糖尿病康复 > 缬草 Valeriana officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

缬草 Valeriana officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-07 04:05:57


缬草 Valeriana officinalis L英语短句 例句大全

缬草,Valeriana officinalis L

1)Valeriana officinalis L缬草

1.FromValeriana officinalis L.从缬草中分离得到4个单体化合物,分别鉴定为缬草烯酸(valerenic acid)、β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)、熊果酸(ursolic acid)、4,4′,8,8′-四羟基-3,3′-二甲氧基-二苯基双四氢呋喃(4,4′,8,8′-tetrahydroxy-3,3′-dimethoxyl-dibenzyl-ditetrahydrofuran),其中熊果酸和4,4′,8,8′-四羟基-3,3′,-二甲氧基-二苯基双四氢呋喃为首次从该植物中发现。

2.Objective: To study the effects on extracts of Valeriana Officinalis L.目的 :研究复方缬草 川芎提取物对心、脑组织微循环的影响。


1.The Total Valepotrlate Content of Valeriana officinalis L.var.latifolia Miq. Determined by the Two-Point Method两点法测定宽叶缬草中总缬草素的含量

2.Studies on Pharmacognosy of Valeriana L. and Intraspecific Variation of Valerian in China;中国缬草属植物的生药学及缬草的种内变异研究

3.Effect of Valeriana Officinalis Var Latifolia Miq on Heart Rat and Arterial Blood Pressure of Rabbite宽叶缬草对兔心率和动脉血压的影响

4.Studies on volatile constituents in Valeriana oil and its application in cigarettes flavoring缬草油挥发性成分及在卷烟中的应用

5.Two New Terpenoids from Valeriana officinalis缬草中的两个新的萜类化合物(英文)

6.Study on Yinqiaosan and the Constituents of Valeriana Officinala L.;银翘散物质基础和缬草化学成分的研究

7.Study on the Volatility Composition and Cultivation Technique of Valeriana Amurensis;黑水缬草挥发性成分及其栽培技术的理论研究

8.Effect of Valerian Extract on Ionic Channels of Rabbit Ventricular Myocytes;缬草提取物对兔心室肌细胞离子通道的影响

9.Study on the Drug Effect Substances and the Mechanism of Arrhythmic Effects of Valeriana Officinalis L.缬草抗心律失常的药效物质及作用机理研究

10.Study on the Anti-arrhythmia Effective Substances and Serum Pharmacochemistry of Valeriana Officinalis L.缬草抗心律失常活性成分及血清药物化学研究

11.Valepotriates reduce colorectal sensitivity and inhibit colonic motility in rats with noninflammatory colonic hypersensitivity缬草波春对大鼠非炎症性结肠致敏模型的影响

12.Extract technique of valerian m-phenoxy benzaldehyde from Valeriana jatamansi Jones. studied with orthogonal design正交设计研究蜘蛛香中缬草醚醛的提取工艺

13.Study on Antioxidant Activity of Extract from Valeriana offeinalis L.宽叶缬草醚酯提取物体外抗氧化活性研究

14.HPLC Fingerprint of the Antiarrhythmic Fraction of Valeriana officinalis缬草抗心律失常有效部位的HPLC指纹图谱研究

15.Stability of valeportriate in Valeriana jatamansi Jones. in different solvents蜘蛛香中缬草素在不同溶媒中的稳定性研究

16.Effect of the extracts of Valeriana officinalis L. on cardiac arrhythmias缬草各提取物抗实验性心律失常活性研究

17.The dried rhizomes of this plant, used medicinally as a sedative.缬草根这种植物干了的根状茎,可用来作为镇痛剂

18.Studies on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effect of Active Fraction for Anti-Alzheimer"s Disease in Valeriana Amurensis Smir .Ex Kom;黑水缬草抗老年痴呆有效部位化学成分和药理作用研究



1.Experimental study of anti-tumor effect of valerian iridoids;缬草环烯醚萜抗肿瘤作用的实验研究

2.An Experimental Study ofValerian Extract Combating Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury;缬草提取物抗心肌缺血再灌注损伤的实验研究

3)Valeriana officinalis缬草

1.The Development and Research Advances in Bio activity for the Medicinal PlantValeriana officinalis;药用植物缬草的生物活性研究进展与开发

2.Two New Terpenoids fromValeriana officinalis缬草中的两个新的萜类化合物(英文)

3.OBJECTIVE To study the β-cyclodextrin inclusion technology for volatile oil ofValeriana officinalis .目的:研究用β-环糊精(β- CD)包合缬草挥发油的工艺。


1.The analysis of plant zone of seed plant in main distributive district ofValeriana in the Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省缬草主要分布区种子植物区系分析

5)Valeriana pseudofficinalis缬草

1.Investigation on Distribution and Ethnomedicinal Application ofValeriana pseudofficinalis and V.jatamansi in China;缬草和蜘蛛香的资源分布及民族药用调查

2.Samples are treated by cineration in the muffle furnace and some metal elements are deter mined in the root ofValeriana pseudofficinalis by the flame atomic absorption spectromery.采用马弗炉干法灰化法消化样品 ,火焰原子吸收法连续测定天然香料植物缬草根中微量金属元素 ,检测出K ,Ca ,Na ,Mg ,Fe ,Zn ,Cu ,Co ,Ni,Mn ,Pb等 11种元素 ,其中Fe ,Zn ,Cu ,Co ,Mn ,Ni等 6种人体必需元素 ,加标回收率在 (96 。

6)valerianic acid缬草酸;缬草酸



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