糖尿病康复 > 胆木 Nauclea officinalis英语短句 例句大全

胆木 Nauclea officinalis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-02 12:18:51


胆木 Nauclea officinalis英语短句 例句大全

胆木,Nauclea officinalis

1)Nauclea officinalis胆木

1.Studies on the Separation and Purificaton of Pumiloside fromNauclea officinalis by Macroreticular Resin;大孔树脂法分离纯化胆木中短小蛇根草苷

2.A new indole alkaloid glycoside from stems ofNauclea officinalis;胆木茎中一个新的吲哚生物碱苷

3.Study on Anti-MRS Activity ofNauclea officinalis Leaves胆木叶抗MRS活性研究


1.Studies on Bio-Active Constituents of Nauclea Officinalis and Ervatamia. Yunnanensis;中药胆木和云南狗牙花活性成分研究

2.The Chemical Constituents and Their Bioactivities of Nauclea Officinalis Pierre Ex Pitard and Turpinia Arguta Seem;胆木和山香圆化学成分及其生物活性研究

3.Simultaneous Determination of the Contents of Costunolide and Dehydrocostuslactone in Xuedan Weichang Pill by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法同时测定雪胆胃肠丸中木香烃内酯和去氢木香内酯的含量

4.Simultaneous determination of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone in Lidanpaishi tablets by HPLCHPLC法同时测定利胆排石片中木香烃内酯和去氢木香内酯的含量

5.Gentianaceae; Apocyanaceae; Asclepiadaceae; Loganiaceae; Oleaceae; Salvadoraceae.龙胆科;夹竹桃科;马钱科;木犀科;刺茉莉科。

6.coextensive with the family Oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order Gentianales.与木犀科同延;在某些分类中,归为龙胆目中。

7.In vitro Absorption towards Bile Sodium and Heavy Metal with Chaenomeles sinensis (Thouin) Koehne Fruit Micro-powder木瓜微粉及其对胆酸钠和重金属吸附特性研究

8.widely distributed family of herbs and shrubs of the order Gentianales; most with milky juice.广泛分布的草本和灌木科属于龙胆目;大多数有乳汁。

9.Around the island tour on open wooden boat enable tourists to enjoy the natural beauty of Pulau Ketam.乘开放式木船环岛可让游客们享受吉胆岛的大自然景色。

10.Efficacy of black tree fungus for platelet aggregation in experimental hyperchelesterolemic rabbits黑木耳对实验性高胆固醇血症家兔的抗血小板聚集作用

11.The stopper can prevent airiness. Bravery has separator inside, prevent airiness.木塞能阻止空气流通。内胆有隔离层,阻止空气流通。

12.Study of the Chemical Regulation Mechanism of IBA and Choline Chloride on Cassava;吲哚丁酸和氯化胆碱对木薯化学调控机理的研究

13.The Effect of Four Pesticides on Paratrioza Sinsca Yang et Li and the Activity of Acetylcholinesterase;四种农药对枸杞木虱及其乙酰胆碱酯酶活性的影响

14.Between bravery layer vacuumize, lens face processing prevents infra-red radiate, the stopper is hot undesirable conductor. Outfit water does not want too full.胆层之间抽真空,镜面处理防红外辐射,木塞是热的不良导体。装水不要太满。

15.echinus:a sea urchin of the genus Echinus.海胆:一种海胆属的海胆.

16.A sea urchin of the genus Echinus.海胆一种海胆属的海胆

17.Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.松木是软木, 柚木是硬木.

18.Pine be a soft wood and teak be a hard wood松木是软木, 柚木是硬木


Hainan Naucleae officinalis海南胆木

1.Conclusion The fingerprint established can be used for quality control ofHainan Naucleae officinalis.目的采用高效液相色谱法建立海南胆木药材的指纹图谱,为海南胆木药材的生产提供质量控制方法。

3)nauclea officinalis leaves胆木叶

1.Analysis of primary nutritional and functional composition innauclea officinalis leaves胆木叶中主要营养与功能成分分析

4)Nauclea diderrichii狄氏黄胆木

1.Drying characters data contributive to drying technology research of Nauclea diderrichii was obtained through a series of tests with 100 ℃ drying test method.通过 1 0 0℃干燥试验法的试验 ,获得了狄氏黄胆木木材的基本干燥特性数据。

5)Lignum Naucleae injection胆木注射液

1.Study on particial toxicology ofLignum Naucleae injection;胆木注射液的部分毒理观察

6)danmu extract tablets胆木浸膏片


胆木【通用名称】胆木【其他名称】胆木 (广州部队《常用中草药手册》) 【异名】山熊胆、熊胆树、乌檀(广州部队《常用中草药手册》)。 【来源】为茜草科植物胆木的枝、树皮。 【植物形态】胆木 乔木,高可达5米以上。树皮外面灰黄色,内皮与木质部剥后由浅黄色逐渐变为棕黄色,味极苦;枝条有白色皮孔。叶对生,长圆形,近革质,长8~l4厘米,宽4~7厘米。先端急尖,基部楔形.全缘,侧脉8对,两面都明显,叶柄长2~3厘米;托叶大,卵圆形,早落。花白色,密集成一顶生的圆头状花序,有叶状苞片;萼管连成肉质体,花5数;子房下位。果肉质,球形。种子无翅。花期8~9月。 生于高山近顶或半腰荫蔽潮湿地带。分布我国南部。 【采集】全年可采。洗净切片,晒干。 【化学成分】茎含黄酮甙、酚类。 【性味】广州部队《常用中草药手册》:"苦,寒。" 【功用主治】广州部队《常用中草药手册》:"清热解毒,消肿止痛。治急性扁桃体炎,咽喉炎,乳腺炎,肠炎,菌痢,尿路感染,胆囊炎,下肢溃疡,脚癣感染,疖肿脓疡,皮炎湿疹。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,0.5~1两。外用:煎水洗。 【临床应用】①治疗钩端螺旋体病 将胆木制成注射液(每毫升含胆木乙醇提取物3克),每8小时肌注1次,每次2~8毫升,用至体温下降后2~3天。有出血倾向者加用紫珠草(干品)1两,水煎3次分服。观察10例,体温在4~56小时内开始下降,体温恢复正常时间平均为4.3天,主要症状及体征大部分于用药后1~7天内消失。治程中无明显的副作用,仅部分有轻度腹泻,个别用药后出现高热、畏寒、出汗,类似青霉素的治疗反应。 ②治疗多种炎症 每天肌注胆木注射液1毫升(相当于生药1克),或辅以其他对症治疗。治疗急性扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、上呼吸道感染、支气管炎、肺炎、结膜炎、麦粒肿、牙周脓肿、水痘合并感染、中耳炎、烧伤感染、泌尿系统感染以及手术后预防感染等数百例,大多在2~3天内见效。注射时除局部疼痛外,尚未发现其他不良反应。

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