糖尿病康复 > 利用Java实现串口全双工通讯


时间:2019-06-07 15:46:51




本类库主要包括:serialbean.java (与其他应用程序的接口), serialbuffer.java(用来保存从串口所接收数据的缓冲区), readserial.java (从串口读取数据的程序)。另外本类库还提供了一个例程serialexample.java 作为示范。在下面的内容中将逐一对这几个部分进行详细介绍。

1. serialbean


public serialbean(int portid)

本函数构造一个指向特定串口的serialbean,该串口由参数portid所指定。portid = 1 表示com1,portid = 2 表示com2,由此类推。

public int initialize()

本函数初始化所指定的串口并返回初始化结果。如果初始化成功返回1,否则返回-1。初始化的结果是该串口被serialbean独占性使用,其参数被设置为9600, n, 8, 1。如果串口被成功初始化,则打开一个进程读取从串口传入的数据并将其保存在缓冲区中。

public string readport(int length)


public void writeport(string msg)


public void closeport()



package serial; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import m.*; /** * * this bean provides some basic functions to implement full dulplex * information exchange through the srial port. * */ public class serialbean { static string portname; commportidentifier portid; serialport serialport; static outputstream out; static inputstream in; serialbuffer sb; readserial rt; /** * * constructor * * @param portid the id of the serial to be used. 1 for com1, * 2 for com2, etc. * */ public serialbean(int portid) { portname = "com" + portid; } /** * * this function initialize the serial port for communication. it starts a * thread which consistently monitors the serial port. any signal captured * from the serial port is stored into a buffer area. * */ public int initialize() { int initsuccess = 1; int initfail = -1; try { portid = commportidentifier.getportidentifier(portname); try { serialport = (serialport) portid.open("serial_communication", 2000); } catch (portinuseexception e) { return initfail; } //use inputstream in to read from the serial port, and outputstream //out to write to the serial port. try { in = serialport.getinputstream(); out = serialport.getoutputstream(); } catch (ioexception e) { return initfail; } //initialize the communication parameters to 9600, 8, 1, none. try { serialport.setserialportparams(9600, serialport.databits_8, serialport.stopbits_1, serialport.parity_none); } catch (unsupportedcommoperationexception e) { return initfail; } } catch (nosuchportexception e) { return initfail; } // when successfully open the serial port, create a new serial buffer, // then create a thread that consistently accepts incoming signals from // the serial port. incoming signals are stored in the serial buffer. sb = new serialbuffer(); rt = new readserial(sb, in); rt.start(); // return success information return initsuccess; } /** * * this function returns a string with a certain length from the incoming * messages. * * @param length the length of the string to be returned. * */ public string readport(int length) { string msg; msg = sb.getmsg(length); return msg; } /** * * this function sends a message through the serial port. * * @param msg the string to be sent. * */ public void writeport(string msg) { int c; try { for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) out.write(msg.charat(i)); } catch (ioexception e) {} } /** * * this function closes the serial port in use. * */ public void closeport() { rt.stop(); serialport.close(); } }

2. serialbuffer


public synchronized string getmsg(int length)


public synchronized void putchar(int c)

本函数望串口缓冲区中写入一个字符,参数c 是需要写入的字符。



package serial; /** * * this class implements the buffer area to store incoming data from the serial * port. * */ public class serialbuffer { private string content = ""; private string currentmsg, tempcontent; private boolean available = false; private int lengthneeded = 1; /** * * this function returns a string with a certain length from the incoming * messages. * * @param length the length of the string to be returned. * */ public synchronized string getmsg(int length) { lengthneeded = length; notifyall(); if (lengthneeded > content.length()) { available = false; while (available == false) { try { wait(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { } } } currentmsg = content.substring(0, lengthneeded); tempcontent = content.substring(lengthneeded); content = tempcontent; lengthneeded = 1; notifyall(); return currentmsg; } /** * * this function stores a character captured from the serial port to the * buffer area. * * @param t the char value of the character to be stored. * */ public synchronized void putchar(int c) { character d = new character((char) c); content = content.concat(d.tostring()); if (lengthneeded < content.length()) { available = true; } notifyall(); } }

3. readserial


public readserial(serialbuffer sb, inputstream port)


public void run()



package serial; import java.io.*; /** * * this class reads message from the specific serial port and save * the message to the serial buffer. * */ public class readserial extends thread { private serialbuffer combuffer; private inputstream comport; /** * * constructor * * @param sb the buffer to save the incoming messages. * @param port the inputstream from the specific serial port. * */ public readserial(serialbuffer sb, inputstream port) { combuffer = sb; comport = port; } public void run() { int c; try { while (true) { c = comport.read(); combuffer.putchar(c); } } catch (ioexception e) {} } }

4. serialexample


import serial.*; import java.io.*; /** * * this is an example of how to use the serialbean. it opens com1 and reads * six messages with different length form the serial port. * */ class serialexample { public static void main(string[] args) { //to do: add your java codes here serialbean sb = new serialbean(1); string msg; sb.initialize(); for (int i = 5; i <= 10; i++) { msg = sb.readport(i); sb.writeport("reply: " + msg); } sb.closeport(); } }

5. 编译与调试

本类库中使用了java communication api (m)。这是一个java扩展类库,并不包括在标准的java sdk当中。如果你尚未安装这个扩展类库的话,你应该从sun公司的java站点下载这个类库并将其安装在你的系统上。在所下载的包里面包括一个安装说明,如果你没有正确安装这个类库及其运行环境的话,运行这个程序的时候你会找不到串口。

正确安装java communication api并将上述程序编译通过以后,你可以按如下方法测试这个程序。如果你只有一台机器,你可以利用一条rs-232电缆将com1和com2连接起来,在com1上运行serialexample,在com2上运行windows提供的超级终端程序。如果你有两台机器的话,你可以利用一条rs-232电缆将两台机器的com1(或者是com2)连接起来,在一端运行例程,另外一端运行windows提供的超级终端程序。如果有必要的


