糖尿病康复 > 人工水景 artificial waterscape英语短句 例句大全

人工水景 artificial waterscape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-22 06:53:08


人工水景 artificial waterscape英语短句 例句大全

人工水景,artificial waterscape

1)artificial waterscape人工水景

1.Investigation of the water present situation of theartificial waterscape in Wenzhou;温州市区人工水景水体现状调研

2.But because design ofartificial waterscape generally lacks cultural connotation and overlooks feelings of people,it damages the environment and ecology of the urban instead that it plays the role it should play.城市公共空间的人工水景在一定程度上起到了美化环境、吸尘、降噪、调节小气候的作用。


1.The Method and Application of Approx-natural Restoration in Urban Aquatic Ecosystem and Waterscape Constructions;城市近自然型水系恢复与人工水景建设探讨

2.The Research on Artificial Waterscape Design of Urban Public Space in View of Human Interest城市公共空间人工水景的亲水性设计研究

3.Study on Improving Water Quality of Scenic Water by Constructed Wetland;人工湿地改善景观水体水质技术研究

4.The prospect of the arti cial wetland processes the city sewage is optimistic人工湿地技术处理城市污水前景看好

5.The Research on the Construction of Artificial Wetland Landscape in Urban Residence;住区水环境人工湿地景观营造的研究

6.Application in Circularly Purifying Landscape Water with Constructed Greenland;人工绿地在景观水循环处理中的应用

7.Aquatic Plants of Artificial Floating Bed Selected in the Pollution Water of Urban Landscape城市景观污染水体人工浮床植物筛选

8.On the application of the constructed wetland technology for the wastewater treatment and its future development人工湿地废水处理技术的应用与前景

9.The Application of Aquamats and Cage Grass-Farming Technology in Landscape Water人工生态基及网箱水草在景观水体中的应用

10.Research on Water Quality Analysis, Evaluation, Prediction and Countermeasure for Artificial Landscape Water人工景观水的水质分析评价预测及对策研究

11.Design of constructed wetland for water quality purification of urban landscape water城市景观水体水质净化的人工湿地设计

12.Application of Filsys Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland in Maintenance of Ecological Scenic Water Quality潜流人工湿地在景观水系水质维持中的应用

13.Application of Combined Constructed Wetland Technology in the Treatment of Scenic Spot Sewage人工湿地组合工艺在风景区污水处理中的应用

14.Performance of Drainage Reuse as Waterscape Treated by Combinational Technique of Biologic Contact Oxidation and Constructed Wetland生物接触氧化-人工湿地组合工艺中水处理回用景观水体效能试验

15.Study of Optimization on Purifying Landscape Water with Consructed Greenland;人工绿地处理景观水系统优化试验研究

16.Research of Dispersed-Ozone Floation(DOF) for Artificial Landscape Water Circulation Processing Technology臭氧气浮用于人工景观水体循环处理技术研究

17.A Case Study On Approx-natural Methods and Technologies ofWaterscape Construction in Urban Residential Community in AntingNew Town, Shanghai, China;上海市安亭新镇人工水体近自然型水景建设途径与技术

18.The Machining Technology of Runner at Site of Jinghong Hydropower Station景洪水电站水轮机转轮工地加工技术


artificial landscape water人工景观水

1.With the development of economic and the improvement of living standard,more and moreartificial landscape water appeared in our lives.随着经济的不断发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,人工景观水体越来越多的出现在我们的生活中。

3)artificial poor人工景观水面

4)artificial scenic water人工景观水体

1.Purification ofartificial scenic water using rainwater and reclaimed water as resource by constructed wetland was studied in this paper.本研究采用人工湿地净化以雨水和再生水为主要水源人工景观水体的水质净化技术。

5)Small Man-Made Landscape Water小型人工景观水体

6)artificial landscape人工景观

1.Through the analysis of natural condition and social economy of Pingtan county,it puts forward the ecological classification ofartificial landscape in Pingtan county,and educes the calculating method and waterconsuming ration of the landscape of farmland and garden plot and the landscape of residential area and industry.以平潭县为研究对象,通过对平潭县自然条件和社会经济分析基础上,提出平潭县人工景观生态分类并在此基础上确定农田园地景观、居民点及工矿景观生态用水量的计算方法和用水定额。


人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。

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