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园林水景 Waterscape英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-12 18:55:43


园林水景 Waterscape英语短句 例句大全



1.The Status and Landscape Uses of Aquatic Plants inWaterscape of Hangzhou;杭州园林水景的水生植物调查及其配置应用

2.Preliminary Analysis on the Ecological Principles of Aquatic Plants Used inWaterscape;水生植物在园林水景中的生态配置研究

2)garden water园林景观水

1.Based on the pollution in thegarden water and characteristics of landscapes in the classical gardens of Suzhou,the paper introduces the design of subsurface infiltration system for thegarden water and discusses the removal of the main pollutants of thegarden water by using the system during the operation.以苏州古典园林为背景,根据其景观水体的污染现状及其景观特点,介绍了应用于园林景观水体的地下渗滤系统的设计,讨论了该系统在运行过程中对景观水体中主要污染物的去除情况。

2.Based on pollution and characteristic ofgarden water in the Humble Administrator"s Garden of Suzhou and work theory of the subsurface infiltration system,this paper designed subsurface infiltration system treatinggarden water.以苏州拙政园的园林景观水为研究对象,根据其景观水体的污染现状及其景观的特点,基于地下渗滤系统工作原理,设计了处理园林景观水的地下渗滤系统,着重对地下渗滤系统处理园林景观水的性能进行了实践的测试,通过实验,讨论了该系统对园林水体的浊度、高锰酸盐指数、N、P等几种主要污染物的去除效果。


1.Study on Garden Water Treatment with Subsurface Infiltration System;地下渗滤系统改善园林景观水的研究

2.Study on Selecting and Displaying of Stream Landscape Elements溪水园林景观元素的选取与展示研究

3.Aquatic Scenery: good at building scenery in aquariums, gardens, having experiences of raising water plants and ornamental fishes preferential.水族造景:擅长水族箱造景,园林造景,有水草、观赏鱼养殖经验者优先。

4.The Landscape of Rainwater Use in the Green Space;城市园林绿地中雨水利用的景观化探讨

5.Research on Planning Method of the Landscape Water Protection-Case Study on the Olympic Park Lake景观水系水质保障的规划方法研究——以奥林匹克森林公园主湖为例

6.Design of Garden Plants Landscape for Yingbin Park in Xuzhou City徐州市迎宾园园林植物景观设计分析

7.Explore "Landscape" Concept As Well As Related Research Question探讨“风景园林”“景观”概念以及相关研究

8.View Chinese Traditional Landscape Conception from Private Gardens in Southern Yangtze River从江南私家园林看中国传统景观观念

9.Garden of Chinese Painter Landscape Design of Jingqing Garden国画家园林 兼谈观唐静清苑景观设计

10.Research on Environmental Problems of Water Landscape Planning in Chongqing Olympic Garden;重庆奥林匹克花园水体景观规划中的环境学问题研究

11.Landscape Diversity in the Theme Parks Experience in the Disneyland主题公园中园林景观的多样性 感受迪斯尼乐园

12.Application of Plants Sight in Residential Landscape -Taking Residential Gardens of Nanchang as an Example植物景观在住宅园林景观中的运用——以南昌住宅园林为例

13.The scenery of water, stone and sketch fully presents the modern garden and leisure sports" style.水景、景、品等景观动静结合,虚实相映,充分体现现代园林精髓和休闲运动的主题特征。

14.The Essence of Water--An Example of Water Planning and Design of Yilin Community以水为魂——倚林佳园水景规划与设计

15.A Study on the Construction and the Ecological Assessment of the Landscape of Beijing北京市园林景观生态评价与建设研究

16.Research on the Landscape Spatial Pattern in Shanghai Waterside Forest Park;上海滨江森林公园景观空间格局研究

17.The Study on Construction of Space in Planting Landscape;种植设计中园林景观的空间建构研究

18.The Research and Design of City Garden Lamplight Environment;城市园林灯光环境景观规划设计研究


garden water园林景观水

1.Based on the pollution in thegarden water and characteristics of landscapes in the classical gardens of Suzhou,the paper introduces the design of subsurface infiltration system for thegarden water and discusses the removal of the main pollutants of thegarden water by using the system during the operation.以苏州古典园林为背景,根据其景观水体的污染现状及其景观特点,介绍了应用于园林景观水体的地下渗滤系统的设计,讨论了该系统在运行过程中对景观水体中主要污染物的去除情况。

2.Based on pollution and characteristic ofgarden water in the Humble Administrator"s Garden of Suzhou and work theory of the subsurface infiltration system,this paper designed subsurface infiltration system treatinggarden water.以苏州拙政园的园林景观水为研究对象,根据其景观水体的污染现状及其景观的特点,基于地下渗滤系统工作原理,设计了处理园林景观水的地下渗滤系统,着重对地下渗滤系统处理园林景观水的性能进行了实践的测试,通过实验,讨论了该系统对园林水体的浊度、高锰酸盐指数、N、P等几种主要污染物的去除效果。

3)Landscape Architecture风景园林

1.The Sociality ofLandscape Architecture——Research of the Design Process of the Union Point Park;风景园林设计的社会学属性——兼论Union Point公园的设计

2.The express of Cultural Landscape in ModernLandscape Architecture——With Case Study of the Concept Planning for Bengbu Longzihu;文化造景在现代风景园林中的表达——以蚌埠龙子湖风景园林概念规划设计为例

3.Globalization Tide of RussianLandscape Architecture;俄罗斯风景园林的全球化趋势


1.The Research Development and Application in Urban Landscape of Landscape Visual Simulation;景观视觉模拟评价的研究进展及在城市园林景观中的应用

2.Application of 3D MAX onlandscape design;3D MAX在园林景观设计中的应用

3.The Charming Singaporean Landscapes;风情万种的新加坡园林景观

5)Landscape architecture园林景观

1.Since the ancient times, theLandscape architecture site is a place for people to cultivate the heart and nature.自古以来,园林景观就是供人们修身养心的场所。

2.Profundity of Chinese traditional culture and emergence of contemporary ecological environment idea put forward to plenty of connotation for the construction on the ecology, culture and landscape architecture of Nanshan Cultural Resort in Sanya.中国传统文化的博大精深与当代生态环境意识的崛起,为三亚南山文化旅游区的生态、人文与园林景观的构建提供了丰富的内涵。

3.Based on the University development both at home and abroad, the paper takes college culture study as a starting point, it analyzes the relationship between college culture and landscape architecture and then puts forward several historical questions, such as "what is university?", "the meaning of culture" and "the definition of college culture" etc.本文以大学文化为切入点,在国内外大学发展研究的基础之上,提出了“什么是大学”、“文化的涵义”、“大学文化的界定”等历史命题,进而分析大学文化与园林景观的三大关系,并分别从场所精神与地域文化、科学伦理与技术革新、历史文脉与精神传承的角度探讨了景观对人的濡化作用,是大学文化与园林景观的营造关系的核心基础;在对大学生行为与大学旅游行为在内的大学行为活动研究的基础上,提出大学行为活动对大学园林景观营造的文化需求。

6)landscape garden风景园林

1.Problems worth to thinking on in the planning and design of modernlandscape garden当前风景园林规划设计中值得思考的问题

2.This paper expounded confronted pro blems,adoptable strategies and measures from competition for persons o f abili-ty,trade and persons of ability management,professional education,in heritance and development,systems of trade,and so on,with China s entry into WTO,andlandscape gardens in our country facing to the situation of all -round open to all over the world.随着我国风景园林对外的全面开放,面对欧美等发达国家的涌入,我们如何应对?如何发展?本文从人才竞争、行业和人才管理、职业教育、继承和发展、行业体制等五个方面全面阐述了我国在加入WTO之后,风景园林行业发展所面临的问题和应采取的对策、措施。

3.Thelandscape garden is an important reflection element of city character.风景园林是城市特色体现的重要方面。



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