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沪地 Shanghai place英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-13 13:22:42


沪地 Shanghai place英语短句 例句大全

沪地,Shanghai place

1)Shanghai place沪地


1.A Study to the Current Situation of the Physical Education about the Blind Schools in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai;京、津、沪地区盲校体育教育现状调查与分析

2.An Analysis of the Economic Environment in Nanjing-Shanghai Region During Anti-Japanese War;略论抗战时期宁沪地区城市经济环境的恶化

3.namely, Canton cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Beijing cuisine and Shanghai cuisine.确切地说,就是粤菜、川菜、京菜和沪菜。

4.A joint performance by young and middle-aged Beijing opera actors and actresses from Beijing and Shanghai京沪两地中青年演员京剧会演

5.Engineering Geological Conditions of Tunnel Passage (East Line) between Shanghai and Chong Ming沪崇越江通道(东线)工程地质条件

6.Research Upon Female Clothing Consumption by White-Collars between Shanghai and Hangzhou;沪杭两地白领女性服装消费行为研究

7.The Establishment and Removement of Liaison Stations of Non-native Red Guards in Shanghai;外地红卫兵驻沪联络站的建立和撤销

8.A Comparison of the Manufacturing Competitiveness among Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Shanghai City in Changjiang Delta;长三角苏、浙、沪三地制造业竞争力比较

9.Geological Relic Characters and Exploration Idea in Shenhuwan Geological Park;深沪湾地质公园地质遗迹景观特征及开发思路

10.Spatial Interpolation Methods of Surface Subsidence in Tianjin Region of Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway京沪高铁天津地区地表沉降空间插值方法研究

11.Hong Kong model Taiwan model: Shanghai real estate marketing agent world is different?香港模式台湾模式:沪房地产营销代理谁主沉浮?

12.An Interview with Consul General of Austria in Shanghai,Walter Kalteis音乐之声——专访奥地利驻沪总领事凯泰斯


14.Earning Capacity of the Real Estate Listed Companies the Study on the Pavement Construction;深沪交易所房地产上市公司盈利能力研究

15.Co - opetition Win - Win Development for Both East and West;用合作竞争战略实现沪渝两地的双赢发展

16.A research on Jinjiang Shenhu Bay geological tourism resources development and utilizition;福建晋江深沪湾地质旅游资源开发利用研究

17.Study on the Volatility of Returns Rate of Real state Indices in Shenzhen and Shanghai Security Market;深市、沪市地产股指数收益率波动性的统计研究

18.The Linguistic Cultural Phenomenon of the Tabloids in Beijing and Shanghai from the Late Qing to the Republic of China;京沪两地晚清、民国小报的语言文化现象



3)Nanjing to Shanghai region沪宁地区

1.Based on theNanjing to Shanghai region,this paper chooses Nanjing,Zhenjiang,Changzhou,Wuxi,Suzhou,Shanghai and Hangzhou as the sample cities,researches into the changes of regional accessibility under the impacts of HSR from three analytical indicators—weighted average travel times,economic potential and daily accessibility.文章以沪宁地区为例,探讨了高速铁路影响下沿线地区可达性的变化,采用了有效评价旅行时间、经济潜力、日常可达性三类分析指标,初步得出不仅沿线地区将产生深刻变化,且临近区域也受益匪浅的结论,从客观上论证了修建京沪高速铁路的可行性和重要性。

4)Suzhou-Shanghai area苏沪地区

5)Zhejiang and Shanghai area沪浙地区

6)The Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo zone沪、杭、甬地区


地龙【通用名称】地龙 【其他名称】地龙 地龙 拼音名:Dilong 英文名:PHERETIMA 书页号:2000年版一部-92 本品为钜蚓科动物参环毛蚓Pheretima aspergillum (E. Perrier) 、通俗环毛蚓 Pheretima vulgaris Chen、威廉环毛蚓Pheretima guillelmi (Michaelsen) 或栉盲环 毛蚓Pheretima pectinifera Michaelsen 的干燥体。前一种习称“广地龙”,后三种 习称“沪地龙”。广地龙春季至秋季捕捉,沪地龙夏季捕捉,及时剖开腹部,除去内脏 及泥沙,洗净,晒干或低温干燥。 【性状】 广地龙 呈长条状薄片,弯曲,边缘略卷,长15~20cm,宽 1~2cm 。 全体具环节,背部棕褐色至紫灰色,腹部浅黄棕色;第 14 ~16环节为生殖带,习称 “白颈”,较光亮。体前端稍尖,尾端钝圆,刚毛圈粗糙而硬,色稍浅。雄生殖孔在第 18节腹侧刚毛圈一小孔突上,外缘有数环绕的浅皮褶,内侧刚毛圈隆起,前面两边有横 排(一排或二排)小乳突,每边10~20个不等。受精囊孔2 对,位于7/8至8/9环节间一 椭圆形突起上,约占节周5/11。体轻,略呈革质,不易折断。气腥,味微咸。 沪地龙 长8~15cm,宽0.5~1.5cm。全体具环节,背部棕褐色至黄褐色,腹部浅黄 棕色;受精囊孔3 对,在6/7至8/9环节间。第14~16环节为生殖带,较光亮。第18环节 有一对雄生殖孔。通俗环毛蚓的雄交配腔能全部翻出,呈花菜状或阴茎状;威廉环毛蚓 的雄交配腔孔呈纵向裂缝状;栉盲环毛蚓的雄生殖孔内侧有1 或多个小乳突。 【检查】 重金属 取本品1.0g,依法检查(附录Ⅸ E),含重金属不得过百万分 之三十。 【浸出物】 照水溶性浸出物测定法项下的热浸法(附录Ⅹ A)测定,不得少于 16.0%。 【炮制】 除去杂质,洗净,切段,干燥。 【性味与归经】 咸,寒。归肝、脾、膀胱经。 【功能与主治】 清热定惊,通络,平喘,利尿。用于高热神昏,惊痫抽搐,关节 痹痛,肢体麻木,半身不遂,肺热喘咳,尿少水肿,高血压。 【用法与用量】 4.5 ~9g。 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处,防霉,防蛀。

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