwen s View of Serious Literature;沈从文严肃文学观观照下的京派和海派

2.Chinese Left_wing Literature, Beijing School Literature andShanghai School Literature:Their Significance Today;中国左翼文学、京海派文学及其在当下的意义

3)the Shanghai school海派

1.The relationship between Zhang Ailing and the Shanghai School Literature does not convey the urban cultural tradition of leftist criticism.张爱玲与海派文学的关系 ,并不表现为其左翼的批判的都市文化传统 ;在繁华与腐朽同在的现代性传统上 ,张爱玲的小说也远不及穆时英、刘呐鸥那样强烈。


1.Zhang Yiping,a writer in mordern literature who shifted from"jingpai"to"haipai",This paper takes the explanation of his novels and essays as its main clue and combined with his other works to analyses the continuity of style in two kinds of his works,a simple and gentle style.章衣萍是现代文学史上一位由“京派”转入“海派”的作家 ,文章以阐述其小说、散文的创作为主线 ,结合章氏其它作品的剖析 ,论述其“京”“海”两类作品中简劲婉约的一致风格 ,并从中发掘出章衣萍对新文学的独特贡献。

2.Ye Ling-feng is one of the earliest Haipai writers, his novels fasten on love, searching after mentality and humanity.作为早期的海派作家之一的叶灵凤,他的创作集中在情爱领域,对人心人性进行探索,因一度被归为“才子+流氓”类作家而没有得到足够的重视和公正的评价。

5)Shanghai style furniture海派家具

1.Due to occurring in the culture shock of Chinese and the west,Shanghai style furniture inevitably embod.19世纪下半期西方器物文化促进了海派家具造型风格的多样化,西方技术文化引导上海家具制造业从纯手工业向机器生产方向发展,西方设计文化改变传统的道器观转向现代设计理念,西方商业文化加速了海派家具的传播。

6)Shanghai-style culture海派文化

1.The design skills of these gardens were affected byShanghai-style culture.这些在原有中国传统园林格局基础上被赋予西式造园要素及开放性功能的私园,作为外侨移植的西式公园向华人自建公园发展过程中的过渡形式,其亦中亦西的造园手法深得"海派文化"的浸染。

2.The paper approaches to the relation ofShanghai-style culture and Shanghai-style architecture, states the features of Shanghai-style architecture, and points out how this style be reasonably inherited and developed at the present time.文章探讨了上海海派文化与海派建筑的关系,阐述海派建筑的特点,提出在当前时期,如何合理继承和发展海派建筑的风格。

3.By the development of Shanghai urban culture, we can realized that Jiangnan immigrants, as the majority of all, were obviously the communicators of Jiangnan traditional culture, and make a great contribution to the urban spirit of Shanghai, the life attitude, consume perception and aesthetic sentiment of local citizens, also the formation ofShanghai-style culture.但从上海都市文化的历史发展过程来看,作为移民主体的江南移民显然是上海传统文化资源得以承继的传播者,并对上海都市精神,居民的生活态度、消费观念和审美情趣,包括海派文化的形成都发挥了重要的作用。



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