糖尿病康复 > 肾功能损害 renal dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

肾功能损害 renal dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-03 03:42:13


肾功能损害 renal dysfunction英语短句 例句大全

肾功能损害,renal dysfunction

1)renal dysfunction肾功能损害

1.An analysis of ocurrence and prognosis related factors ofrenal dysfunction in patients with multiple myeloma.;多发性骨髓瘤肾功能损害及预后相关因素研究

2.Relationship between metabolic syndrome and early-stagerenal dysfunction;代谢综合征与早期肾功能损害的关系

3.Relationship between angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism and severe preeclampsia and preeclampsia complicatingrenal dysfunction;血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与重度子痫前期及肾功能损害的关系


1.A Clinical Analysis of 54 Cases of Renal Damage Due to Malignant Hypertension;恶性高血压肾功能损害54例临床分析

2.Analysis of Drug-induced Renal Injury in Inpatients in Our Hospital我院住院患者药源性肾功能损害分析

3.The Renal Function Evaluation of Hydronephrotic Kidneys in Children with Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction (UPJO) and It"s Clinical Significance;小儿肾积水肾功能损害程度的检测及临床意义

4.Clinical Study of Renal Dysfunction Caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia(BPH);良性前列腺增生症引起肾功能损害临床研究

5.Clinical Research on Acute Renal Damage Within Cerebral Haemorrhage Patients;脑出血伴发急性肾功能损害的临床研究

6.The Evalution of Serum Cystatin C in the Diagnosing Renal Function Impairment;血清Cystatin C对诊断肾功能损害的应用评价

7.Related factor analysis of renal disfunction in 58 cases following liver transplantation肝移植后肾功能损害58例相关因素分析

8.The Clinical Study on Early Injury of Kidney in Senile Acute Ischemic Stroke Patiens老年急性脑梗死早期肾功能损害临床探讨

9.Analysis to anion gap of renal function damage in 68 asphyxial neonates新生儿窒息后肾功能损害阴离子间隙68例分析

10.Analysis of 18 diabetic ketoacidosis with renal function impairment糖尿病酮症酸中毒合并肾功能损害18例分析


12.When the glomerular/glou'merjulo/ destruction is extensive, serious impairment of renal/'ri:nl/ function results.如肾小球的破坏范围广泛,就会引起严重的肾功能损害.

13.Serum Cystatin C as a Marker for Detection of Early Renal Disfunction in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease;血清胱抑素C评价慢性肾脏病患者早期肾功能损害的临床研究

14.The major clinical manifestation are proteinuria, hypertension, oedema to varying degrees.主要临床表现是持续性蛋白尿、血压、同程度的水肿和肾功能损害。

15.Mild Renal Dysfunction and Its Association with Cardiovascular Remodeling in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome;代谢综合征早期肾功能损害的特点及与心血管重构的关系

16.The Effect of Endothelin Receptor Antagonist PD142893 on Renal Function Impairment of Rats with Obstructive Jaundice;内皮素受体拮抗剂PD142893对梗阻性黄疸大鼠并发肾功能损害的影响

17.Serum Cystatin C as a Marker to Detect Chemotherapy-induced Early Renal Disfunction in Patients with Malignant Tumors;血清胱抑素C用于恶性肿瘤患者化疗后早期肾功能损害的监测

18.Conclusion Short time pneumoperitoneum does not disturb renal function结论短时间的高压气腹不足以损害肾功能。


renal damage肾功能损害

1.Objective To study the influence of inflammatory mediators onrenal damage in patients with essential hypertension(EH).目的探讨炎症介质在高血压肾功能损害中的作用。

2.Objective:To study the factors relative torenal damage in patients with cerebral haemorrhage.目的 :探讨脑出血患者肾功能损害的相关因素。

3.AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the combination of irbesartan and enalapril in treatingrenal damage in hypertensive patients.目的:评价伊贝沙坦合用依那普利对原发性高血压患者早期肾功能损害的有效性和安全性。

3)Renal impairment肾功能损害

1.To study the changes of renal function in cirrhotic patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in hospi- tal and investigate the relationship between these changes and the patients prognosis, The changes of renal function and the relationship between renal impairment (RI) clinic course and mortality in 162 cirrhotic patients with SBP were ana- lyzed.观察162例院内感染SBP患者肾功能的变化,分析肾功能损害(RI)的演变过程与死亡率的关系。

4)Chronic kidney injury慢性肾功能损害

5)renal tubulounterstitial function injure肾小管功能损害

6)early renal disfunction早期肾功能损害

1.Objective: To evaluate the applicability of serum cystatin C as a endogenous marker for detection ofearly renal disfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease.目的 探讨血清胱抑素C(Cystatin C)在评价慢性肾脏病患者早期肾功能损害中的临床价值。


肾功能肾功能renal function肾的功能大致可归纳两项,即泌尿及分泌一些生物活性物质。①肾的泌尿功能,肾从尿中排出大量代谢终产物,如尿素、尿酸、肌酐等含氮物质,硫酸盐与其他含硫物质以及无机磷酸盐等,使这些物质不致在血液中大量堆积。肾在排尿过程中,通过对水分、钠、钾等离子以及酸碱物质排出量的调整,维持细胞外液内水分、渗透压、pH和各种离子浓度等在一定水平上的波动。所以肾的泌尿功能对于保持机体内环境理化性质相对恒定,亦即对于保证生命活动正常进行,有极为重要的意义。②分泌生物活性物质,主要有肾素、红细胞生成酶、维生素D3和前列腺素。肾素对于调节醛固酮的分泌、调节小血管口径、调节血量以及血液中Na+、K+浓度等,都很重要。红细胞生成素的作用是刺激骨髓加速红细胞的生成。维生素D3转为有活性后,其作用主要是调节Ca2+代谢。肾分泌的前列腺素主要是前列腺素A,是一种强有力的舒血管物质。

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