糖尿病康复 > 可以调节你心情的搞笑句子 幽默风趣 适合发朋友圈搞怪一下!

可以调节你心情的搞笑句子 幽默风趣 适合发朋友圈搞怪一下!

时间:2019-06-21 02:32:47


可以调节你心情的搞笑句子 幽默风趣 适合发朋友圈搞怪一下!


Husband: "wife, since I got married, my eyesight has gone wrong!" wife: "what symptoms?" husband: "I can see the money!"

当你遇到不幸的时候,记得对着镜子里面的自己笑笑,这样你就会发现 跟你的长相比起来这点不幸又算什么呢?

When you encounter misfortune, remember to smile at yourself in the mirror, so you will find that compared with your appearance, what is this misfortune?

天气冷了, 我决定今年走复古路线, 穿回去年的衣服。

Its cold. I decided to take the retro route this year and wear back last years clothes.

我如果恋爱 晚一点其实也没关系 我如果暴富 请现在立刻马上

It doesn matter if I fall in love later. If I get rich, please do it now


You can accept the age difference between your lover and you at most. As long as your appearance passes the test, you can go up and down for 5000 years.

哥哥和妹妹在看电视,突然电视屏幕出现了一头猪。 哥哥对妹妹说:妹,你看它多像你! 妹妹大怒说:像你妹

My brother and sister were watching TV when suddenly a pig appeared on the TV screen. Brother said to sister: sister, look how much it looks like you! Sister said angrily: like your sister


Why are mental guys so thin? Is the most effective way to lose weight social shake.


If people become popular, there is nothing they can do. For example. Eat hot pot, no matter where you sit, the smoke will float on your face.


Finally understand the gap between Xueba and me. She was in a bad mood, lying on the table. Two minutes later, she suddenly straightened up and began to do her homework. I was in a bad mood, lying on the table and fell asleep two minutes later.


When the second brother asked his five-year-old daughter, "what are you going to be when you grow up?" he replied, "be a policeman". Then he asked, "why the police?" he replied, "because the teacher often said to give the money to the police uncle."


Why are you sleepy when you read a book? Because books are the place where dreams begin.


Xiao Ming repeats his senior three. The teacher asks Xiao Ming, tell us how many points you get in the college entrance examination? Xiao Ming: "more than 600 points to Tsinghua." Teacher: "get out, go!"


The black boy explained to his girlfriend why he was black: first, because Im not superficial, and second, Im secretly protecting you.


The most anti detection creature in the world is mother-in-law! Hide your daughter casually. You have to find it for decades! Even if you e Conan



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