糖尿病康复 > 毛诃子 fructus Terminaliae Billericae英语短句 例句大全

毛诃子 fructus Terminaliae Billericae英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-22 06:10:53


毛诃子 fructus Terminaliae Billericae英语短句 例句大全

毛诃子,fructus Terminaliae Billericae

1)fructus Terminaliae Billericae毛诃子


1.Study on the Effect of the Fruits of Phyllanthus emblica,Terminalia chebula Retz and Terminalia bellirica in Tibetan Medicine on cAMP、cGMP Content of Zangfu Organs in Test Animals藏药余甘子、诃子和毛诃子对实验动物脏腑cAMP、cGMP含量的影响

2.HPLC Fingerprint of Terminalia chebula extracts诃子提取物的HPLC指纹图谱研究

3.A thorough connotation analysis of country s conditions from Chekhov s novelThe fat and the thin;透析契诃夫小说《胖子与瘦子》的国情内涵

4.Extraction Technology of Effective Ingredients in Galla chinesis and Terminalia chebula中草药五倍子、诃子有效成分提取工艺的研究

5.Determination of Curcumin in Shibawei Hezi Liniao Wan by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定十八味诃子利尿丸中姜黄素的含量

6.Extraction of Active Ingredients in Terminalia Chebula and Development of Anti-ultraviolet Silk Fabric诃子有效成分提取及其抗紫外线真丝织物研制

7.Determination of Ellagic Acid in the Extract of Terminalia by HPLC高效液相色谱法测定诃子中鞣花酸的含量

8.He brings in Don Quixote, his mule, and gets the animal to lick the man"s head with its tongue.他将他的骡子唐?吉诃德牵进来,让它用舌头舔一舔那个人的头。

9.Extraction of Anti-endotoxin Components from Terminaliachebula Retz and Their Biology Activity Evaluation;诃子拮抗内毒素活性组分的分离制备及生物学活性评价

10.Broad-spectrum Herbal Fructus Chebulae Antibacterial Activity Analysis and the Effective Components of the Preliminary Separation Detection广谱抑菌中草药诃子的抑菌活性分析及有效组分的初步分离检测

11.Study of Processed Chebule" Fingerprint Research and Primary Pharmacodynamics诃子炮制品鞣质类成分指纹图谱及药效学比较研究


13.Scavenging Effects of Myrobalam Polyphenols on Oxygen Free Radical Scavenging Activity and Its Antioxidation in Vitro诃子多酚清除活性氧自由基及体外抗氧化作用研究

14."mokesa" is the abbreviation of "mokesachui",is the Bodhisattva;“摩诃萨”为“摩诃萨?省钡氖÷?即菩萨;

15.(cloth made from the)wool of thisanima骆马毛绒(的料子)

16.in a quixotic manner.以唐吉诃德式的方式。

17.the knight of the R - Countenance愁容骑士(指唐 吉诃德

18.an English version of Don Quixote【唐.吉诃德 】的英译本


T.chebula Rerz.var. tomantella Kurt绒毛诃子

3)Terminalia chebula Retz诃子

1.Study on antioxygenation of terminalia chebula retz in anthocyanin pigment;诃子对花色苷色素抗氧化作用的研究

2.Study on antioxidative effects of Terminalia Chebula Retz.on edible oil;诃子对食用油脂抗氧化作用的研究

3.Advances in Research on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Action ofTerminalia chebula Retz.;诃子化学成分及药理作用的研究进展


1.Study on antioxidative effects of the extracts of tea,myrobalan and some other plants;茶叶及诃子等植物提取物的抗氧化作用

2.The research results showed thatmyrobalan contained some substances having strong antioxidative activity,and the main components of these substances were ellagitannin,gallotannin and flavo.采用不同的溶剂分别对诃子进行了提取,用Rancimat法对提取物的抗氧化性能作了考查。

3.RESULTS Aspiration,Myrobalan could be differentiated qualitatively by TLC.方法采用高效液相色谱法对下消丸中的主要成分2,3,5,4’-四羟基-2-O-β-D葡萄糖苷进行定量分析;同时对制剂中其他主要药材远志、诃子进行薄层鉴别。

5)fructus chebulae诃子

1.Determination of Gallic Acid in ProcessedFructus Chebulaeby HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定生诃子及炒诃子中没食子酸含量

2.Analysis of tannins in varieties of Fructus Chebulae by RP-HPLC;诃子易混淆品中鞣质成分的RP-HPLC分析

3.Assay of Three Hydrolyzable Tannins in Fructus Chebulae from Different Habitats by RP-HPLC;不同来源诃子中3种可水解丹宁的定量分析

6)Terminaliachebula retz诃子

1.Extraction of anti-CPG ODN component fromTerminaliachebula retz and their activity evaluation;诃子抗CPG ODN组分的分离及活性评价

2.Extraction and activity evaluation of antiendotoxin components from Terminaliachebula Retz;诃子抗内毒素活性组分的分离及活性评价

3.Extraction of Anti-endotoxin Components from Terminaliachebula Retz and Their Biology Activity Evaluation;诃子拮抗内毒素活性组分的分离制备及生物学活性评价


毛诃子【通用名称】毛诃子【其他名称】毛诃子 毛诃子 拼音名:Maohezi 英文名:FRUCTUS TERMINALIAE BILLERICAE 书页号:2000年版一部-54 本品系藏族习用药材,为使君子科植物毗黎勒 Terminalia billerica (Gaertn.) Roxb. 的干燥成熟果实。冬季果实成熟时采收,除去杂质,晒干。 【性状】 本品呈卵形或椭圆形,长2 ~3. 8cm,直径1. 5~3cm。表面棕褐色, 被红棕色绒毛,较细密,具5 棱脊,棱脊间平滑或有不规则皱纹。质坚硬。果肉厚 2~ 5mm,暗棕色或浅绿黄色。果核淡棕黄色。种子 1,种皮棕黄色,种仁黄白色, 有油性。气微,味涩、苦。 【鉴别】 (1)本品粉末黄褐色。似维管的管状细胞,壁厚木化。非腺毛易见, 为2~3细胞,内含棕黄色物。草酸钙簇晶众多,直径17~54μm。石细胞类圆形、卵 圆形或长方形,孔沟明显,具层纹。内果皮纤维壁厚,木化,孔沟明显。外皮细胞 具网纹。可见油滴和螺纹导管。 (2)取本品粉末2g,加乙醚20ml,振摇提取10分钟,弃去乙醚,药渣挥干,加醋 酸乙酯20ml,加热回流1小时,放冷,滤过,滤液蒸干,残渣加甲醇2ml使溶解,作为 供试品溶液。另取没食子酸对照品,加甲醇制成每1ml含0.5mg的溶液,作为对照品溶 液。照薄层色谱法(附录Ⅵ B)试验,吸取上述两种溶液各5μl,分别点于同一以羧 甲基纤维素钠为黏合剂的硅胶G薄层板上,以甲苯(用水饱和)-甲酸乙酯-甲酸(5:4: 1)为展开剂,展开,取出,晾干,喷以三氯化铁试液。供试品色谱中,在与对照品色 谱相应的位置上,显相同颜色的斑点。 【性味】 甘、涩,平。 【功能与主治】 清热解毒,收敛养血,调和诸药。用于各种热症,泻痢,黄水 病,肝胆病,病后虚弱。 【用法与用量】 3 ~9g,多入丸散服。 【贮藏】 置干燥处,防蛀。

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