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结合蛋白 binding protein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-30 02:23:55


结合蛋白 binding protein英语短句 例句大全

结合蛋白,binding protein

1)binding protein结合蛋白

1.Cloning and prokaryotic expression ofbinding protein 4 spliced variant HBeBP4A of hepatitis B virus e antigen;乙型肝炎病毒e抗原结合蛋白4基因剪切体HBeBP4A的克隆与原核表达

2.Screening of Binding Proteins of Recombinant Interferon β from Hepatocyte cDNA Library by Phage Display Technique;噬菌体展示技术筛选重组干扰素-β蛋白结合蛋白

3.Cloning and sequence analysis of Bos taurus hepatitis C virus core-binding protein 6 (HCBP6) homologue gene;牛丙型肝炎病毒核心蛋白结合蛋白6同源基因的克隆化研究


1.single-stranded DNA binding protei单链DNA结合蛋白

2.dna binding proteindna结合蛋白质

3.Glycoprotein A conjugated protein formed by the combination of a protein with carbohydrate side chains.糖蛋白:是将蛋白与糖基侧链结合形成的一种结合蛋白。

4.Identification and Functional Characterization of Telomere Associated Centrosomal Protein 1(TACP1);一个与端粒结合蛋白TRF1相互作用的新蛋白

5.Screening of the Proteins Interacting with Porcine Calsarcin-2 by Yeast Two-Hybrid Techniques应用酵母双杂交技术筛选猪Calsarcin-2蛋白结合蛋白

6.Electrophoretic analysis of protein and CaBP in cattle bile牛胆汁中蛋白质种类及钙结合蛋白的电泳分析

7.Proteomic Analysis of a Candidate Tumor Suppressor Protein 14-3-3σ Associated Protein in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma食管鳞癌中候选抑癌蛋白14-3-3σ结合蛋白的蛋白质组研究

8.Crystallization of neural RNA binding protein Musashi1 RRM1神经系统RNA结合蛋白Musashi1 RRM1的初步结晶

9.Proteomics Research of Secretory Protein Biomarkers in Serum of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Identification of Plasma Proteins Bound to Albumin;食管癌血清分泌蛋白的蛋白质组学研究及血清白蛋白结合蛋白的鉴定

10.a conjugated protein having a carbohydrate component.含有碳水化合物的结合蛋白质。

11.thyroxine-binding prealbumi甲状腺素结合前白蛋白

12.Conjugates of protein and lipid occur as lipoproteins.蛋白质和脂肪结合产生脂蛋白。

13.Identification of U5-116 Protein as Specific Interaction Protein of p100 Proteinp100蛋白与U5-116蛋白的相互结合作用

14.cell-bound immunoglobulin细胞结合免疫球蛋白

15.testosterone-estradiol binding globulin睾酮-雌二醇结合球蛋白

petitive protein-binding technique竞争性蛋白质结合技术

17.thyroxine-binding globulin甲状腺素结合球蛋白

18.abnormality of cortisol-binding globulin皮质醇结合球蛋白异常


Binding proteins结合蛋白

1.It is concentrated on the three dimensional structure of human IGF1, and the combining regions between IGF1 and relative receptors and binding proteins.集中介绍了IGF1的三维结构、IGF1与相关受体和结合蛋白的结合区以及二硫键在蛋白质折叠中的重要作用。


1.Great effort has been made in detecting ABA perception sites, identifying the specificallybinding-protein(s) and cloning the receptor gene(s).有关ABA受体的研究已经在检测受体位置、纯化ABA特异性的结合蛋白和克隆ABA受体基因方面做出了许多重要的工作。

4)protein binding蛋白结合

1.High-performance capillary electrophoresis /frontal analysis and its Application to theprotein binding study of chiral drugs;高效毛细管电泳/前沿分析及其在手性药性药物-蛋白结合研究中的应用

2.Pharmacokinetics and plasmaprotein binding of rutin deca (H-) sulfate sodium十取代芦丁硫酸钠药动学和血浆蛋白结合率研究(英文)

3.The purpose was to provide simple, robust, easy to implement and feasible approaches for drug-protein binding study in new drug design and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM).其目的是为新药研究和治疗药物监测中研究药物-蛋白结合作用提供简单、耐用、易操作和可行的方法。

5)DNA-binding proteinDNA结合蛋白

1.The research progress in application of bioinformatical method in distinguishing theDNA-binding protein from the other proteins and predicting the binding sites between DNA and protein was reviewed.综述生物信息学方法在判断DNA结合蛋白质和预测结合位点中的应用研究进展。

2.The AT-hook motif exists widely inDNA-binding proteins in different species.AT-hook是一类新的DNA结合蛋白基序,与其他功能已知的DNA结合基序不同,AT-hook基序具有以精氨酸-甘氨酸-精氨酸-脯氨酸(RGRP)四个残基为中心的特征结构。

6)DNA binding proteinDNA结合蛋白

1.Improved technique for demonstration of in situDNA binding protein;原位DNA结合蛋白显示技术的改进

2.Aim: To study the localization ofDNA binding proteins bound to p16 gene pomoter induced by 8 Br cAMP and quercetin.目的 :探讨 8 Br cAMP和槲皮素 (quercetin)诱导的Eca 10 9细胞p16基因启动子特异性结合的序列特异性DNA结合蛋白 (DBP)的定位。

3.Aim: To study the interaction between p16 gene promoter and itsDNA binding protein (DBP) to regulate p16 mRNA expression in human esophageal cancer Eca 109 cells induced by 8 Br cAMP and quercetin.目的 :应用Southwestern技术研究 8 Br cAMP和槲皮素 (quercetin)对Eca 10 9细胞DNA结合蛋白与p16基因启动子区的结合调控mRNA表达的影响。


DNA结合蛋白分子式:CAS号:性质:又称螺旋失稳蛋白,DNA解链蛋白,单链DNA结合蛋白。它是解链酶(unwinding enzyme)类中的一种类型,发现于原核生物的大肠杆菌细胞内,由相同亚基组成的四聚体,分子量8×104,与单键DNA亲和力极大,与双链DNA结合力较差。因此,当DNA发生暂时性熔化时,它与DNA单链区结合而促使反应偏向单链的形成,使DNA在大大低于Tm(解链温度)的温度下发生双链的分离,双螺旋则在复制叉的前方分开,并在复制叉处稳定单链结构,阻止再形成双螺旋。DBP与单链DNA的结合还显示出如下协同效应,即第二个DBP分子的结合能力比第一个要大103倍之多,这一结合可以影响某些其他蛋白质或酶与该单链DNA结合和识别作用。如DNA-DBP复合物能保护DNA免受核酸酶水解;也可抑制RNA聚合酶的作用,从而防止复制和转录同时在一段DNA上发生。虽然在真核细胞中也可分离到DBP,但所得的DBP和单链的DNA结合时无协同效应,与双链的DNA则具有一定的结合力,并且又不能促使变性DNA复制。真核生物的DBP的作用方式是,DBP先与双链DNA结合,并使之熔化。

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