糖尿病康复 > 功能蛋白 functional protein英语短句 例句大全

功能蛋白 functional protein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-11 05:03:53


功能蛋白 functional protein英语短句 例句大全

功能蛋白,functional protein

1)functional protein功能蛋白

1.Extracting severalfunctional protein from pig plasma in sequence;猪血浆中多种功能蛋白的连续提取工艺

bination extracting mainfunctional proteins such as thrombin and immunoglobulin from pig plasma;猪血浆中凝血酶、免疫球蛋白等功能蛋白的联合提取

3.This report reviewed the mechanisms of NO and the influence of NO on expression offunctional proteins,such as aromatase,inhibin,LH-receptor,cyclooxy.本文探讨了NO的主要作用机制,NO通过环鸟苷酸(cGMP)途径,及多种非cGMP依赖途径来调节卵巢中功能蛋白,如芳香化酶、抑制素、LH受体、环氧化酶及叉头螺旋转移因子(FOXO蛋白)的基因转录、mRNA翻译和相关蛋白的生成,为NO在畜牧生产的实际应运提供理论依据。


1.Self-Assembly on Interface of Multipurpose Proteins Hydrophobin;多功能蛋白质真菌疏水蛋白的界面自组装

2.Study on the Interaction between Functional Protein of Rice Stripe Virus and Rice Protein水稻条纹病毒功能蛋白与水稻蛋白的互作研究

3.Study on the Interaction between Rice Stripe Virus Functional Proteins and Proteins of Oryza Sativa水稻条纹病毒功能蛋白与其自身编码蛋白及水稻蛋白间的互作

4.Development of Research on Formins Protein;Formins蛋白的结构及其功能

5.The Functional Characterization of Proteins KIAA1751 and XLF蛋白KIAA1751和XLF的功能研究

6.The function of the albumen cells is not known.白蛋白细胞的功能尚不清楚。

7.Functional Properties of Protein in Foods(Ⅱ)--Collagen and Plasma Protein食品中蛋白质的功能(五) 食品蛋白质的功能性质(二)——胶原蛋白和血浆蛋白

8.Protein Functionality in Food Systems(Ⅲ) Protein Functionality in Food Systems(Ⅰ)--Whey Protein and Casein Phosphopeptides食品中蛋白质的功能(三) 食品蛋白质的功能性质(一)——乳清蛋白与酪蛋白

9.Protein Functionality in Food Systems(Ⅵ) The Functional Properties of Protein in Food System(Ⅲ)--Soy Protein and Wheat Gluten Protein食品中蛋白质的功能(六) 食品中蛋白质的功能性质(三)——大豆蛋白和小麦蛋白

10.Study on the Function of Adapter Protein NRBP and a Novel Isoform of Caspase-10;接头蛋白NRBP及蛋白酶caspase-10新剪切体的功能研究

11.Metallothionein, Metallothionein Antibody and Cadmium Induced Renal Dysfunction;金属硫蛋白,金属硫蛋白抗体与镉致肾功能损伤

12.Functional Study of an Rice ArfGAP--OsAGAP;水稻小G蛋白Arf GTPase激活蛋白OsAGAP功能研究

13.The Preparation of Seed Storage Proteins of Chickpea and Its Protein Peptides" Functional Properties;鹰嘴豆蛋白的制备与其蛋白肽功能性质的研究

14.Screening for the Interacting Proteins of Activator Protein PemG1 from Magnaporthe Griesea and Their Functional Analysis;稻瘟菌激活蛋白PemG1的互作蛋白筛选及功能分析

15.Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of the Domain Ⅳ of the Laminin5 γ_2 Chain;层粘连蛋白-5γ_2链Ⅳ功能区基因克隆及蛋白表达

16.Impact of Casein Glycomacropeptide on Functional Properties of Whey Proteins酪蛋白巨肽影响乳清蛋白功能性质研究

17.Lactoferrin,a fascinating biological protein乳铁传递蛋白:功能卓越的乳生物活性蛋白(英文)

18.A protein interactive with phiC31: Functional analysis of human zinc finger protein 403一个phiC31相互作用的蛋白:人锌指蛋白403功能分析


Functional proteins功能蛋白

1.The advances of insect male accessory gland functional proteins;昆虫雄性附腺功能蛋白研究进展

3)protein function蛋白功能

4)protein function蛋白质功能

1.Research of Non-homology Computing Method of Protein Function Prediction蛋白质功能预测的非同源性计算方法研究

5)Bifunctional protein双功能蛋白

6)multifunctional protein多功能蛋白



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