糖尿病康复 > 鹭岛关爱日(ICD) Island Care Day(ICD)英语短句 例句大全

鹭岛关爱日(ICD) Island Care Day(ICD)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-07 22:49:53


鹭岛关爱日(ICD) Island Care Day(ICD)英语短句 例句大全

鹭岛关爱日(ICD),Island Care Day(ICD)

1)Island Care Day(ICD)鹭岛关爱日(ICD)

2)Piano Rhythm of Lu Island鹭岛琴韵

1.Analysis of Design and Construction of “Piano Rhythm of Lu Island”;《鹭岛琴韵》设计营建浅析

3)Guam daylight time关岛日光时间


1.The two kinds of Herons mix to nest and both male and fema le henons share in the stick-collecting,incubating,nesting and fceding.作者于1985~1990年在宁夏银川、卫宁平原等地用5年时间对苍鹭、夜鹭的数量和生态进行了调查研究。


1.The average size of a clutch was 3 for Nycticorax nycticorax and Bubu lcus ibis,and 5 for Egretta garzetta and Ardeola bacchus夜鹭和牛背鹭平均窝卵数为 3个 /巢 ,白鹭和池鹭为 5个 /巢。

2.tropical American heron related to night herons.美洲热带白鹭,与夜鹭有亲缘关系。

3.The Egret Island Egret Section Birds Resouree Protection in Guangxi Bobai County;广西博白县白鹭岛鹭科鸟类资源保护

4.Of the nests,83 9% were built by Pycnonotus sinensis and some colonial breeding species including Nycticorax nycticorax , Ardeola bacchus and Bubulcus ibis .白头鹎和集群繁殖的夜鹭、池鹭、牛背鹭的鸟巢数量占总巢数的 83 9%。

5."The stork and the heron, and birds of that sort, and the hoopoe and the bat."鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴??与蝙蝠。

6.bundled aigrette feather with yellow tip黄梢长白鹭鸶毛扎把

7.large American heron having bluish-gray plumage.美洲大型鹭,蓝灰色羽毛。

8.small bluish-gray heron of the westrn hemisphere.西半球的蓝灰色小鹭。

9.widely distributed Old World white egret.广泛分布的东半球白鹭。

10.An ornamental tuft of upright plumes, especially the tail feathers of an egret.鹭毛装饰用的直羽毛,尤其是鹭鸟的尾部羽毛

11.Mercury concentration and its distribution in Nycticorax nycticorax and Chinese Ardeola bacchus fledglings at Huangpu District of Guangzhou City,China.广州黄埔区夜鹭和池鹭体内汞浓度和分布特性

12.Heavy Metal Level in the Ardeid Food and Their Effects on Their Eggs;鹭类食物的重金属含量及其对鹭卵的影响

13.Sex Identification Methods in Ardeid Birds and Sex Ratio in the Nestling Populations of Little Egret and Chinese Egret;鹭科鸟类性别鉴定方法及白鹭和黄嘴白鹭雏鸟种群性别比例的研究

14.Primary Studies on the Breeding Biology of Some Species of Egrets in Xiamen Egret Natural Reserve, Jiju Islet;厦门白鹭保护区鸡屿岛几种鹭类的繁殖生物学初步研究

15.The breeding ecology and population dynamics of the little egret (Egretta garzetta) in Dayu Islet, Xiamen Egret Natural Reserve;厦门白鹭自然保护区大屿岛的白鹭繁殖生态和种群动态

16.a genus of birds of the family Ciconiidae including wood ibises.包括林朱鹭在内的鹳科的一个属。

17.The long plumes of a heron in the breeding season.处在繁殖季节一只鹭的长羽毛

18.nocturnal or crepuscular herons.夜间或黄昏时活动的白鹭。


Piano Rhythm of Lu Island鹭岛琴韵

1.Analysis of Design and Construction of “Piano Rhythm of Lu Island”;《鹭岛琴韵》设计营建浅析

3)Guam daylight time关岛日光时间


1.The two kinds of Herons mix to nest and both male and fema le henons share in the stick-collecting,incubating,nesting and fceding.作者于1985~1990年在宁夏银川、卫宁平原等地用5年时间对苍鹭、夜鹭的数量和生态进行了调查研究。


1.Theegrets-nested forests in Mt.用样方调查结合实地逐株统计方法 ,调查广西防城港市万鹤山鹭林植物。

6)Aegean lslands爱琴群岛



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