糖尿病康复 > WTO/TBT协定 WTO/TBT Agreement英语短句 例句大全

WTO/TBT协定 WTO/TBT Agreement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-05 07:32:51


WTO/TBT协定 WTO/TBT Agreement英语短句 例句大全

WTO/TBT协定,WTO/TBT Agreement

1)WTO/TBT AgreementWTO/TBT协定

1.The contents concerning standards in the Protocol on the Accession of China to the WTO and the WTO/TBT agreement are introduced.介绍了中国入世协定书和WTO/TBT协定中有关标准的内容,分析了中国城镇燃气产品标准体系,指出了中国标准体系中存在的问题,提出了出相关建议。


1.Agreement on TBT of the WTO and the Establishment of Chinese Technical Regulation System;WTO/TBT协定与我国技术法规体系建设

2.WTO/TBT Agreements and Chinese City Gas Product Standard SystemWTO/TBT协定和我国城镇燃气产品标准体系

3.Research on Some Issues of WTO《TBT Agreement》;WTO《TBT协定》若干问题研究

4.Technical Standards and TBT Agreement、SPS Agreement;技术标准化与WTO/TBT、SPS协议

5.(g) provision of procedures to implement Article 2.7 of the Agreement(g)提供实施《TBT协定》第2条第7款的程序

6.Research on the Cooperation in the Field of Inspection and Quarantine between Xinjiang in China and Central Asian Countries under the Frame of TBT Agreement/SPS Agreement;TBT协定/SPS协定框架下中国新疆与中亚国家检验检疫合作问题研究

7.5. The WTO may conclude a headquarters agreement.5. wto可订立一总部协定。

8.WTO/TBT Standardization and the Development of Chinese National Industries;WTO/TBT、标准化与中国民族产业的发展

9.Modification and Future Forecasting of TBT/SPS Rules under the WTO System;WTO体制下的TBT-SPS规则修改与前景预测

10.188. Some members of the Working Party expressed concerns about the complexity and inconsistency of China"s conformity assessment regime with TBT Agreement requirements.188.一些工作组成员对中国合格评定机构的复杂性和与《TBT协定》的要求不一致表示关注。

11.In this regard, those members noted the obligation of unilateral acceptance of the results of conformity assessment as described in Article 6.1 of the TBT Agreement.在这方面,这些成员注意到《TBT协定》第6条第1款所述单方面接受合格评定结果的义务。

12.(i) the headquarters agreement provided for in Article VIII:5 of the WTO Agreement;(ⅰ)wto协定》第8条第5款规定的总部协定;

13.In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would fully implement the obligations of Article 5.2.4 of the TBT Agreement in this regard.对此,中国代表确认,中国在这方面将全面实施《TBT 协定》第5条第2款4项的义务。

14.The representative of China also confirmed that China would make publicly available procedures to implement Article 2.7 of the Agreement.中国代表还确认,中国将使实施《TBT协定》第2条第7款的程序可公开获得。

15.Determination of Subsidy in Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in WTO;论WTO《SCM协定》下补贴的认定

16.A Legal Analysis of Factors for Determination of Injury under the WTO AD Agreement;WTO反倾销协定中损害确定因素之研究

17.Having regard to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to as "WTO Agreement" and "WTO"), and注意到《建立世界贸易组织协定》(以下分别称“《WTO协定》”和“WTO”),

18.A Study on How to Improve China"s Fish and Fishery Products International Competitiveness under the Regime of WTO\TBT;WTO\TBT框架下提升我国水产品国际竞争力研究



3)TBT agreementTBT协定

1.Describe the result and significance of TBT Agreement in the second three years investigation.论述了TBT协定第 2个 3年期间考查结果概况及其意

4)TBT agreement《TBT协定》

1."Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade" (the TBT Agreement) and "Agreement on the Appl.《技术性贸易壁垒协定》(《TBT协定》)与《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》(《SPS协定》)成为WTO多边贸易体制下规范成员方检验检疫制度与规制技术性贸易壁垒的两个最主要的协定。

5)WTO AgreementWTO协定

1.On the Implementing Modes ofWTO Agreement;论WTO协定的实施模式

2.This article,based on the current situation of the development of FTA and the reasons for its prosperous,analyzes the related regulation for bilateral FTA in WTO agreement.近年WTO多边贸易谈判停滞不前,而双边FTA则快速发展,并出现了许多新的特征,针对目前世界FTA发展的现状及其兴起的原因,分析WTO协定对双边FTA的有关规定,研究发现双边FTA虽然与WTO多边贸易体制有不同之处,但二者的原则和目标基本一致,这有利于促进WTO所主张的全球贸易自由化的实现,双边FTA终将融入WTO多边贸易体制。

3.WTO agreement is an international law binding all WTO member states.WTO协定是对其所有的成员国具有拘束力的国际法。

6)agreement of WTOWTO协定

1.Theagreement of WTO contains enormous new standards of international investment, which have greatly developed the con tents of multilateral legal system and make the laws and regulations of the inte rnational investment to go along the more forced and more liberalized direction.WTO协定蕴含着丰富的国际投资新规范,它极大地发展了国际投资多边法制的内涵,并使国际投资法规范朝着更加自由化、更加强制化的方向发展。


国际复兴开发银行贷款协定和担保协定通则国际复兴开发银行贷款协定和担保协定通则第三条贷款帐户;利息和其他费用;偿还;还款地点前偿还银行贷款中尚未到期的部分。因此,银行将根据当时的整个情况,通情达理地考虑借款人在提前偿还银行尚未售出或尚未同意售出的任何一部分贷款时,请银行放弃本节(b)款规定应付的任何贴水的要求。第3.01节贷款帐户第3.05节还款地点贷款金额应记人贷款帐户的贷方,借款人可以根据贷款协定和本《通则》的规定提取贷款。第3.02节承诺费贷款的本金(如有贴水的话,则包括贴水)、利息和其他费用,应在银行合理要求的地点偿付。西方主要货币名称符号简衰借款人必须按贷款协定中规定的费率,就尚未提取的贷款部分,交付承诺费。此种承诺费应从贷款协定生效后oo天起计算到借款人从贷款帐户中各次提款的日期或到款额撤销的日期为止。借款人还必须对银行根据第5 .02节规定作了特别承诺而不时已支付而尚未偿还的本金金额,每年另付百分之零点五(1%的一半)的附加承诺费。第3.03节利息借款人必须按贷款协定中所规定的利率,交付先后不时已从贷款帐户中提取而未偿还部分的贷款额的利息。利息应从各个提款之日起计算。第3.以节偿还(a)借款人应根据贷款协定中分期偿还的安排,偿还从贷款帐户中提取的贷款本金金额。每次到期该偿还的贷款部分应按对贷款协定规定的该日到期应归还的本金金额进行再估值来确定,以反映汇总付款帐户中已支付而未偿还的各种货币数额的变化,或反映从一次或几次提取贷款款项之日起至该偿还日止,已支付而未偿还的各种货币额价值的变化。(b)借款人在付清所有应付利息和上述分期偿还的安排中所规定的贴水后,并且在通知银行至少45天以后,有权从银行可以接受的日期起,提前偿还(i)当时尚未偿还的所有贷款本金金额,或(ii)任何一期或几期到期应归还的全部本金金额,但这样提前偿还后,提前偿还的那期贷款中不得再有任何未偿还部分。

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