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蛋白结合率 protein binding rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-15 02:40:13


蛋白结合率 protein binding rate英语短句 例句大全

蛋白结合率,protein binding rate

1)protein binding rate蛋白结合率

1.Determination of human plasmaprotein binding rate of nitidine chloride;氯化两面针碱人血浆蛋白结合率的测定

2.Study on rat plasmaprotein binding rate of nitidine chloride氯化两面针碱与大鼠血浆蛋白结合率的测定

3.Objective To study theprotein binding rate of glaucocalyxin A in plasma of rat.方法采用大鼠血浆平衡透析法,HPLC法测定透析袋两侧溶液中蓝萼甲素的质量浓度,计算蓝萼甲素的血浆蛋白结合率。


1.Plasma protein binding ratio of ORC was found to be 10 5% at the concentration range of 50~200 μg·ml -1 . CONCLUSION: ORC is well absorbed when given orally and rapidly eliminated via the urine.蛋白结合率低,平均结合率为10?5%。

2.Predicting Drug-plasma Protein Binding from Molecular Structure Information;从分子结构信息预测药物的血浆蛋白结合率

3.OBJECTIVE To study the plasma protein binding rate of harmine hydrochloride.目的:测定盐酸去氢骆驼蓬碱的血浆蛋白结合率。

4.Plasma protein binding rate of deferiprone in rats去铁酮大鼠血浆蛋白结合率的实验研究

5.Determination of Plasma Protein Binding Rate of Tetramethylpyrazine Phosphate in Vitro by Using Microdialysis Method微透析法研究磷酸川芎嗪体外血浆蛋白结合率

6.Study on rat plasma protein binding rate of nitidine chloride氯化两面针碱与大鼠血浆蛋白结合率的测定

7.Determination of Protein Binding Rates of Verbenalin in Different Plasmas by HPLC马鞭草苷在不同血浆中蛋白结合率的HPLC测定

8.Qantitative Structure Pharmacokinetic Relationship of Antimicrobial Agents Using Neural Network;基于神经网络的抗菌药物血浆蛋白结合率的定量构动关系研究

9.Pharmacokinetics and plasma protein binding of rutin deca (H-) sulfate sodium十取代芦丁硫酸钠药动学和血浆蛋白结合率研究(英文)

10.Assay of in Vitro Plasma Protein Binding Rate of Mangiferin in Rats芒果苷与大鼠体外血浆蛋白结合率的测定方法研究

11.Determination of Disopyramide and Its Binding Rate with Plasma Protein Studied by Capillary Electrophoresis with Electrochemiluminescence Detection毛细管电泳电化学发光用于丙吡胺及其与血浆蛋白结合率的测定

12.single-stranded DNA binding protei单链DNA结合蛋白

13.dna binding proteindna 结合蛋白质

14.Determination of binding rate of scutellarin to human plasma protein by HPLC method用HPLC法测定人血浆中野黄芩苷的蛋白质结合率

15.thyroxine-binding prealbumi甲状腺素结合前白蛋白

16.Conjugates of protein and lipid occur as lipoproteins.蛋白质和脂肪结合产生脂蛋白。

17.Identification of U5-116 Protein as Specific Interaction Protein of p100 Proteinp100蛋白与U5-116蛋白的相互结合作用

18.cell-bound immunoglobulin细胞结合免疫球蛋白


Protein-binding rate蛋白结合率

1.The protein-binding rates were 84.采用平衡透析法结合反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)测定鸡血浆中喹胺醇的蛋白结合率。

3)plasma protein binding rate血浆蛋白结合率

1.Study onplasma protein binding rate of diosmin;香叶木苷的血浆蛋白结合率研究

2.Determination in vitro of ratplasma protein binding rate of sinomenine by using microdialysis method;微透析法测定青藤碱大鼠体外血浆蛋白结合率

3.Determination ofplasma protein binding rate of harmine hydrochloride;盐酸去氢骆驼蓬碱血浆蛋白结合率的测定

4)Binding rate of serum protein血清蛋白结合率

5)plasma protein binding血浆蛋白结合率

6)drug–protein binding药物蛋白结合率



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