糖尿病康复 > 读经典︱《大学》之“絜矩章”之三︱仁者以财发身


时间:2018-08-24 23:40:27










James Legge

There is a great course also for the production of wealth. Let the producers be many and the consumers few. Let there be activity in the production, and economy in the expenditure. Then the wealth will always be sufficient. The virtuous ruler, by means of his wealth, makes himself more distinguished. The vicious ruler accumulates wealth , at the expense of his life. Never has there been a case of the sovereign loving benevolence, and the people not loving righteousness.Never has there been a case where the people have loved righteousness, and the affairs of the sovereign have not been carried to completion. And never has there been a case where the wealth in such a State, collected in the treasuries and arsenals, did notcontinue in the sovereign"s possession.

The officer Meng Xian said, "He who keeps horses and carriage does not look after fowls and pigs. The family which keeps its stores of ice does not rear cattle or sheep. So, the house which possesses a hundred chariots should not keep a minister to look out for imposts that he may lay them on the people. Than to have such a minister, it were better for that house to have one who should rob it of its revenues. " This is in accordance with the saying: " In a state, pecuniary gain is not to be considered to be prosperity, but its prosperity wil be found in righteousness. "When he who presides over a state or a family makes his revenues his chief business, he must be under the influence of some small, mean man. He may consider this man to be good: but when such a person is emploved in the administration of a state or family, calamities from Heaven, and injuries from men, will befall it together, and, though a good man may take his place, he will not be able to remedy the evil. This illustrates again the saying, "In a state, gain is not to be considered prosperity, but its prosperity will be found in righteousness."



